Academic Research Essays (Examples)

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The article was dated from 1977 and would not have been available to me, had I simply Googled for results on the popular show. Older information is not always available on the World Wide Web, given that many academic articles and articles from history are not open to free access by the general public. This article, if I were to research the impact of the Mary Tyler Moore Show upon feminist and sexual liberation politics would be a useful example both of how the show was seen during the time of its airing, as well as provide scholarly analysis of the show's content. However, not all sources from an academic library are written by scholars: the ESC library contains a number of books on Mary Tyler Moore that are not scholarly, such as the actress' autobiography as well as books published by academic presses such as Heartland TV: Prime….

gaps between the academic research and practitioner knowledge with respect to HR that are identified by Saari & Judge (2004) are: "the cause of employee attitudes, the results of positive or negative job satisfaction and how to measure and influence employee attitudes." The authors note this in context of the lack of understanding in practice with respect to employee satisfaction. Employers do not fully understand how employee satisfaction arises (cause of employee attitudes). They also have a lack of knowledge about the outcomes associated with positive or negative job satisfaction. Some employers believe that happy workers are more productive, others disagree. Practitioners generally do not know the answer and are not familiar with current research in the area. The authors assert that practitioners generally are not able to measure employee attitudes, much less influence them.
Saari and Judge point out that academic research has more or less answered each of….

At the same time, academic analyses also demonstrated the huge strides that EU has made in its social policy -- far more than it original intended or than its original objectives were, and that, by doing so, it has transcended the purely intergovernmental realm both in terms of decision-making procedures in terms of social partner participation. However, the practical significance of these events still remains unclear and under-researched. This may be due to the fact that the EU and its social policies are too recent an issue to have a clear consensus on as yet, and that perspective depends on the specific historical period.

The Europeanization of national social policies proceeds in two directions: 1. Direct effects that ensure from implementation of its social polices; 2. Indirect effects that ensure from non-extant EU measures and from effects of various market-making policies on social issues. Academic research has only dealt in a….

benefit the academic researcher in his/her attempts to effectively address the field of study or hypothesis in a researched dissertation. Determining which methodology would best be used is the consideration of the researcher as the design of the study is being contemplated and then initiated. In this case, determining how, why and when employers are hiring employees with disabilities, and any accompanying economic motivators or influences come under the preview of a qualitative study and a quantitative study. In other words, a mixed research methodology might best be used in this specific case.
Qualitative research gathers data based upon the participant's thoughts, ideals, perceptions motives and beliefs. Identifying those factors comes under the preview of asking open-ended questions; questions that elicit responses from the participant's based upon the perception of the situation or scenario. The researcher wishes to determine and understand the motivating factors behind employers who hire (and don't….

Academic and Professional Development
A scholar-practitioner in clinical research administration is someone who can actively apply academic research to his or her mindful practice in the field and affect the lives of patients in a positive way and who can also use clinical knowledge, experience, and wisdom to inform his or her academic practice. In other words, he or she can enjoy 'the best of both worlds' and merge practice and theory. The practice of medicine is ultimately designed to help people in the real world, so there should always be a dialogue or permeable relationship between scholarship and research. The clinical research administrator embodies this ideal. I see this in my own work and also the work of others. One of the strengths of master's level research is that it enables a nurse to function both as a scholar and also to continue to work effectively in the field of….

Academic Argument on Faculty Perceptions of Student Disengagement in Online Learning
The emergence of technology has meant that today people are challenged every single day to accept something new in their lives on a regular basis. This is not to say that this is a bad thing, but the argument that can here is that are we really ready as a society to incorporate these new technological advancements in their day-to-day life? And it is exactly at this juncture that we face a critical issue.

hile there is no doubt that the mark of technology has been felt on every segment of our lives, no matter how trivial it may seem, the fact of the matter remains that there is currently a majority of people who are not equipped to handle this new intrusion in their lives. The reason for this can vary from the lack of acceptability to the fact that….

