Bodybuilding Essays (Examples)

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It is obvious from this aspect of the research that body building can serve as an efficient way to assist in losing weight. Losing weight through body building is also efficient because of the metabolic benefits to the body that are derived. As such those that are trying to lose weight should implement weightlifting into their exercise regimens.

Problems associated with bodybuilding

One of the major problems with bodybuilding involves injury. Many injuries occur simply because bodybuilders over extend themselves. All bodybuilders must take the appropriate precaution to prevent injury. These precautions include getting the proper amount of rest and not over exerting themselves when training. Failure to take these precautions can result in life threatening injuries.

Another serious problem associated with bodybuilding is Steroid abuse. Many bodybuilders are so anxious to get results that they take dangerous steroids to increase the size of their muscles. Steroids have serious side effects. These side….

Whole Plant-Based Protein: Whole Greens Hemp from

his product does work: it is a protein formula containing protein-rich plant-based ingredients, relying upon hemp for a protein basis that is comparable to that found in the human body. he product essentially meets the needs of the human body by providing a natural supplement. his is an excellent way to give the body what it needs. Not only does hemp have proteins akin to those found in people, it also contains essential omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Plus, hemp has a wealth of fiber, minerals and vitamins. he formula contains "all 20 amino acids used in the human body," a recipe that includes the 10 essential acids.

scoop, or 30g, equals one serving size. One serving size gives the user 120 calories, 15 grams of protein, 3 grams of fats (or 5% of the recommended daily value). here is zero cholesterol contained….

Dietary Supplement for Athletes or Bodybuilding
Creatine is a dietary supplement that has been popular for more than thirty years amongst athletes and bodybuilders (Feldman 1999: 45). Its alleged benefits include enhancing muscle-building and recovery. The use of dietary supplements, particularly amongst adolescents and young adult athletes has increased in popularity and may even be endorsed by coaches and parents. Creatine is not recommended for young athletes because of questions about the long-term safety of its use, but pressures to 'be the best' have increased as the margin between first-class and second-class athletes grows ever more razor-thin (Dunn et al. 2001).One study found that "62% of adolescent athletes believed supplements improve performance, with 50% consuming dietary supplements" (Dunn et al. 2001). In another study of attitudes of young athletes Dunn (et al. 2001) found widespread acceptance of the use of creatine and belief in its benefits, even amongst athletes who….

The focus is now on effective ways of training the body in a set time to get the result you with through the most effective means without losing time or initiative. It is also important to realize how important the motivation of the trainee is in the effectiveness of the training regardless of intensity.
When a client walks in looking for a trainer it is possible that the prospective client comes in with limited knowledge of training their bodies and other important heath issues. It is the job of the trainer to provide information, methods, and guidance that allows the client to enhance his or her appearance, as well as leaving with techniques and information that will allow clients the chance to continue their healthier lifestyles. Personal trainers play an important part and if a personal trainer does not know, what he or she is doing could cause serious issues….

Body Modifications

cultures have customs and traditions involving body modifications and while some generate serious controversy in the contemporary society, others are widely accepted. Some are inclined to associate body modifications with vulgar ideas and believe that people who have them are uncivilized. The fact that most body modifications involve a form of self-mutilation further contributes to making it seem that a person would have to be out of his or her mind in order to do something like this. The reality is that body modifications are an active concept today and some people believe that they are a good way to express their feelings and thinking in general.
'Normal' body modifications

Numerous individuals believe that there is nothing wrong with having a tattoo or having a part of one's body pierced. Most of the modern society promotes the idea that it is perfectly normal for girls to have their ears pierced and….

Audio Visual Aids in the Gym
The reason why people enroll for sessions at the gym or even lessons by trained personnel at the gym is because there is some value that they would like to extract from the attendance of the gym time. The dedication of time to go for gym lessons is often very challenging and those who attend the gym sessions always do that on the basis of some motivation either externally like friends or internally by the need to reduce weight, to have some health benefits or to build up muscles (Eason J., 2015). Apparently each person who goes to the gym would like to spend the maximum time possible there so as to extract the best possible benefits from the gym, but this long stay at the gym is often challenging. There is need hence to device a way that would encourage the people who….

