Sir Or Madam Currently, I Am A Essay


¶ … Sir or Madam Currently, I am a senior studying Criminal Justice at Bridgewater State University in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. I am interested in applying for admission with aspirations of attending MSLAW because I believe with my training and academic background, I will bring energy that will propel me to succeed in law education. For me, pursuing a legal education is not a terminal accomplishment, nor will obtaining a legal degree quench this ongoing thirst for knowledge that I have always had. Attending an institution such as MSLAW with its affordable law education training, it makes that dream even more possible.

All my life, I have always put civic duty first. From helping neighbors with snow shoveling to serving in the Massachusetts National Guard...


I served a sixteen month tour of duty in Iraq where I was part of the team rebuilding a new Iraqi police force. I helped trained new recruits on the basic fundamental rights. While I was in Iraq, I came to discover more about myself. I learned that I could do things that normally I would think impossible. I learned to put my leadership skills into action and I learned that even in the midst of the most difficult dilemmas, I was always able to perform my tasks while maintaining my professionalism.
In addition to serving six years in the military, I was of service for a year in the Massachusetts Department of Corrections. At the Department of…

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