Cultural Analysis Essays (Examples)

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Also reception of criticism and feedback is necessary since it contains information that can assist people to achieve the necessary goal.

What is further important is that, by giving subordinates feedback will make them feel that they are part of the work process; consequently they fight back to complete the job systematically (Boddy, 2008).

In my view this is the mainly sensible theory but its disadvantage is that every so often bosses tend to set too hard goals which are unclear or out of employees' strength and capabilities.

The theory is vital of course, but extra hands-on approach is essential to encourage employees in the work procedure. For example, programs like Forrest hills done in the Lancaster University can be helpful for organizations to apply if they want to motivate their employees to the most (Boddy, 2008).

How might your own culture's version of ethical behavior clash with the ethical standards of the chosen….

Cultural Analysis
Activity 1 - Discuss the two societal cultures that you will use to develop your GLOBE Paper. Why these two? I will discuss the Germanic and Latin European Cultures. Each of these divergent cultural paradigms has had a strong effect upon globalism in the 21st century based on hundreds of years of influence in Europe and the New World as far back as the 1600s, and perhaps before. Both cultures are rich in literature and historical development, and both language groups have had a seminal influence on culture. My husband is in the Army and we now live in Europe, I need to make myself aware of these cultural attributes so that I can be aware of the leadership styles and cultures.

Activity 2 -- The Germanic culture really arose out of the merge between the Ancient omans and the Germanic peoples during the 3-5th centuries AD. This was primarily….

Achievement 5.8-3.4

Concealment of vulnerability 3.8-3.2

Willingness to expose vulnerability 2.2-1.8

Based on these figures, the analyst can compare the scores and see differences between these two persons on each dimension, noting how these differences might either facilitate or limit communication and the counseling process. Some of the dimensions are more important for that professional interaction than others, and these can be noted in particular.

Time orientation involves whether the individual looks more to past or future and how that might affect his or her attitudes and behaviors. The Client in this case ha a stronger time orientation than does the Social Worker, which may indicate a greater concern with time on the part of the Client, perhaps making her less patient with the time a successful process may take. The Social Worker is more keyed to achieving the goal in a worthwhile manner. It is this issue of how much time the Client….

Cultural Analysis: Brazil & New Zealand
Comparative Cultural Analysis

Brazil & New Zealand

In today's robust business world, the boundaries between the countries are showing contractions at an exponential pace. Having a multinational business model is considered as a usual addition to the existing business practice. However, where the world has turned into a global village, cultural forces have not lost their influential power. As a matter of fact, it is important for business enterprises that the impact of the cultural norms and values of the countries where they are currently operating and are planning to operate, should be considered before actually initiating the business expansion. For the purpose of business restructuring, ABC & Co. which is a leading EP solutions provider in New Zealand, has decided to expand its business to Brazil. However, before actually commencing the expansion process, a preliminary observation of Brazilian culture (in terms of business dealings) is….

cross-cultural analysis of the epublic of Colombia and the epublic of Cuba reveals a group of similarities between the cultures, as a result of the postcolonial status of both nations. Both nations are plagued with political and social strife that has altered the landscape of the culture, to a large degree resulting in a fragmented society. The rich are very rich and the poor are very poor, not unlike many Latin American nations yet, between these two we find the most similarities in nationalism in addition to the pervasive effects of a relatively recent independence from Spanish rule.
One frequently cited difference between the Cuban population and that of Colombia is the existence of indigenous populations in Colombia. While Colombia is large enough to have offered refuges for indigenous people from the diseases and oppression of the colonizers Cuba offered no refuge and was quickly wiped clean of indigenous survivors….

Zimbabwe: A Cultural Analysis
The work of Hall (1982) relates how primary message systems in a culture serve to communicate the values and norms of that culture and are the instructions that everyone in that culture receives on what is considered within that culture to be acceptable in terms of dress and behavior. Also included in the primary message systems of a culture are the traditional survival methods and the use of time and how, when playing, it is acceptable to play and relax and the use of thing or objects in the culture is another identified primary message system within a culture which includes the use of money, weapons, transportation, homes and the like. Included as well in the culture of Zimbabwe, as in any other culture are rituals, networks, symbolism, values, stories, heroes, and heroines. There is also a differentiation of culture by the assignation of control, which may….