5 gram per pound of bodyweight. Proteins give the muscle energy to grow but carbohydrates are just as important to promote the muscle to heal.
The following is a 3 day meal schedule recommended to the athlete:

Day 1:

reakfast- High energy cereal with whole milk

Fruit of his choice

Apricot nectar juice


aked tuna

aked potato

Lima beans

Frozen Yogurt



aked potato

Corn and peas

Frozen sherbet

Snack (3)- left up to the athlete

Day 2:

reakfast- Eggs and whole wheat or grain toast

Fruit of his choice

Apple juice


aked or roasted fish

aked potato


Frozen Yogurt


aked chicken

aked potato

Corn and beans

Frozen sherbet

Snack (3)- left up to the athlete

Day 3:

reakfast- Hot cereal with whole milk

Fruit of his choice

Pineapple juice


Steak or ground beef

aked potato


Frozen Yogurt


aked fish

aked potato

Corn and peas

Frozen sherbet

Snack (3)- left up to the athlete

Workout schedule and recommended exercise

Work outs will be done 3 days a week and every other day to allow the muscle to heal and recuperate properly. Work out days while be Monday-Wednesday- Friday or Tuesday-….

In fact, she already had all of that information written in the margins right next the photographs. Every picture had a description of how many calories, and how many grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats she consumed in between the consecutive pictures. She explained that her diet changed much more than her training during that time and I was very surprised at the difference that could be seen so clearly from picture to picture, and especially at the differences in her physique and muscularity from the beginning to the end of each contest preparation cycle. According to her, she maintains the same basic workout routine all year long and the real difference that accounts for the extreme changes in her muscularity before contests is almost exclusively a function of her diet.
My friend helped me understand that I had arrived at narrow-minded conclusions about the relationship between exercise, diet, and….

This means that the entire interview process will take a period of one month. It should be noted that an allowance has been given for the differences in geographical areas as each interviewee will represent a different city.
Participants will be expected to answer questions derived from the information already gathered in the desk research. On top of this, the staff members hired for the research will also come up with special questions designed to address issues that had not been fully covered in the primary research such as personal preferences.

espondents could possess knowledge about GNC as a company and its health products or they may not. However, it will imperative for these participants to have at least used a heart beat watch or to have purchased once so that they can have adequate knowledge about it.

The research will be done through random probability sampling. However, the sample population will….

Thomas King's 'stories': A Comparison of Shiloh and an Act of Vengeance

Our first analysis starts with the novel "Shiloh," written by Bobbie Ann Mason. The main binding story in Shiloh would certainly be the gender inequality featured right from the start -- Norma Jean is presented as being a reserved woman who highly depends on her husband, as such was the case during the 60's and 70's. The truth is otherwise; Norma Jean is working hard to become a strong woman, taking adult education courses at the community college and working at exall Drugstore to help out with the finances. This clearly shows us a stereotype from the era, the softspoken and uneducated woman of the 1960's. This gender inequality binds Norma Jean in a way that the perception of an outsider will always define who she is. No one will ever see her for the hardworking, independent woman….

confusing gender roles in our society. ith women putting in as many hours at the office as men and 'take your daughter to work day' now implying bring a son if you have 'em -- gender roles in America continue to become blurry and obsolete lines in the sand. For example, I can not believe the number of professional athletes in Football and Baseball who have been caught abusing illegal steroids. I am sure that the recent media hype, the pressure from congress and the disgust from fans was meant to curb illegal use of anabolic steroids by younger boys, teens and men. And hopefully the message is getting through to the male population. Ah -- but, did we, ah, forget to tell the girls? "An alarming number of American girls, some as young as 9, are using bodybuilding steroids -- not necessarily to get an edge on the….

e., their use of anabolic steroids (and whether they had ever been offered steroids), their involvement in power sports, appearance and eating problems, and problem behavior. Background information about the participants included their degree of urbanization, parental socioeconomic status and the region to which they belonged.
Analyses of the study's results show that the prevalence of steroid use among Norwegian youth was lower (lifetime use was 0.8% and 12 months prevalence was 0.3%) than in several other Western societies such as the U.S. (2.5% to 7%) and in Australia, Canada, Sweden and South Africa (2% to 3.5%). It also showed that AAS use was first and foremost associated with problem behavior (i.e., drug [marijuana] involvement and aggressive-type conduct problems). Its relation with power sports and appearance came in at second and third place respectively.

