Religion Both Ahab And Manasseh Essay


3. Ahab and Manasseh are powerful examples of how the human will is ultimately weak without God. Their failure to effectively lead the Israelites through a vulnerable period of history shows that neither Ahab nor Manasseh understood how important their faith was to their ability to govern. The stories of Ahab and Manasseh can therefore illustrate valuable lessons related to leadership in general. One of the ways these stories can be used to teach spiritual truths is by examining how and why Ahab and Manasseh failed as kings.

Moreover, these stories teach well through negative examples. These kings show us what not to do, just as inspirational stories in the Bible show us how to positively conduct our lives. Ahab succumbed to greed and egotism. Although he repented in the end, he was unable to have faith until he suffered. Manasseh ruled as if he were a child his entire life, defying the will of God the Father. He was unable to have faith until he suffered, too. The message is clear: we do not need to wait for suffering to accept the Will of God. The legacies of Ahab and Manasseh lies in their errors and sins. We can learn from the mistakes made by Ahab and Manasseh and hopefully not repeat those mistakes again.

4. (a) Although not Christian kings, Ahab and Manasseh's stories clearly apply to the modern Christian life. For example, one of Ahab's greatest errors was to listen to his wife Jezebel when she encouraged him to abuse his power as king. Ahab seemed ready to accept that he could not have Naboth's vineyard. He was simply sulking after Naboth refused his offer. It was only after Jezebel egged him on by appealing to his ego that Ahab indirectly murdered Naboth. Jezebel set the evil plan...


Ultimately Ahab bears the responsibility for murdering Naboth, which is why his repentance is the key to the story. One can apply this story in modern Christian life by noting how we are unduly influenced by those around us. Just as a teenager may be tempted to do drugs because of peer pressure, an adult in a position of power like Ahab was can be easily swayed to commit a sin. Ahab was weak; his ego was hurt by Naboth's refusal. Jezebel took advantage of his low self-esteem and weak will. It is precisely in those times when we feel weak and defeated that we need to turn to God, not away from God.
(B) a Christian can easily apply the lessons of Ahab and Manasseh to their life by examining how we use and abuse power. For example, a person who is a leader of a business or a politician can learn a lot from Ahab's story. Instead of coveting more power as Ahab did, the person can recognize the power of God. When tempted to worship false gods like money, sex, or drugs, the person can again turn to spiritual pursuits. Seeking solace in the Lord via church is a good way to become humble before it is too late, before the person is in prison as Manasseh was in Babylon.

The best way to apply Ahab's transgressions is by not repeating them. Surrounding ourselves with spiritual people whose path also leads to God is a sure way to avoid the temptations that Ahab faced with Jezebel as his wife. Similarly, keeping God at the forefront and never worshipping false gods helps keep temptations at bay. Using political or economic power in the service of the Lord instead of in the service of the petty ego requires discipline but ultimately leads to…

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