Cover Letter Essays (Examples)

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Health Care Settings
Cover Letter

Hospital Chief Executive Officer

There are a number of different issues that have been affecting the health care facility over the last several years. Recently, the various cutbacks in assistance from government programs (i.e. Medicaid and Medicare) have caused many of the different challenges that we have been facing to become even worse. As a result, a special consultant was brought in to analyze the situation and determine what possible strategies can be undertaken to address the various challenges facing the hospital. At which point, the finance committee would undertake a careful analysis of how these recommendations can be implemented throughout the facility. Enclosed is a detailed report that will outline the various challenges facing the hospital and some possible solutions that can be introduced to deal with them. It is important to remember, that the proposal is still a work in progress and feed back is vital….

The price will reflect this. The premium prices we will charge -- in the range of $15 per pound, are commensurate with the price charged by other roasters of our caliber for their coffees. We will offer a slight discount from this for our wholesale business, but only slightly. When cafes sell our coffee at retail, they will probably charge in the $1.75 range for a cup and $3.00-$3.50 for an espresso drink.
With regards to place, the majority of our sales will be conducted either in our store or through the Internet. We expect that our store will handle a significant amount of the retail trade, especially since the cafe will attract customers. The Internet -- along with phone and email orders -- will handle the bulk of the wholesale business.

The promotional message will be based around the high quality of the coffee. We will support this with a….


The title page of the document is fomatted popely and attactively with the use of bold and diffeent font sizes to allow ease of eye movement acoss the page, and the title page also identifies the autho and date submitted. A table of contents is included, and it does use capital lettes fo all the majo divisions of the epot. Subheadings ae also used. The content is faily well developed and geneally emains on point elated to RPM.

Howeve, thee ae some fomatting issues with page beaks. Thee is at least one ophaned line. Thee is also no abstact, and instead the autho includes andom wods and phases. Although the epot is faily well witten, and includes a list of ecommendations, it lacks polish and needs additional fomatting and editing. Few extenal souces ae used in the compilation of the eseach.

The title page is not fomatted popely, and seveal lines ae….

Dear Hiring Team:The position of Marketing Manager at Hofstra University requires creative and innovative thinking in accompaniment with strong project management and planning skills. My demonstrated expertise at creating and implementing marketing strategies; conceiving and executing designs, engaging with stakeholders, planning events, and managing social media activity all align with the needed qualifications for the position. I am committed to motivating people with passion and a sense of purpose. Some of my most significant contributions in my field include: Promoting a diversity awareness event through the Nassau County Parks that resulted in the largest attendance ever recorded at that venue Successfully improving Welfare to Work program participation in 62 participating counties across New York State Acting as entry liaison for local leaders during the first-ever presidential debate at Hofstra University in 2008I have devoted my career to developing vision and leadership to foster brand recognition and growth while positively impacting….

Business Analyst

Business Wok Expeience

• Fist Republic Bank, Business Analyst, 2016 -- Pesent:

I cuently wok as a business analyst fo the bank. My esponsibilities include the following:

Examine client's business equiements and pocesses though pesonal inteviews, document analysis, and wokshops.

Compehend the business equiements and pinpointed gaps in vaious business pocess and execute pocess enhancement initiatives.

Unveil the undelying business poblems that necessitate being addessed and pinpoint any infomation linked to the poject.

Oganization, popely defining, and modelling business equiements to make cetain that they ae coect, complete and cetain.

Making cetain that the business equiements ae aligned to the business need being addessed and ascetain that they ae sanctioned by all the ight stakeholdes and that such equiements meet the petinent quality standads.

Actively paticipate with teams in vaious tasks.

vii. Woks in a SAP business envionment.

viii. Take pat in special pojects as equied.

• New Yok Community Bank, Business Analyst Inten, 2014:

I woked as a business analyst….