The study is, therefore, significant in highlighting the hitherto largely ignored area of problem behavior in steroid use.….

Mark Leyner
Hey-I know this looks long, but it's about 1200 words without the two long quotations from the book.

So it's actually the right length according to the assignment, but you might want to mention that to the instructor.

A selection from Mark Leyner's 1995 work Tooth Imprints on a Corn Dog is included by the editors of the Norton Anthology Postmodern American Fiction, although Leyner himself claims in a note in the anthology that his "work isn't animated by a desire to be experimental or post-modernist or aesthetically subversive or even 'innovative' -- it is animated by a desire to craft a kind of writing that is at every single moment exhilarating for the reader, where each phrase, each sentence is an event." (Geyh, Leebron, & Levy 242). As a result the entirety of Tooth Imprints on a Corn Dog holds up as a kind of aesthetic whole based purely….

Drug Abuse in the Society

predict anabolic steroids on the controversial forefront of drugs that enhance performance. Halfway through the period, no attempt has been met from the governing bodies of sports towards the control of its use. It is only recent that North America's major governing bodies of sport came to an agreement of punishing and banning anabolic-steroids involved athletes from participating in any competition. The strict punitive measures have a primary development concern of promoting fair play and doing away with nagging health risks that are associates to androgenic-anabolic steroids. However, controversy is still in play as to whether the use of anabolic steroids is deterred by these programs in question (Hoffman & Ratamess, 2006).
The steroids, Anabolic-androgenic, are a derivation of the male sex hormone; testosterone, that is man-made. Physiologically speaking, an increase in the concentration of testosterone will stimulate the synthesis of protein with effective results in strength, body mass, and….

Ergogenic Aid
When discussing and pondering the broader subject of steroids and other substances that aid the body in getting stronger and healthier, one word or term that is likely to come to mind is “anabolic”. However, the use and employment of steroids and supplements has multiple layers and types that must be considered. One of the other terms to consider is ergogenic. Regardless of the type of steroid or body aid, there is an intended and desired effect on performance. There is also the related, yet different, use of what is known as human growth hormone, or HGH. As with all medicines and treatments, there are medical risks when it comes to the use or abuse of steroids of any type, which would include ergogenic. While some people are prone to disavow and condemn the use of steroids and/or supplements across the board, here are a number of findings and….

1. The history and evolution of steroid laws in the United States
2. The impact of steroid laws on the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports
3. The controversy surrounding the legality and ethics of steroid use
4. The role of government regulation in preventing steroid abuse
5. The influence of media and public perception on steroid laws
6. The debate over criminalizing steroid possession and distribution
7. The effectiveness of drug testing and enforcement measures in deterring steroid use
8. The implications of international differences in steroid laws
9. The potential benefits and drawbacks of legalizing steroids for personal use
10. The intersection of gender, race, and socio-economic....

Powerlifting focuses on three main lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift, with the goal of lifting as much weight as possible in these specific movements. Training for powerlifting typically involves lower rep ranges (1-5 reps) and higher intensity to build maximum strength in these lifts.

Bodybuilding, on the other hand, focuses on building muscle size, symmetry, and aesthetics. Training for bodybuilding involves higher rep ranges (8-12 reps) to target muscle hypertrophy and volume. Bodybuilders also pay more attention to muscle isolation exercises to target specific muscle groups and achieve a balanced physique.

In terms of goals, powerlifters aim to increase their one-rep....

