Revolution Cuba, Bolivia, Chile The Term Paper


What is similar between the Bolivian revolution and the Cuban revolution is the fact that many revolutionaries in Cuba and different groups including the militia, miners and peasants in Bolivia were fighting against each other and for different causes. There lacked consistency of purpose which ultimately affected the economy of each land and resulted in lack of a dedicated leader all could approve of. The Cuban and Bolivian revolutions also had in common many primary figures of authority that, despite their wrongs or rights, were charismatic enough to capture the support of a great number of people. The Cuban military, much like the revolutionaries in Bolivia, were for the most part ineffective. The United States opposed the leadership of the Cuban government however, during the Cuban war, which separates it from the Bolivian revolution where the United States supplied much in the way of assistance and capital in an attempt to assert democracy for all. The United State's influence in both of these wars despite its intensity was ineffectual.

The Chilean "revolution" was much different from the previous in that it was not a formal revolution; at least, many did not consider it so. During the 1970s Salvador Isabelino Allende served as president of the country until he died during a coup d'etat in the year 1973 (Hilton, 1997). The coup resulted from President Allende's "failure" or perceived failure to uphold the constitution when it was requested that he leave office, so the Chilean militia removed him (Hilton, 1997). The United States also intervened in this instant to support the politics and the opposition because they felt the new government under General Pinochet would provide an anti-communist leadership, even though it was dictatorial rather than democratic in nature (Hilton, 1987).

Previous to the attack of Allende the Chilean people faced extraordinary economic problems, much like the Bolivian and the Cuban people faced during or around the time of revolution, confirming economics and money are large problems and primary reasons oppositions arise to overthrow a government. Other problems the Chilean people shared with the people of Cuba included inflation and inequality of income. The Bolivian people did have a somewhat better experience...


Unfortunately this changed as the presidency changed, showing just how influential an individual can be in a revolution. The United States intervened in all cases either to provide money, capital and supplies to those favoring democracy, or to provide assistance to anyone opposing communist or socialist governments. While the Chilean experience was much less touted or acclaimed than the revolutions in Bolivia and Cuba, it had just as great an impact on the people living in the country at the time. Many people were fighting against each other because there were so many different opinions and so much opposition to the governments at the time. The United States did not show any favoritism toward Chilean President Allende however, which has lead to many suggesting the U.S. took part in the coup to remove him from office.

The United States provided much in the way of support for the Bolivian, Cuban and Chilean Revolutionaries, despite modern perception which has a tendency to blame the United States for problems resulting from the Latin revolutions. Women in the United States typically take on a more proactive and engaging role than the women during the revolutionary wars in Latin America. If I were a woman during these wars, I would have fought alongside the Bolivian President to encourage the rights to suffrage and the rights to fight as part of a militia so women's voices and preferences held just as much power as those provided by men.


Latin American (2007) "The Bolivian Revolution 1952-1964,"

Retrieved November 26, 2007:

Fermoselle, R. (1987). The evolution of the Cuban military: 1492-1965. Miami:

Ediciones Universal

Hilton, R. (1997) Chile: The Continuing Historical Conflict, World Association of International Studies, Retrieved November 26, 2007:

Hugh, T. (1998) Cuba: The pursuit of freedom. New York: De Capo Press

Latin American Revolutions

Sources Used in Documents:


Latin American (2007) "The Bolivian Revolution 1952-1964,"

Retrieved November 26, 2007:

Fermoselle, R. (1987). The evolution of the Cuban military: 1492-1965. Miami:
Hilton, R. (1997) Chile: The Continuing Historical Conflict, World Association of International Studies, Retrieved November 26, 2007:

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