Peer Advising Term Paper

¶ … Peer Advisement Program? I was attracted to the Peer Advisement Program because of the potential it has to assist students in learning to problem solve. One of the most important steps to becoming a responsible productive adult is the ability to examine options in any given situation and choose the one that will work the best at that time. I was attracted to the Peer Advisement Program because of the program's methods of helping students find their solutions, instead of telling them what to do.

I believe that is the ultimate service to those in need. As the saying goes, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for life. I believe that the program teaches students to fish and I was attracted to that approach from the very beginning. I am a believer in problem solving skills and I believe that every person can improve their ability to problem solve when it comes to situations in their life.

What is it you that you hope to gain from being a Peer Adviser?

I hope to gain several things as a Peer Adviser. One of the things I hope to learn from the program is better communication skills. I have learned through other classes and experiences that one of the most important...


I want to be able to fine tune my ability to listen to a student, and from their dialogue extract the main points and ask the student if I have heard them correctly.
The second thing I believe being a member of the Peer Advisement Program will provide for me is experience for my future resume. I know it is important to experience volunteer services especially in the field of assisting others. I plan to spend my life in some sort of service position that assists others, and this will give me the springboard to move into other programs when I leave school.

The third thing I believe I will gain form the program is the improved ability to problem solve for myself. I believe that everyone can learn from everyone. Each person has positive things to contribute to society. I think being a peer advisor and the process of assisting students in choosing solutions will broaden my personal ability make wise and productive choices in my life and my future.

If you were given the opportunity to change anything about Queens College, what would it be and why?

If I were given the opportunity to change one thing about Queens College it would be to expand the Peer Advisement…

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"Peer Advising" (2003, October 02) Retrieved May 3, 2024, from

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