Reconstruction Were Disappointing In That Essay


This "education" convinces the white person to give up their sons for wars that oppress the dark peoples, votes money for the wars, makes him believe he should make up the lynch mobs and to oppress blacks with Jim Crow. The fact that his philosophy was realistic was because it was the activism of his NAACP exposing the reality of lynching in the South in the 1920s It was very realistic, because the in their face activism was what was reversing the trends in the South. Other African-Americans such as Washington saw him as a radical, but he know how to get what he wanted from the white through activism in the NAACP (DuBois, 2010). Booker T. Washington had a very strange view of education for blacks. He had to apologize to the Whites of the South in the Atlanta speech for blacks sought out political careers and teaching assignments after emancipation rather than going out and learning to open a dairy farm or learn a "practical" trade. Somehow, if the poor Black in the South just listens to the sermon about "Cast Down Your Bucket Where You Are," and then his white neighbors will somehow do the same thing. This is unrealistic that somehow if every black in the South gets a trade (if Jim Crow will let him in the school anyway), whites will stop lynching them and let them eat at the...


Other African-Americans criticized him as being too much of a sell out (Washington, 2010). However, his beloved Tuskeegee Institute that was the benefit of white financial largesse in 1932 commissioned the infamous syphilis study in which untreated black men were allowed to die of the disease. The study went on for 40 years until revealed in the press ("U.s. public health," 2009). In the end, Washington did not have a realistic plan.
Works Cited

DuBois, W.E.B. (2010). The negro mind reaches. Retrieved from

The meaning of freedom: the failure of reconstruction. In (2010). D. Hine, W. Hine & S. Harold (Eds.), The African-American Odyssey (pp. New York, NY). New York, NY: Prentice Hall.

The meaning of freedom: the promise of reconstruction. In (2010). D. Hine, W. Hine & S. Harold (Eds.), The African-American Odyssey (pp. New York, NY). New York, NY: Prentice Hall.

U.s. public health service syphilis study at tuskegee. (2009). Retrieved from

Washington, B.T. (2010). "cast down your bucket where you are": Booker t. washington's atlanta compromise speech. Retrieved from

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

DuBois, W.E.B. (2010). The negro mind reaches. Retrieved from

The meaning of freedom: the failure of reconstruction. In (2010). D. Hine, W. Hine & S. Harold (Eds.), The African-American Odyssey (pp. New York, NY). New York, NY: Prentice Hall.

The meaning of freedom: the promise of reconstruction. In (2010). D. Hine, W. Hine & S. Harold (Eds.), The African-American Odyssey (pp. New York, NY). New York, NY: Prentice Hall.

U.s. public health service syphilis study at tuskegee. (2009). Retrieved from
Washington, B.T. (2010). "cast down your bucket where you are": Booker t. washington's atlanta compromise speech. Retrieved from

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