Physical Life Science Genes Are Term Paper


During the gene decoding process the double stranded DNA splits up to reveal a single strand from which the base sequence of the gene is copied onto a single stranded nucleic acid known as the messenger ribonucleic acid or mRNA. This implies that we have an exact copy of the gene base in the mRNA except that Urasil (U) replaces the T. base and deoxyribose is replaced by ribose. Translation on the other hand is the actual process of protein synthesis from the mRNA strands. Ribosomes work with the mRNA for protein synthesis within the cells. [the State University of New York] 4) Mutation, Gene Migration, Genetic Drift, Non-random Mating and Natural Selection are the five processes that can affect the frequency of genes in a population. [CMGS]

5) Kindom Protista is considered to be the ancestor of all eukaryotic kingdoms and includes algae, plant like, animal like and fungus like species. [the Bio-Web Group]

6) Every gene has its own unique base sequence. Knowing the base sequence of a gene enables the biologist to identify any genetic defect easily and also to helps him to extract a...


The base sequence also gives us an idea about the protein sequence for the respective genes.

Cherie Dimaline, "Inheriting Sickness When Finding Your Roots is a Matter of Life or Death" Accessed on 15th December 2004,

Dr. Joseph F. Smith, "Genetic Counseling," Accessed on 15th December 2004,

IBAC, "The Basics of Life," Accessed on 15th December 2004,

CMGS, "Disturbance of Gene Frequencies in a Population," Accessed on 15th December 2004

The Bio-Web Group, "Protists: The Ancestors of all Eukaryotic Kingdoms," Accessed on 15th December 2004,

The State University of New York, "Properties of Life' Shared by Human Organism," Accessed on 15th December 2004,

Sources Used in Documents:


Cherie Dimaline, "Inheriting Sickness When Finding Your Roots is a Matter of Life or Death" Accessed on 15th December 2004,

Dr. Joseph F. Smith, "Genetic Counseling," Accessed on 15th December 2004,

IBAC, "The Basics of Life," Accessed on 15th December 2004,

CMGS, "Disturbance of Gene Frequencies in a Population," Accessed on 15th December 2004
The Bio-Web Group, "Protists: The Ancestors of all Eukaryotic Kingdoms," Accessed on 15th December 2004,
The State University of New York, "Properties of Life' Shared by Human Organism," Accessed on 15th December 2004,

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"Physical Life Science Genes Are" (2004, December 16) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Physical Life Science Genes Are" 16 December 2004. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"Physical Life Science Genes Are", 16 December 2004, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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