Video Segment And The Results Of Your Essay

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¶ … Video Segment and the Results of Your Observation One paragraph comparison of the open observation techniques and considerations you used last week to the directed observation techniques and considerations you encountered this week.

Couples counseling: Video

The question that focused my close viewing of the video of "Couples counseling" was: what external conflicts are driving the couple in the video and what internal conflicts are driving the couple? The couple being counseled in the video was apparently experiencing an external conflict. The woman, named Kate, expressed a desire to keep her name after her marriage to Tim. Initially, a feminist knee-jerk reaction might be that Tim is sexist for compelling his prospective wife to change her name, particularly since Kate said she was willing to use her name in some social contexts, just not in all contexts. At first, Tim...


Both members of the couple were conflicted in their desire to enter into marriage at this unstable juncture of their lives.
Tim had agreed to move away from his own family so Kate could complete her schooling in Baltimore. This may have caused Tim some masculine insecurity regarding his willingness to move for his wife, although Kate said she would move back to Boston with him afterward. Ultimately, towards the end of the exchange, the woman's reluctance to get married and make a permanent commitment emerged. The conflict over the name along with conflicts about the type of ring they wanted; the type of dog they might get; and their location and living arrangements suggested uncertainty about…

Sources Used in Documents:


Couples counseling observation video. (n.d.) Course website.

First Response:

Couples Counseling Observation Video (Laureate Education, 2011)

In this video observation exercise, I focused on one exploratory question while watching the couple's therapy video: "What expressions of empathy does the counselor convey during the therapy session?" I will compare observation methods to the previous week's (open vs. directed observation) techniques, discuss considerations as a researcher, and discuss whether or not I was able to collect the data to address my research question.

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"Video Segment And The Results Of Your", 11 October 2013, Accessed.19 May. 2024,

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