Cover letterDear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the Licensed Practical Nurse position at your healthcare facility. As a highly motivated and experienced nurse, I am excited about the opportunity to gain more experience in the healthcare field and contribute to the success of your team.I hold an Associate of Science in Nursing from Essex County College and am licensed and certified in practical nursing, as well as infection control. My professional highlights include proficiency in providing assistance to RNs, doctors, and surgeons during regular medical and surgical operations, and well-versed in communicating effectively with patients and their families regarding disease care and precautions. Additionally, I have experience in administering IV medications, collecting blood and urine samples for laboratory, and post-surgery patient monitoring and progress charting.I have expertise in long-term care, subacute care, assisted living, memory care, admission and discharge, IV administration, burn/wound dressing, catheterization, post-surgical nursing,….

Areas for Additional Research:

The Official Website of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

August 8-24 2008

From Scholastic []

The history of the ancient Greek Olympic Games, including the nature of the competition and the reasons behind the cessation of the games.

The statistics and demographics of the Olympics.

Evidence and impact of nationalism on the Olympic Games.

More Olympic links: •

The Olympic rowing venue must adhere to standards including the incorporation of 20 network points for 20 employees, including cable along with 802.11 Wireless Access within the media centre; availability of internet laptop access and WiFi for visiting media to be able to allowed email, SSH, and internet availability; extended seating with Olympic Games wireless coverage for registered media personnel; coverage network requirements in accord with the installation of featured computing hardware; and web server space to provide advertising space and broad publication of the race results, along with the following computer hardware:

1 x color printer


Letter of intent: Diploma in Human Resources Management at McGill University
Over the course of my business career I have had the privilege of exercising leadership in a number of capacities in the marketing field. Most recently, I worked as a marketing coordinator at Best Kitchen and Bath - Modern Lamps. There, I engaged in market analysis; coordinated media-related activities; and increased the company's presence online and at tradeshows. Working for a relatively small, emerging organization was very gratifying because I was able to use my capabilities and knowledge in many different capacities. Previously, I worked for Microsoft as a marketing and sales associate. This offered me a completely different perspective on the field: my duties were highly specialized for this larger entity, and I focused specifically on the areas of organizing marketing events and performing marketing research. Both positions required me to use my quantitative as well as my qualitative….

Letter to My Addiction:
To an Old Friend,

Chai Latte, you have always been there for me every day, even when no one else was. As a result, you were my first love because I could turn to you when I was happy, sad, stressed, or angry. You were always there to give me comfort and relief by taking away my fears and insecurities, while giving me hope and strength to face the next moment and situation. While I felt alone in the beginning, you became my best friend by being ever-present to an extent I no longer feel lonely or alone. Your ability to lessen my pain, struggles, and worries made me to lean on you on a daily basis.

You appealed to my senses by enabling me to have increased focus and attention, especially in moments when I was tired and helpless. I turned to your strength at the sight of….

Letter to a Congressional epresentative
Congressional epresentative

Support for health care bill

I am writing to request for your support in the health insurance bill. As you know, a proper health is vital and that we cannot enjoy wealth and other luxuries if we are not healthy. However, diseases like Influenza cough and other serious illness are unavoidable in our daily life. In addition, lifestyle changes have caused many individuals to suffer from illnesses like cancer, stroke, and heart attack. For those reasons, I advocate that the government should give health insurance to its citizens. The health insurance will insure against the risk of incurring health expenses (Hitchcock, Schubert & Thomas, 2003). This happens by first estimating the risk of health care among individuals. An insurer can then develop a routine finance structure such as payroll tax or a monthly premium. I believe the implementation of a Health Insurance Bill will reform the….

