Reviewing Biology And Anatomy


¶ … worth 1 point. The energy-storing compound found in all cells is


A cell placed in a ____ solution will swell.


A form of an element that differs in its atomic weight from other forms of that same element is a (n)


A cord of connective tissue that joins a muscle to a bone is called a (n)


The muscle separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity is the diaphram

A change in the genetic material of a cell is called a (n)


The scientific term for the widening of the blood vessels is dilation

The primary sensory area is found in the ____ lobe.


The neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction is called acetycholine

The ____ side of the heart pumps blood over longer distances than the other side.


The abdominal gland that secretes glucagon and digestive enzymes is the pancreas

The main nitrogenous waste material in the urine is


The muscle that regulates the size of the pupil is the

Sphincter pupillae

A gene that only expresses its effect in a homozygous individual is termed


Excess stress can inhibit the immune system due to the actions of a hormone called ____.


Matching questions (5 questions)

Each answer ("correct match") is worth 1 point.



Match "term definitions" to appropriate "terms"

1. The organelle that contains digestive enzymes

2. The large organelle that is the control center of the cell

3. The substance that makes up the genes

4. The process by which specialized cells engulf large particles

5. The major lipids in the plasma membrane

a. Lysosome

b. DNA

c. Phagocytosis

d. Phospholipids

e. Nucleus

1. lysosome

2. nucleus

3. DNA

4. phagocytosis

5. phospholipids

Match "term definitions" to appropriate "terms"

1. Hormone secreted by the pancreatic islets that raises blood sugar

2. Hormone secreted from the thymus that promotes T-cell growth

3. Hormone produced by the pineal gland

4. Hormone from the adrenal cortex

5. Hormone secreted from the kidneys that increases red blood cell

a. Glucagon

b. Erythropoietin

c. Cortisol

d. Melatonin

e. Thymosin

1. glucagon

2. thymosin

3. melatonin

4. cortisol

5. erythropoietin

Match "term definitions" to appropriate "terms"

1. Foreign substance that enters the body and induces an immune...


Solution used for immunization
3. Solution containing antibodies that is administered to provide short-term immunity

4. Altered toxin used to induce immunity

5. Circulating protein that binds a specific antigen

a. Vaccine

b. Antibody

c. Toxoid

d. Antiserum

e. Antigen

1. toxoid

2. vaccine

3. antiserum

4. antigen

5. antibody

Match "term definitions" to appropriate "terms"

1. Vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle

2. Splenic vein drains into

3. Vessels that supply blood to the diaphragm

4. Pulmonary circuit carries blood to

5. The longest vein of the body

a. Portal vein

b. Coronary arteries

c. Lungs

d. Saphenous vein

e. Phrenic arteries

1. coronary arteries

2. portal vein

3. phrenic arteries

4. lungs

5. saphenous vein

Match "term definitions" to appropriate "terms"

1. Fiber of a neuron that carries impulses toward the cell body

2. Nerve impulse conduction is faster in axons coated with

3. Astrocytes and Schwann cells are

4. Transmits the signal across the neuromuscular junction

5. Neurotransmitters bind to specific proteins on the postsynaptic membrane

a. Myelin

b. Neuroglia

c. Receptors

d. Dendrite

e. Acetylcholine

1. dendrite

2. myelin

3. neuroglia

4. acetylcholine

5. receptors

Multiple Choice Questions (15 questions)

Each question is worth 1 point.



There are numerous levels of organization in the body. The correct order from simplest to most complex is

a. organ, tissue, cell, organism, system

b. cell, tissue, organ, system, organism

c. system, cell, organ, organism, tissue

d. cell, system, tissue, organ, organism b

Two cells vary in the amount of energy they require. One cell, a muscle cell, must generate large supplies of ATP. The other cell, a skin cell, requires very little ATP. Based solely on information provided in this question, these two cells would differ in the abundance of

a. mitochondria

b. lysosomes

c. vesicles

d. Golgi apparatus a The part of the heart capable of generating the largest force is the

a. right atrium

b. left atrium

c. right ventricle

d. left ventricle d

How many pairs of true ribs are found in the adult thorax?

a. 7

b. 9

c. 5

d. 13

a Inflammation of the joints is called


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