Negative Or Positive Impact Of Research Proposal

(2009), was selected. These questionnaires would solicit information regarding fertility treatments the couple sought, what kinds of treatment, if the treatment was successful, and the relative health of the participants' marriage. The longitudinal nature of this study would examine the relative long-term impact of infertility upon marriage, and use a cross-comparison of different subgroups. The main groupings would be individuals in what would be called 'happy' or 'healthy' marriages. For the purposes of this study, happiness would be defined as marriages in which the participants answered similarly for their single responses for the questionnaire, had not sought counseling for their marriage, had not contemplated divorce or separation, and expressed realistic attitudes about the prospect of having a child and its role in making their marriage more or less stable. These are to measure marital satisfaction and stability.

Those in unstable or unhealthy marriages characterized by proposed separation, discord, and an unhealthy attitude towards children and a child's ability to heal their marriage would be segmented into another group. The health of these different groupings of marriages would then be tracked. It would be proposed that healthy, happy marriages that resolved their infertility successfully would be slightly higher on the 'happiness' index of indicators over the years than those who had not resolved their infertility problem. However, it would also be proposed that individuals who were in unhappy marriages would be significantly less stable than this first group, regardless of how their fertility concerns were resolved.

There are some obvious problems regarding the subjective nature of happiness in marriage. However, any assessment of anxiety or strain is subjective from the point-of-view of a researcher, and the couple's own assessment is perhaps the most valuable, especially if their rating of happiness is not based upon statements such as 'I am happy' but...


While a longitudinal, large study makes interviewing subjects difficult, it also allows for greater demographic and racial diversity, including couples who might not be able to afford to seek fertility treatment, a group that has not been studied in the existing literature to any great degree. It also allows for the possibility of couples dropping out of the study, and yet takes into consideration the fact that marital health and the impact of fertility cannot be measured by a single 'point' in time on a couple's history together.

Sources Used in Documents:


Benasutti, R.D. (2003). Infertility: Experiences and Meanings. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy: Innovations in Clinical and Educational Interventions, 2 (4), 51-72. Retrieved July 15, 2009, from <>

Chou, K.L, & I. Chi. (2004, May). Childlessness and psychological well-being in Chinese older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19 (5), 449-457.

H. Holter, L. Anderheim, C. Bergh, et al. (2006). First IVF treatment-short-term impact on psychological well- being and the marital relationship, Human Reproduction, 21 (12),


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"Negative Or Positive Impact Of" (2009, August 01) Retrieved April 24, 2024, from

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