Powerlifting vs. Bodybuilding: Training and Goals

Powerlifting and bodybuilding are two distinct strength-training disciplines, each with unique goals and training methodologies. While both involve lifting weights to build muscle and strength, their approaches and focus differ significantly.


Powerlifting: Maximizing strength in three lifts - squat, bench press, deadlift - for competitive purposes.
Bodybuilding: Emphasizing muscle size, symmetry, and definition for aesthetic or competitive reasons.

Training Principles

1. Intensity:

Powerlifting: Typically characterized by high-intensity training, lifting 75-100% of one-repetition maximum (1RM).
Bodybuilding: Lower intensity, commonly using 60-85% of 1RM for muscle hypertrophy.

2. Volume:

Powerlifting: Lower training volume, focusing on heavy compound lifts with fewer....

5 Pages


Bodybuilding Body Building and Exhibition

Words: 1243
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

" It is obvious from this aspect of the research that body building can serve as an efficient way to assist in losing weight. Losing weight through body building is…

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4 Pages


What Sort of Protein Supplements Are Good for Athletes

Words: 1177
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Products Whole Plant-Based Protein: Whole Greens Hemp from his product does work: it is a protein formula containing protein-rich plant-based ingredients, relying upon hemp for a protein basis that…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nutrition

Creatine or Glutamine as a Dietary Supplement

Words: 1407
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Dietary Supplement for Athletes or Bodybuilding Creatine is a dietary supplement that has been popular for more than thirty years amongst athletes and bodybuilders (Feldman 1999: 45). Its alleged…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Periodization Snideman 2007 Describes Periodization

Words: 684
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The focus is now on effective ways of training the body in a set time to get the result you with through the most effective means without losing…

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5 Pages


Body Modifications

Words: 1545
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

cultures have customs and traditions involving body modifications and while some generate serious controversy in the contemporary society, others are widely accepted. Some are inclined to associate body…

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5 Pages


Effect of AIDS in Time Spent in the Gym

Words: 1628
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Audio Visual Aids in the Gym The reason why people enroll for sessions at the gym or even lessons by trained personnel at the gym is because there is…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Gaining Weight 25-35Lbs How to

Words: 1329
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

5 gram per pound of bodyweight. Proteins give the muscle energy to grow but carbohydrates are just as important to promote the muscle to heal. The following is a 3…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Attitude Toward Diet and Exercise

Words: 698
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In fact, she already had all of that information written in the margins right next the photographs. Every picture had a description of how many calories, and how…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

Watch Your Health Course Name

Words: 2331
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This means that the entire interview process will take a period of one month. It should be noted that an allowance has been given for the differences in…

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3 Pages

Sports - Women

Mason Allende Thomas King's 'Stories' A Comparison of

Words: 1133
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Mason/Allende Thomas King's 'stories': A Comparison of Shiloh and an Act of Vengeance Our first analysis starts with the novel "Shiloh," written by Bobbie Ann Mason. The main binding story…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Reinvention Identity of Code

Words: 933
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

confusing gender roles in our society. ith women putting in as many hours at the office as men and 'take your daughter to work day' now implying bring…

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17 Pages
Term Paper


Steroid Use Controversies of the

Words: 5176
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Term Paper

e., their use of anabolic steroids (and whether they had ever been offered steroids), their involvement in power sports, appearance and eating problems, and problem behavior. Background information about…

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2 Pages
Book Review


Mark Leyner's Postmodernism

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Review

Mark Leyner Hey-I know this looks long, but it's about 1200 words without the two long quotations from the book. So it's actually the right length according to the assignment,…

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3 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Drug Abuse in the Society

Words: 1185
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

predict anabolic steroids on the controversial forefront of drugs that enhance performance. Halfway through the period, no attempt has been met from the governing bodies of sports towards…

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5 Pages


Difference between'steroids and HGH

Words: 1792
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Ergogenic Aid When discussing and pondering the broader subject of steroids and other substances that aid the body in getting stronger and healthier, one word or term that is likely…

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