Ohio State Few Occupational Fields Application Essay


I have worked hard in college; my work ethic as well as my flexibility and adaptability will be important in graduate school and in the profession. In many ways, the world is changing rapidly. One of the appealing aspects of a career in hospitality management is client need, which will always be with us. People will continue to seek fine dining experiences, stay in hotels, take vacations, and attend events for work or pleasure. I know that I cannot be outsourced or replaced by a computer or robot. Particularly in today's economy, job security is important. An education is an expensive investment and I can be certain that there will always be meaningful work for me to do.

Ohio State greatly appeals to me for several reasons. Perhaps the most...


It is located in a city and it is also a city unto itself. I look forward to the opportunity to meet many people and take an active part in campus organizations. I really appreciate the fact that I will have so much to choose from and so many ways in which I can become involved. Hospitality management requires excellent interpersonal skills and I believe I can continue to develop these in a program based on such a large and diverse campus. I believe the program's focus, the balance of business and human services, fits well with both my personality and my goals. I appreciate the fact that there are two levels of internships and believe that these, along with classroom work, will prepare me well for future employment in the field.

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