Academic Profile of Home Schooling - a Case Study
Home Schooling vs. Traditional Educational Methods

Home Schooling Methodology

Focus of the Practicum


Area of Inquiry

Subject/Topic Areas

Home Schooling as an Alternative

Curricula and Materials Used for Home Schooling

The Success of Home Schooling

Evaluation Design

Conditions for Change



Legislative Information:

Maryland: A Legal Analysis

State Laws and Regulations - Maryland

Goulart and Travers vs. Calvert County

Home-schooled Kids Find Social Growth"

Home Schoolers in the Trenches"

Home School Academic Advantage Increases Over Time"

Home Schooling." ERIC Digest, Number 95.


The Academic Profile of Home Schoolers

Case Study

The focus of this applied dissertation proposal is to examine and analyze home school families' academic environment, the institutional materials they use, and to gain an understanding of their academic success.

Prince George's County Public School System is the nineteenth largest school system in the nation with a diverse student population of over 137,000 students. Currently, there are 2,309 students that are being educated at home; 858 are being taught through correspondence courses that….

The importance of a strong opening and closing, practicing, staying organized and focused and taking the stage with confidence are skills that I continue to apply in my class presentations.
At times my classes, especially the General Education classes, have been quite challenging. Having proven to myself that I have the intellectual capacity, discipline and drive to pass these classes, I am inspired and encouraged when presented with some of the challenges of life. A significant aspect of a college education is developing critical reasoning. It is not so much to memorize facts and figures, but to be able to penetrate ideas and concepts and extract their essence. Understanding the way mechanisms work is a sine-qua-non condition of gaining the ability to deconstruct ideas and theories and applying them to one's personal and professional life. It is through this kind of individualized approach, I believe, that higher education is particularly….

It is widely accepted in literature that this is a significant threat, as the education establishment is unable to control the conditions in which exams are taken (Cluskey et al. 2011; Yates and Beaudrie, 2009; Lanier, 2006). However, the potential for cheating does not necessarily mean it is occurring. The research by Yates and Beaudrie, (2009) compared the results achieved by students who were assessed within a proctored environment, and students who undertook non-proctor and assessment online. The results were interesting, comparing 406 traditional students, with 444 online students, the research indicated that there was no significant difference in the grades that were achieved, arguing that this does not substantiate the worries found in other literature that cheating is taking place. The assessment is utilized argued that online testing is a viable approach. However, it maybe argued that this conclusion has a significant flaw, as an underlying assumption is….

Academic Strategies for the Business Professional
Two-digit Section #:

nstructions: Download this document to your computer before filling it out. All of the gray boxes below should be appropriately filled in and the document saved again before submitting to the Unit 9 Dropbox.

Develop your own Career Action Plan based on information you have gained in this course. Consider information from course Readings, Assignments, career research, the informational interview, and the LASS assessment.

Career Action Plan:

Take some time to think seriously about where you would like to be in your future career and how you will get there. Once you have generated some ideas, complete the short-term and long-term information, and respond to all items listed below:

Short-Term Educational Goal (approximately 2 years or less):

Your short-term educational goal should be a goal that you can realistically accomplish in approximately 2 years or less. Focus on a goal that will help you to reach the long-term….

Ethics in esearch
For organizations of all types, the last three decades have been crucial in changing the manner in which organizations interact with each other, stakeholders, the government, and themselves. Most of these changes occurred because of the evolution of globalization, which after the Cold War, increased cooperation between nations and regions while, at the same time, increased stakeholder expectations, opened hundreds of new markets, and now requires that organizations operate on a new level. Particularly after the Enron scandal, stakeholders expect more transparency and honesty from organizations. In fact, a recent survey found that 74% want to know more about the ethical stance and nature of a company prior to purchasing from them. At the same time, 92% of FTSE 100 companies provide no metrics, benchmarks, or quantitative measurements within their annual report (Suter, 2012).

Because of advances in technology and communication, this has also bled over into how businesses….

