Npg The First Component Of The Plan Essay


NPG The first component of the plan for NPG is to state the case surrounding the issue. Most legislators are probably unaware that runaway population growth is the single greatest problem facing the United States. These legislators probably believe that economic growth is beneficial and that this is a nation of immigrants. The case needs to be put to them that the planet is far past its optimal population and that the process of reducing the human population needs to begin immediately in order to preserve resources and quality of life. What worked for the U.S. For its first couple of centuries is no longer a valid approach to running the country. There is significant work that will need to be done to change the fundamental attitudes that are guiding this country into an overpopulated abyss.

Once the legislators are aware that this is a serious issue, the second component of the plan is to begin putting forth...


The arguments will begin with lobbying efforts to raise the emotional stakes of the issue. Legislators are going to be more receptive to the facts and policy proposals supported by NPG if they are passionate about the issue of runaway population growth in general. One of the main objectives of this part of the plan is to highlight the differences between our dialogue and the race-baiting dialogue of other prominent anti-immigration groups.
The third step in the process is to increase public awareness of this issue at the grassroots level. Those who support the immigration policies and improved social services that encourage overpopulation have substantial support at the grassroots level, and this public support is apparent to many populations. The new members of Congress need to be aware that there is a groundswell of support for our position as well. Thus, we need to ensure…

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The third step in the process is to increase public awareness of this issue at the grassroots level. Those who support the immigration policies and improved social services that encourage overpopulation have substantial support at the grassroots level, and this public support is apparent to many populations. The new members of Congress need to be aware that there is a groundswell of support for our position as well. Thus, we need to ensure that members in the districts of these new Congressmen and women are vocal in their support of NPG and in wanting to voice their opinions about this issue. If these Congressmen believe that this is an issue their constituents are concerned about, they will be more willing to take a stand.

The fourth step is to provide our new Congressmen and women with an action plan. They need to know which types of legislative initiatives support the objectives of negative population growth. Funding cuts that increase the infant mortality rate positive for humanity as a whole, and policies that send immigrants back to starve in their homelands will serve both the needs of the United States and the world in general. Congresspeople are in a position to create the laws that encourage and discourage human behavior. It is critical to the NPG cause that our elected representatives understand what these laws look like. They are laws that shape birth rates and migration patterns. Some laws that are currently proposed or on the books can be used as guidelines for other policies that will support the NPG cause.

The fifth step is the feedback and analysis stage. This part of the process examines the work that our advocates have done to date with the new Congresspeople and the effect that they have. The strategies that have worked can be bolstered and those that have not can be set aside. New ideas can be proposed and experimented with. Ultimately, if we have measures of success we will be able to identify where our successes lie and where our failures lie. This will allow us to develop stronger Congressional communications programs both today and in the future as well. This is essential because after this batch of Congresspeople, we will have another batch to indoctrinate in 2012.

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"Npg The First Component Of The Plan" (2011, March 19) Retrieved May 4, 2024, from

"Npg The First Component Of The Plan" 19 March 2011. Web.4 May. 2024. <>

"Npg The First Component Of The Plan", 19 March 2011, Accessed.4 May. 2024,

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