Rebuilding The Alliance To Rebuild Globalization, By Term Paper

¶ … Rebuilding the Alliance to Rebuild Globalization, by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge, Section 4,-Page 6, Column 1, 4/13, 2003. This article argues that the concept of globalization as an unstoppable and inevitable (and generally good) force in 21st-century society must be questioned as recent rifts in the Western alliance have grown more serious.

This article makes the important point that there are long-standing structural constraints to the process of globalization. Empires have been built before but they have always crumbled because the forces of localization tend to overcome at some point the forces of consolidation. Centrifugal force applies not only in the world of physics but also of human society.

World Forum, Back at Davos, Faces Tough Economic Skiing," by Alan Cowell, Section A, Page 3, Column 1, Jan. 23, 2003.

Summary: This article examines an annual meeting of business leaders at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland and their having to come to terms with a slowing worldwide economy.

Analysis: One of the major reasons that globalization has been supported by many who have philosophical problems with the concept is that is has promised greater wealth at most if not all levels of society. However, the world's economic state over the last two years suggest that the promises of economic growth and stability that many supporters of globalization have made are illusory.

Article Three

Brazil May Not Stay Upright on a Shaky Global Stage." Edmund, Section 1, Page 8, Column 3, Oct. 6, 2002.

Summary: An analysis of the field of candidates for the elections in Brazil demonstrates that although the candidates differ on many issues, a slowing...


Candidates for president - especially those on the left but even those on the right - suggest that the real problem may be American attempts to globalize all of the New World.
Article Four

Lagos Journal; Globalization of Beauty Makes Slimness Trendy" by Norimitsu Onishi, Section A, Page 4, Column 3, Oct. 3, 2002.

Summary: This article looks not at the economic aspects of globalization (the most common take) or even on the political ones but rather on the cultural ones - including how Western standards of beauty are affecting Africans.

Analysis: Although the pros and cons of globalization tend to be discussed primarily in economic and secondarily in political terms, the effects of increased trade and decreased economic barriers also has a significant impact on a range of other aspects of culture, including standards of female beauty - which is only seemingly a long way from NAFTA and the WTO.

Article Five

Globalization, Alive and Well." Thomas L. Friedman, Section 4,-Page 13, Column 1, Sept. 22, 2002.

Summary: This article argues that the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 have been a great boon to globalization and have to some extent silenced those who have been trumpeting its dangers.

Analysis: This article argues that the terrorist attacks have made nations, their leaders and their citizens newly and profoundly aware of the fact that we are indeed all citizens of a…

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Security Tight For G-8 Talks At Idyllic Spot In Canada." Clifford Krauss. Section A, Page 8, Column 1, June 26, 2002.

Summary: While national and business leaders may be generally supportive of globalization, many individuals see it as a fundamental threat to environment and individual and may stage violent protests.

Analysis: Globalization is inherently about the diminishment of the individual and the dismissal of the importance of local concerns. As a result, those who have a stake in ensuring that local issues are still important feel the need to protest at venues such as meetings of the Group of Eight - and their increasing feelings of powerlessness are likely to increase the level of violence at future such demonstrations.

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"Rebuilding The Alliance To Rebuild Globalization By", 12 May 2003, Accessed.4 May. 2024,

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