Global Business Cultural Analysis: JAPANAbstractThis paper primarily examines the global business culture evaluation of Japan and its repercussions on businesses. Communication, ethics, social structure, attitude, values, and religion are some of the cultural aspects that leverage Japan's business activities. Modulation and complexity substantially typify communication in Japan. A person's way of dressing, communication, and presenting themselves significantly influence business negotiation. The Japanese ordinarily gratify communal unity and hard work to avoid competing amongst themselves. This is why the businesses' operation in groups whereby individual group members stress the other group members' needs when carrying out their duties. The social principle of collectivism plays a major role in ensuring the success of Japanese business enterprises. American companies contemplating venturing into Japanese markets must, therefore, adopt this culture to succeed. Moreover, the Japanese embrace the spirit of nationalism. THrough nationalism, Japanese consumers have been loyal to consuming their internally manufactured products. Japanese….

It is important to reconcile the seemingly opposing extremes. It is a best practice to satisfy customer needs by learning from the diversity of adopting, adapting, and combining the best of what already works (Trompenaars and Woolliams, 2004).
In regards to the soft drink market in Italy, the best approach would be to utilize adaptation. It appears that standardization would not work as sales in this sector for the same ole product are down. Introducing a healthy drink aimed at the aging population through an adaptation scheme would seem to be the best approach.

Italy has a bicameral political system that is composed of a Senate and a Chamber of Deputies. Both of these are directly elected and have equal authority. The Speakers of the Senate and Chamber are second and third in command to the President of the epublic. The government consists of the President of the Council of Ministers….

his paper helped in identifying the differences and similarities between the two nations and their cultures. he paper also presented the fact that theories and studies hold true for all the business environments.
Gratchev, M., Rogovsky, N., & Rakitski, B. (2007). Leadership and culture in Russia: he case of transitional economy. Culture and Leadership across the World: he GLOBE Book of In-Depth Studies, 25, 803-831.

his paper gives a detailed analysis on the Russian economy and how it has progressed from the decline by the break of Soviet block and failure of the super power. he paper identifies Russia as a changing economy which is moving towards development at a fast pace. he paper also give brief details about the statistical data of the country. he paper explains that although economic crisis and decline has greatly affected the country but there is full potential in the country to grow and develop….

Men are made, not born" encapsulates the principle that gender is socially constructed. Therefore, women are also made and not born. Gendered rituals and rites of passage inculcate the gender roles and norms in society. For example, Herdt's analysis of the gendered initiation rites in Papua New Guinea shows how superstition guides belief about gender. Moreover, a cross-cultural analysis reveals the arbitrariness of gender roles and norms. Gender is completely proscribed, as judgments are placed on children from the time they exist the womb until the moment they die. In "The Cultural Construction of Gender," the author shows how various rituals and rites of passage serve to define gender roles, norms, and personal identity, but that "the transition to womanhood is often part of a more subtle and continuous process of enculturation and socialization," (p. 160). Both men and women are "made, not born," but male control of rituals….

business culture and expansion trends that exist for American companies within New Zealand. The paper focuses on answering the following questions: 1. What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in this region? 2. How are these elements and dimensions integrated by local conducting business in the nation? 3. How do both of the above items compare with U.S. culture and business? 4. What are the implications for U.S. businesses that wish to conduct business in that region? The paper also tackles the following aspects: Dimensions of Culture, Communication. Different Meaning of Words across Languages, Verbal, Nonverbal, High Context vs. Low Context and eligion -- Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Shinto and Ethics; Definitions, The Issue of Corruption, Corporate Social esponsibility, Values and Attitudes, Variances in Attitudes across Cultures, Concept of Time, Dealing with Change, The ole of Gender, Social Status, Business Manners and Customs across National….

