School Shootings Case Analysis There Essay


The facilitator spoke directly to individuals, as well as the group therefore extrapolating the true meaning behind some of the participant's comments. For the most part, the facilitator kept the personal bias out and asked tailored and appropriate questions. Surveys and Focus Groups

Focus groups are interesting, yet hard to deal with. On the one hand, they allow the public the chance to speak, thus portraying the abstract symbolism and concentrations that drive the actions of individuals on a daily basis. Yet, on the other hand, findings can often be hard too read or inconclusive based on this high level of abstract concepts that derive from such sessions. The strengths of focus groups rest in the ability to test out certain theories, illustrate the major connections between concepts, and to test how the public reacts to certain concepts (Brophy, 2005). It is a crucial step in understanding very complex and abstract topics. However, it is not very definitive. Focus groups can help to augment earlier findings or point researchers in a general direction, but the weakness of them is that they often do not answer hypothesis with a sort of strict assertion that is needed in quantitative research.

Symbols and Metaphors

The transcripts were rich with symbolism. There was the symbol of a gun connecting to death. Also, there was strong symbolism of invoking some of the incidents that had just recently occurred. Thanks to media coverage, the parents involved had a lot of extensive prior knowledge of how the most recent shootings went down. As such, they often used these events as symbols for the senseless nature of the violence involved in school shootings and how it seems to cut short the lives of those who deserved to continue living.

Moreover, talk about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Second Amendment became very metaphoric at time. The Constitution took on a life of its own, becoming a living thing that seemed to govern over the lives...


The Second Amendment became the major source of the controversy, and for some was a symbol of hope and freedom, while for others was a symbol of foolishness and outdated governance.
The concept of the school also became a symbol. To the parents, it symbolized "community, learning, respect, friendship," and after all "it is an experience we all share together" (Anderson, 2009, p 210). Essentially the innocence of the school image really shined through, and it is a symbol for connecting to the individual to the world around us, a concept that everyone who has every gone to school can relate to.

What Next?

Again, the findings lacked the statistical certainty of other methods; yet, a policy maker can still use the findings to help guide future research and policy. First, policy makers can use the findings to help set up parent support groups or information sessions to keep parents informed and engaged in how to best supervise their children. By understanding where the violence is and knowing the newest in violent games and movies, parents can help shelter their own children from them. Moreover, future research can be conducted based on the perception of the media and how parents think it impacts their children.


Anderson, Don. (2009). Public Policy Praxis: A Case for Understanding Policy and Analysis. 2nd Ed. Pearson Publishing.

Brophy, Joseph F. (2005). Focus groups: You can't afford not to use them. State Bar of Texas. Web.

Cooper, Michael & Sussman, Dalia. (2013). Massacre at school sways public in way earlier shootings didn't. New York Times. Web.

Huesman, L. Rowell. (2007). The impact of media violence: Scientific theory and research. Journal of Adolescent Health, 4(1), 6-13.

Sources Used in Documents:


Anderson, Don. (2009). Public Policy Praxis: A Case for Understanding Policy and Analysis. 2nd Ed. Pearson Publishing.

Brophy, Joseph F. (2005). Focus groups: You can't afford not to use them. State Bar of Texas. Web.

Cooper, Michael & Sussman, Dalia. (2013). Massacre at school sways public in way earlier shootings didn't. New York Times. Web.

Huesman, L. Rowell. (2007). The impact of media violence: Scientific theory and research. Journal of Adolescent Health, 4(1), 6-13.

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