Personality Theory Research Paper

Object Relations Personality Theory

Describe the most important points in object relations theory that differentiate it from Classical (freudian) Psychoanalysis.

Object relations theory is a more recent development of psychoanalysis that attempts to explain the mechanisms that work to shape the id, ego, and super ego. Many of Freud's theories have stood the test of time in some circles in psychology; however the theories lack a physical component that can explain the mind and body interaction. The object relations theory seems to target some of the vagueness in the way the mind forms its psyche during development.

The theory proposes that during early development, the mind forms "objects" that develop in a response to the environment in infancy. These objects form in the subconscious that follows a person throughout adulthood. The object is the thing that the subject is related to through experience. For example, I love my children. My children would be the object and love would be the relation. Relations can create what are thought of as internal objects; or the mind's internal memories, both conscious and subconscious, of the relationship.

Many of the...


The drive for hunger is focused on food as an object. The drive for sex uses the sexual organs as objects. However, the relationship between objects and the relationships that the individual has toward them is argued to be shaped by the initial object relationship that an infant forms with its mother. This relationship can serve as the basis for all future relationships between subjects and objects as part of the individual's subconscious.
2. Describe Winnicotts theory of the "good-enough mother" and how she facilitates the separation and individuation of the child.

The good-enough mother theory starts with the child feeling the sense of omnipotence as all their needs are being met continuously. However the child must learn a sense of independence as their relationship with their mother continues to develop. The child is first the center of the universe, and then must slowly learn that they are an independent individual. The key according to Winnicotts is that the mother should create her independence slowly so that the child is loosened and not "dropped." The child is allowed to keep a sense of control that evolves over…

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"Personality Theory" (2015, March 04) Retrieved April 25, 2024, from

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