Unlike primary data that are time-consuming, the secondary data is less time consuming, and a research could collect secondary data to answer the research questions as well as achieving research objectives. Boslaug (2007) argues that the economy is the major advantage of secondary data. Since data have already been collected by another researcher, a researcher does not need to devote his/her resources to collect the data. More importantly, the saving of time is another major advantage of secondary data. Since the data has already been collected and analyzed, the research only needs to collect the data for his or her research study. Boslaug (2007) further points out that secondary data are characterized with the informed expertise, which may not be available with primary data.
Despite the advantages that this research derives from secondary data, there are still disadvantages associated with secondary data. The secondary data may not be suitable to….

This has also helped them recognize and demystify the problems that learners face in terms of unfamiliar contexts and how to tackle such challenges. Through these new acquired skills, learning environment for most students has become favourable because they exploit learning skills from other institutions, other than the skills they know (Institute of International Education, 2009).
These new methods have triggered a variety of response from students, which has enhanced the introduction of new learning skills and approaches for local learning institutions. American Universities are encouraging students to further their studies by offering these online learning programmes in every profession. The universities also have favourable programmes to the working class individuals who only get to learn part time. The students transition project is made possible by the data linked from a person's information regarding their education background. The data is assigned to every student who is entering the transition learning….

Loans Envisioned Research Methodology
Association Loans: Association Loans Envisioned Research Methodology

Association Loans: Envisioned Research Methodology

Envisioned research Methodology and Design

Methodologies Considered

Quantitative Methods


Experimental Study

Qualitative Methods

Descriptive Research Methods


Focus Group

Mixed Method

Research Designs Considered

Convergent Design

Explanatory Sequential Design

Exploratory Sequential Design

The Embedded Design

Research Validity and Reliability

Strengths and weaknesses

Method of Data Collection

Primary Data Collection

Secondary Data Collection

Justifying Choice and Alternative methods/designs




The loan associations work on different grounds as compared with commercial bank loans. The commercial and saving bank loans and financing options are usually provided by the financial service providers are more focused to provide funds for business venture. The loan's security is also devised based on credit cards, business performance, and the likelihood of growth potential. However, the loan associations and building loans are more concerned about promoting land and building ownerships. The residential mortgage lending is one of the most popular forms of loan associations. The loan associations are generally owned by the federal or state government….

The interview setting was likely a poor choice because it not only reduces the perception of anonymity but it also gives the respondents more opportunity to be evasive. I would advise Mary conduct such research in a written format, which minimizes opportunities for evasion and maximizes the perception of anonymity.
3. I would suggest to Mary that part of the reason the HR manager is hostile is because part of the intent of the study is to question whether the Human Resources department is "aware of some of the gendered cultural processes at work in their companies." Thus, the research is attempting to show that HR is not doing its job, or not doing it well enough. That the research was not cleared with the HR Director first only exacerbates this problem. Mary's first step before conducting the surveys should have been to discuss the issue with the HR Director….

1. The Role of Emotions in Political Decision Making: Exploring how emotions influence political beliefs and actions, and whether they should be considered in political theory.

2. The Impact of Technology on Political Communication: Analyzing how social media and other digital platforms have changed political discourse and debate in the modern age.

3. Intersectionality in Political Theory: Examining how issues of race, gender, and class intersect in political theory and shape debates on social justice and equality.

4. The Ethics of Political Violence: Discussing the moral implications of using violence as a political tool and when it may be justified.

5. Post-Colonial Perspectives in....

Research Proposal

Title: Exploring the Factors Influencing Student Dropout Rates

Significance of the Study:

1. Educational Improvement: Understanding the factors that contribute to student dropout rates can help educational institutions improve retention strategies and support systems, ultimately leading to a higher graduation rate.

2. Policy Implications: Findings from this study can inform policymakers on effective measures to reduce dropout rates and improve educational outcomes for students.

3. Social Impact: High dropout rates have negative consequences on the individual student, as well as society as a whole. By identifying the factors influencing student dropout, interventions can be designed to address these issues and support students in....

