Solving The Problem Of Poor Employee Retention Case Study

Big Bison Resorts

1. The Employee of the Month program at Big Bison Resorts would reinforce performance that aligns with the company's criteria for nomination, such as high productivity or providing excellent customer service. However, it may also create a competitive environment among employees, which may not necessarily lead to better performance. To apply the principles of reinforcement more effectively, Big Bison Resorts could consider creating a more collaborative program that recognizes teamwork and encourages employees to support one another in achieving company goals.

2. Big Bison Resorts could get input from employees through various means, such as surveys, suggestion boxes, or focus groups. Additionally, the company could create opportunities for employees to provide feedback to their managers directly and establish open communication channels to receive and address concerns or suggestions. By involving employees in decision-making processes, the company can create a more engaged workforce and increase employee satisfaction and retention.

3. Big Bison's employees might perceive the equity of the Employee of the Month program differently depending on how the program is structured. If the program is based solely on management's subjective judgment, then some employees may view it as unfair and arbitrary. In contrast, if the program is based on objective criteria, such as sales figures or customer satisfaction scores, then it may be perceived as more equitable and motivating. In terms of involving employees in improving their jobs, the response would likely be more positive.

4. If I had the power to make decisions to make my previous job more motivating for employees, I would focus on creating a supportive work environment that promotes employee well-being and professional growth. This might involve providing opportunities for training and career development, offering flexible work arrangements, and recognizing employees' achievements and contributions. I would also try to foster a culture of open communication, and strive to create a sense of purpose and meaning in the work we do, by connecting employees with the company's mission and values.

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