Letter Against Unionization
Dear Mr. Hines

Thank you for our recent discussion regarding the American Professionals Union's attempt to organize our nursing staff. The nurses have made their many grievances known and I have listened intently to their rationale about unionizing. With the widespread shortage of nurses, many hospitals have given way to unionization. This is not a new trend. It is a popular way for nurses to resolve challenges and negotiate salaries. The American Nurses Association first endorsed collective bargaining in the later 19040s and at the time, viewed it as the road to improving both wages and working conditions (Carrell & Heavrin, 2007). Today, nurses' attention has shifted from wages, benefits, and work conditions, to also include patient issues. ecent strikes in California, Minnesota and Pennsylvania have focused on nurse to patient ratios in particular, after extensive research revealed a direct correlation between minimum nurse to patient ratios and improved….

24, 2004 at 10:40 PM when he gave me an E. For the test. I had sent many e-mails to the instructor asking for my mid-term grade, but he said that it was still under review.
Throughout the term

Mr. Cameron read from an overhead projector that displayed small, blurry words and he often covered the words with his hand. Therefore, it was difficult to read the text and follow the lectures. To resolve the issue, I sent an email asking him to provide materials. However, he refused to provide the information and accused me of not listening to his lecture tape. I then had to forward his email to other students in the class to get him to reply.

A strongly feel that I did not get an appropriate level of interaction between students and faculty. This is a very vital part of the learning tool according to the guidelines for….

Jane Lee's letter to the Human Resources Department at XYZ Solution is not effective and is unlikely to pique their interest. The letter has grammar errors that make it appear sloppy. There is too much superfluous information. The letter also does not take the audience's needs into account, and lacks the classic appeals of good persuasive writing -- logos, pathos and ethos.

The first thing Ms. Lee needs to do is to clean up the spelling and grammar. Capitalizing something like "math" and using the ampersand in mid-sentence conveys that the writer lacks professionalism. There is a word that does not exist ("flaure") and as a result a nonsensical sentence. There are other mistakes as well, and Ms. Lee will need to make significant revisions to make this a professional-caliber cover letter.

However, there are many other faults that make this an ineffective cover letter. Ms. Lee does not appear to recognize….

Job-Application Letter
There are several positive aspects of the letter reviewed within this assignment and which will be evaluated herein. It is obvious from even a cursory read of this document that the author is very confident and fairly talented. However, there is a thin line between confidence and overstepping one's boundaries, and there are a few places in the letter in which the author's approach could stand some restructuring and re-phrasing to emphasize a greater degree of professionalism. By adhering to a more formal format for this cover letter, it is not improbable that the author could obtain the position that he desires.

Still, the basic structure of the letter itself is commendable. The fact that the author has written this on letterhead with his contact information at the top is beneficial, and he follows the general structure for a business letter nicely, including leaving a space between the "Sincerely"….

All identified causes within CDE Apparel indicate that the high employee turnover is due to voluntary reasons, rather than involuntary. In other words, the staff does not leave because they are forced to, due to restructuring, firing or retirement, but rather because they choose to (Adorno).

6. Alternative Courses of Action

The solution to the current problems facing CDE Apparel resides in reducing the employee turnover. And this can theoretically be done through the implementation of a wide array of managerial strategies, such as employee selection programs, outsourcing, corporate culture or motivational forces, briefly presented below:

Employee selection programs encompass numerous strategies and measures implemented by the employer in the hiring process and can be used to efficiently reduce turnover (Adorno). This basically means that the manager at CDE will select those candidates which are best skilled to do the job and which perfectly integrate within the corporate culture, whichever that is. In….

I. Introduction
A. Definition of proper spacing
B. Importance of proper spacing in various contexts
C. Purpose of the essay

II. Benefits of Proper Spacing
A. Improved readability
1. Ease in reading and understanding
2. Reduces eye strain and fatigue
B. Enhanced comprehension
1. Allows the reader to grasp ideas more effectively
2. Facilitates the flow of thoughts and arguments
C. Improved organization
1. Helps in organizing information and ideas logically
2. Allows for better structuring of content

III. Proper Spacing in Written Communication
A. Formatting in academic essays

Effectively Outlining the Steps for Navigating a Hypothetical Scenario in a Process Essay


A process essay guides readers through a series of steps or actions to achieve a specific goal or outcome. When navigating a hypothetical scenario in a process essay, it is crucial to outline the steps effectively to ensure clarity, logical progression, and readability. This outline serves as a blueprint for the essay, ensuring that all essential elements are covered systematically.