Topic 1: The Evolving Nature of the English Language

The English language is a living, dynamic entity that has undergone significant changes throughout its history.
Explore the factors that have shaped its evolution, including social, cultural, and technological influences.
Examine the implications of these changes for the present and future of the language.

Body Paragraphs:
Discuss the influence of colonialism, trade, and immigration on the vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation of English.
Analyze the impact of technology, particularly the internet and social media, on the language's usage and dissemination.
Consider the role of standardization and language policies in regulating the evolution of....

2 Pages


Academic Research Writing Television Searching for

Words: 644
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The article was dated from 1977 and would not have been available to me, had I simply Googled for results on the popular show. Older information is not…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Gaps Between the Academic Research and Practitioner

Words: 1267
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

gaps between the academic research and practitioner knowledge with respect to HR that are identified by Saari & Judge (2004) are: "the cause of employee attitudes, the results…

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3 Pages
Article Review


Paucity of Academic Research on

Words: 881
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

At the same time, academic analyses also demonstrated the huge strides that EU has made in its social policy -- far more than it original intended or than its…

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7 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete


Benefit the Academic Researcher in His Her Attempts

Words: 2000
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

benefit the academic researcher in his/her attempts to effectively address the field of study or hypothesis in a researched dissertation. Determining which methodology would best be used is…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Communication Academic and Professional Development

Words: 546
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Academic and Professional Development A scholar-practitioner in clinical research administration is someone who can actively apply academic research to his or her mindful practice in the field and affect the…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Academic Argument on Faculty Perceptions of Student Disengagement in Online Learning

Words: 1578
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Academic Argument on Faculty Perceptions of Student Disengagement in Online Learning The emergence of technology has meant that today people are challenged every single day to accept something new in…

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62 Pages
Case Study


Academic Profile of Home Schoolers a Case Study

Words: 16937
Length: 62 Pages
Type: Case Study

Academic Profile of Home Schooling - a Case Study Home Schooling vs. Traditional Educational Methods Home Schooling Methodology Focus of the Practicum Culture Area of Inquiry Subject/Topic Areas Home Schooling as an Alternative Curricula and Materials Used…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Academic Autobiography There Are Events

Words: 1562
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The importance of a strong opening and closing, practicing, staying organized and focused and taking the stage with confidence are skills that I continue to apply in my…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Academic Assessment Strengths and Weaknesses

Words: 965
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

It is widely accepted in literature that this is a significant threat, as the education establishment is unable to control the conditions in which exams are taken (Cluskey…

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3 Pages


Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Two-Digit

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Two-digit Section #: nstructions: Download this document to your computer before filling it out. All of the gray boxes below should be appropriately filled in…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Ethics

Ethics in Research for Organizations of All

Words: 1204
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Ethics in esearch For organizations of all types, the last three decades have been crucial in changing the manner in which organizations interact with each other, stakeholders, the government, and…

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8 Pages
Methodology Chapter


Sigma This Chapter Presents Research

Words: 2353
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Methodology Chapter

Unlike primary data that are time-consuming, the secondary data is less time consuming, and a research could collect secondary data to answer the research questions as well as…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Transitional Graduate Students and Research

Words: 1421
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This has also helped them recognize and demystify the problems that learners face in terms of unfamiliar contexts and how to tackle such challenges. Through these new acquired…

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15 Pages


Loans Envisioned Research Methodology Association Loans Association

Words: 4859
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Loans Envisioned Research Methodology Association Loans: Association Loans Envisioned Research Methodology Association Loans: Envisioned Research Methodology Envisioned research Methodology and Design Methodologies Considered Quantitative Methods Correlation Experimental Study Qualitative Methods Descriptive Research Methods Interviewing Focus Group Mixed Method Research Designs Considered Convergent…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Business Research I Would Advise

Words: 618
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The interview setting was likely a poor choice because it not only reduces the perception of anonymity but it also gives the respondents more opportunity to be evasive.…

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