Global Business Cultural Analysis

Nigerian History

Synopsis of Nigerian government

Nigerian monarchy to presidential system

The evolution of Nigeria from British control to a civilian democratic government

Nigerian major commodities



The major elements and dimensions of culture in Nigeria

Cultural dimensions


Power distance



Model of culture

Universalism or Particularize

How is the integration of elements and dimensions that Nigerians doing business in the country?

The effects of governments on the prospects for its business around the world

How the elements and dimensions compared with the United States, culture, and business?

The role of women in the workplace

Business visitors must be dressed in an elegant and tie (for men!)

Cross-cultural business transactions between the United States and Nigeria




Thurstan Shaw and Steve Daniels, who are the founder for archaeological research proved in their research that Nigeria has been developed since 9,000 BC. At that time, people were living particularly in the low-Eleer region and even earlier that that, in the southeastern region of Nigeria known as Ugwelle-Utruru….

Cultural Distance: How Is it Measured, And How it Impact on Global Marketing Operations
The persistence of cultural distances is relevant for the global multinational marketing operations exposed to multiple cultures in their everyday activities. This indicates that marketing across border introduces complexities because it forces global marketers to tailor their approaches and practices to each cultural context they carry out their business activities. As a result, this paper will discuss concepts applicable to different aspects of cross-border operations. The primary focus of the paper is on multinational business corporations (Baumann, 2007).

This study shows how Hofstede's model is still the most relevant piece of reference for a successive cross-cultural analysis despite it being a widely criticized. The paper compares and contrasts Hofstede's famous concepts with Turner and Schwartz, Trompenaars and Hampden's valued inventory. It will attempt to provide empirical evidence of how cultural diversity influences the global markets by giving illustrations….

business culture and expansion trends that exist for American companies in India. The paper focuses on answering the following questions: 1. What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in this region? 2. How are these elements and dimensions integrated by local conducting business in the nation? 3. How do both of the above items compare with U.S. culture and business? 4. What are the implications for U.S. businesses that wish to conduct business in that region? The paper also tackles the following aspects: Dimensions of Culture, Communication. Different Meaning of Words across Languages, Verbal, Nonverbal, High Context vs. Low Context and eligion -- Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Shinto and Ethics; Definitions, The Issue of Corruption, Corporate Social esponsibility, Values and Attitudes, Variances in Attitudes across Cultures, Concept of Time, Dealing with Change, The ole of Gender, Social Status, Business Manners and Customs across National Cultures,….

Cultural Analysis of Japan for Expansion of Postmates
Before any business into a new market, it is essential the marketplace itself is considered. Postmates is looking to expand. This organisation is an on demand delivery service established within many areas of the United States, making more than 100 deliveries a month utilising the model of crowdsourcing most commonly associated with the. The mission of the organisation is to be "the on demand delivery infrastructure for every major city in the world" (Postmates, 2016). With successful establishment within the United States, the company is likely to seek out new markets where there will be sufficient demand for the service, as well as a sufficient supply of individuals willing to work as post mate "partners." One potentially valuable market is Japan;

Background to Japan

Japan is a developed market, which may benefit Postmates with its high level of concentration in metropolitan areas increasing the potential….

