Self-Confidence At Present, I Would Essay

A person with high self-esteem is a (6) risk-taker (DuBrin 2004: 86-87). Nothing is more risky yet more fulfilling than learning something new. Explain how they can help you strengthen your self-confidence

Self-acceptance of who I am right now gives me knowledge of where I want to go in the future. Self-esteem means being confident that my learning and personal investments will pay off, that I am truly 'worth it' in terms of the ventures I attempt. In all of the above-cited examples, education seems like the key to building self-esteem. Education shows a sense of personal confidence in one's ability to advance (and is reinforced by positive self-talk and building upon one's core skills).

Analyze how self-confidence can affect job performance and how inter-office relationships are affected by differing levels of self-confidence.

Everyone has been in an office setting where a 'bullying' boss has dominated his or her employees. The bosses' sense of self-aggrandizement causes him to subordinate the needs of his or her employees and even the company as a whole, to inflate his or her own ego. Belittling employees in public rather than discussing areas of improvement, and using insults and sarcasm creates a toxic work environment that does not promote productivity. "Verbal and passive forms of aggression, such as yelling, bullying, and humiliation, not only happen more frequently than active violence but can also be extremely damaging, contributing ultimately to workplace stress and target demoralization" (Burton & Hoobler 2006:1).

Sometimes people who engage in this behavior, of course, have low self-esteem themselves and are seeking...


Needing to cut someone down is always a good sign that someone is unwilling to make the hard choices to change him or herself, and may feel threatened by the abilities of others. "Dementors [named after an evil Harry Potter character] are high- knowledge, high-skill employees driven to overachieve by low self-esteem and other personality influences that can be exacerbated by situational characteristics. The highly productive Dementor deliberately attempts to lower the productivity of coworkers to alleviate the Dementor's own performance anxiety" (Denton & Campbell 2010:1). By using "cynicism, incivility, passive insubordination, jealousy of others who succeed, and general negativity" these workers stifle the productivity of others, even though they might be highly competent at their own tasks (Denton & Campbell 2010:3). In contrast, low self-esteem can prevent more talented members of the workplace to rise. If workers do not actively promote their accomplishments, others may take credit.

Sources Used in Documents:


Burton, James P. & Jenny Hoobler. (2006). Subordinate self-esteem and abusive supervision.

Journal of Managerial Issues. Retrieved July 19, 2011 at

Denton, L. Trey & Constance Campbell. (2010). Dementors in our midst: Managing the highly productive but morale-killing employee. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship. Retrieved July 19, 2011 at

DuBrin, A. (2004). Applying psychology: Individual and organizational effectiveness. Pearson.

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