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Weekly Reflection Research Paper

Nurse Weekly Reflection What did I do, read, see, or hear?

Globalization, in its entirety has provided a litany of opportunities for individuals around the world. Aspects such as technology, the internet, a rising middle class, and business expansion overseas, have created a more interconnected environment. Isolated events, that were once thought to impact only a particular region, now have implications for the entire global environment. Even events in seemingly meaningless areas of the world, now have rippling affects for many of the more developed nations. Natural disasters are no different in this regard. Natural disasters, in particular, have a profound impact on not only individuals, but also the health care industry overall. Nurses, now more than ever, must be prepared to operate in a more interconnected environment that is often subject to change from natural disasters.

When reading the chapter notes, one line in particular stood out amongst the rest. The line, "Your level of understanding of the community health nurse's role in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural disasters and terrorism will increase," was particularly thought provoking due to the overall impact globalization has on terrorism. Technology is creating an environment in which deadly events can now occur without warning. The nature of the internet makes, pinpointing exact...

As such, the propensity for these attacks increases in the same proportion as technological development. The need for nurses to respond in a rapid and effective manner, increases with technological development as well. Aspects such as the September 11th terrorist attacks, unrest in Syria, shootings in public schools and neighborhoods, and the prospects of war in the Ukraine all require the expertise of nurses. In each of the above mentioned circumstances, casualties have resulted. Nurses therefore will be required to help mitigate potential casualties and the eventual loss of life.
Further complicating these issues is the economic implications of natural disasters and terrorist attacks. These economic considerations also impact the overall health care profession and nurses in general. For instance, events occurring between Russia and Ukraine have the ability to cause also parties to join in the overall conflict. If these events were isolated however, the possibility of other countries joining the overall conflict would be reduced. However, due to globalization, many more developed countries must join the conflict to prevent systemic risk occurring thorough the world. Nurses therefore must be readily available to provide aid and compact many of the casualties caused by conflict. Nurses must also be prepared for the worst case…

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