Public Administration Of Public Institutions Research Paper


This also fits into the classic organization theory by once again referring to a group of expert people doing one job to the best of their ability. Question 12

Three levels of ethics (of the four) noted in the text include: professional ethics, organizational ethics, and social ethics. Explain each of these forms of ethics. Use examples as needed, to clarify your responses.

Professional ethics consists of the rules of what professionals should and should not do. Being a professional often comes with authority and power. A client often places trust in a professional on the basis that the service provided will be of benefit to them. It would be quite easy for a professional to use his authority to exploit a person. A good example would be that of a dentist performing unneeded dental work on his patients in order to make more money. It is unlikely that the patient would know that the work was unnecessary.

Organizational Ethics is the ethics of...


Organizational ethics represent the values of an organization to its employees and other entities. There are four basic elements which exist in organizations that make them ethical. These four elements include: a written code of ethics and standards, ethics training for all employees, availability for advice on ethical situations, and a confidential reporting process.
Social ethics has to do with what society as a whole believes in right and wrong. The members of any society need rules as to what they should do and what they shouldn't do. Every social act has been put to the test in order to see if it falls within what is acceptable or not. It is very important to know what society's ethics are so that one can stay out of trouble. Often those things that are socially unacceptable are presented in the form of a law so that society has a way of controlling the rights and wrongs.

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