Step 1: Define the Hypothetical Scenario

Begin by clearly stating the hypothetical situation or scenario that the essay will address. This provides context and sets the stage for the subsequent....

3 Pages
Research Proposal


Health Care Settings Cover Letter Hospital Chief

Words: 799
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Health Care Settings Cover Letter Hospital Chief Executive Officer There are a number of different issues that have been affecting the health care facility over the last several years. Recently, the various…

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4 Pages
Business Plan


Limited Liability Co Cover Letter

Words: 1175
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Business Plan

The price will reflect this. The premium prices we will charge -- in the range of $15 per pound, are commensurate with the price charged by other roasters…

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2 Pages


Technical Cover Letter and Title Page Analysis

Words: 446
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Other

Technical The title page of the document is fomatted popely and attactively with the use of bold and diffeent font sizes to allow ease of eye movement acoss the page,…

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2 Pages

Admissions Essays / Letters

Cover Letter for University Position

Words: 216
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Introduction

Dear Hiring Team:The position of Marketing Manager at Hofstra University requires creative and innovative thinking in accompaniment with strong project management and planning skills. My demonstrated expertise at creating…

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3 Pages


Risk Management and Business

Words: 868
Length: 3 Pages

Resume Business Analyst Business Wok Expeience • Fist Republic Bank, Business Analyst, 2016 -- Pesent: I cuently wok as a business analyst fo the bank. My esponsibilities include the following: Examine client's business equiements…

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2 Pages


Cover Letter for Subacute Nursing Position

Words: 574
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Letter

Cover letterDear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the Licensed Practical Nurse position at your healthcare facility. As a highly motivated and experienced nurse, I am…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal

Education - Computers

Letter for Proposed Solution to Olympic Rowing Venue

Words: 1592
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Areas for Additional Research: The Official Website of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games August 8-24 2008 From Scholastic [] The history of the ancient Greek Olympic Games, including the nature of the competition…

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2 Pages


Letter of Intent to Graduate Program in Human Resources Management

Words: 648
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Letter of intent: Diploma in Human Resources Management at McGill University Over the course of my business career I have had the privilege of exercising leadership in a number of…

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3 Pages

Family and Marriage

Letter to My Addiction To an Old

Words: 985
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Letter to My Addiction: To an Old Friend, Chai Latte, you have always been there for me every day, even when no one else was. As a result, you were my…

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4 Pages


Letter to a Congressional Representative Congressional Representative

Words: 1300
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Letter to a Congressional epresentative Congressional epresentative Support for health care bill I am writing to request for your support in the health insurance bill. As you know, a proper health is…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Letter Against Unionization Dear Mr Hines Thank

Words: 1880
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Letter Against Unionization Dear Mr. Hines Thank you for our recent discussion regarding the American Professionals Union's attempt to organize our nursing staff. The nurses have made their many grievances known…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Letter of Complaint to Whom

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

24, 2004 at 10:40 PM when he gave me an E. For the test. I had sent many e-mails to the instructor asking for my mid-term grade, but…

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2 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Communication Jane Lee's Letter to the Human

Words: 704
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Communication Jane Lee's letter to the Human Resources Department at XYZ Solution is not effective and is unlikely to pique their interest. The letter has grammar errors that make it…

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2 Pages


Sample Job Application Letter

Words: 631
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Job-Application Letter There are several positive aspects of the letter reviewed within this assignment and which will be evaluated herein. It is obvious from even a cursory read of…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Management of Contemporary Organizations Cover

Words: 2506
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

All identified causes within CDE Apparel indicate that the high employee turnover is due to voluntary reasons, rather than involuntary. In other words, the staff does not leave because…

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