1. The Evolution of Traditional and New Media: A Comparative Analysis

2. The Impact of Digital Technology on Traditional Media

3. The Role of Social Media in Modern Journalism

4. Traditional Media vs. New Media: Bridging the Generation Gap

5. The Changing Landscape of Mass Communication: From Newspapers to Facebook

6. Adapting to the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for Traditional Media

7. The Influence of New Media on Political Discourse and Public Opinion

8. Exploring the Power of Visual Storytelling in Traditional and New Media

9. The Convergence of Traditional and New Media: Prospects and Challenges

10. The Future of Media Consumption: Trends in Traditional and New Media....

1. Exploring the Hidden Meanings of Dreams: A Journey into Dream Psychology

2. The Power of Dream Analysis in Understanding the Mind: A Psychological Perspective

3. Dream Interpretation: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Subconscious

4. The Role of Dreams in Processing Emotions and Memories: A Psychological Exploration

5. Freud vs. Jung: Contrasting Perspectives on Dream Psychology

6. Dreams as a Window to the Soul: Examining the Symbolism and Meaning Behind Dream Imagery

7. The Science of Sleep: How Dreams Contribute to Mental Health and Well-being

8. Lucid Dreaming: Harnessing the Power of Consciousness in Dream Psychology

9. The Influence of Culture and Society on Dream Patterns and Interpretations


1. Unveiling the Essence of Integrity: A Comprehensive Examination

2. The Pillars of Integrity: A Philosophical and Ethical Exploration

3. Integrity in Action: Exploring the Role of Character in Human Conduct

4. The Imperative of Integrity: Its Significance in Personal, Professional, and Societal Life

5. The Paradox of Integrity: Balancing Personal Values and External Expectations

6. The Erosion of Integrity: A Cultural Analysis of Moral Decline

7. The Restoration of Integrity: Strategies for Rebuilding Trust and Ethical Behavior

8. Integrity as a Moral Compass: A Guide for Ethical Decision-Making

9. Integrity in the Modern Era: Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World

10. The Power of Integrity: Its Impact....

How a Thorough Analysis of Music Enhances the Overall Impact of an Essay
A thorough analysis of music can significantly enhance the overall impact of an essay by providing insights, supporting arguments, and creating a more immersive and engaging experience for the reader.
1. Provides a Rich Context for Literary and Cultural Analysis
Music often plays a vital role in literary and cultural works, reflecting social values, historical events, or emotional states. By analyzing the musical elements of a work, such as rhythm, melody, and harmony, writers can gain a deeper understanding of its themes, symbols, and characters.
For instance, in an essay on....

9 Pages
Research Paper

History - Asian

Cultural Analysis What Values Attitudes

Words: 2272
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Also reception of criticism and feedback is necessary since it contains information that can assist people to achieve the necessary goal. What is further important is that, by giving subordinates…

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3 Pages


Cultural Analysis Activity 1 - Discuss the

Words: 1461
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Cultural Analysis Activity 1 - Discuss the two societal cultures that you will use to develop your GLOBE Paper. Why these two? I will discuss the Germanic and Latin European…

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3 Pages

Sports - Women

Cultural Analysis the Subject Is

Words: 777
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

8-3.4 Achievement 5.8-3.4 Concealment of vulnerability 3.8-3.2 Willingness to expose vulnerability 2.2-1.8 Based on these figures, the analyst can compare the scores and see differences between these two persons on each dimension, noting…

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7 Pages


Cultural Analysis Brazil & New Zealand Comparative

Words: 2259
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Cultural Analysis: Brazil & New Zealand Comparative Cultural Analysis Brazil & New Zealand In today's robust business world, the boundaries between the countries are showing contractions at an exponential pace. Having…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Republic of Colombia

Words: 2665
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

cross-cultural analysis of the epublic of Colombia and the epublic of Cuba reveals a group of similarities between the cultures, as a result of the postcolonial status of…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Zimbabwe A Cultural Analysis the Work of

Words: 1794
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Zimbabwe: A Cultural Analysis The work of Hall (1982) relates how primary message systems in a culture serve to communicate the values and norms of that culture and are the…

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26 Pages
Research Paper


Japan's Global Business Cultural Analysis

Words: 7727
Length: 26 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Global Business Cultural Analysis: JAPANAbstractThis paper primarily examines the global business culture evaluation of Japan and its repercussions on businesses. Communication, ethics, social structure, attitude, values, and religion are…

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8 Pages

Business - Advertising

Marketing Cultural Analysis of Italy

Words: 2552
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

It is important to reconcile the seemingly opposing extremes. It is a best practice to satisfy customer needs by learning from the diversity of adopting, adapting, and combining…

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12 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Global Business Cultural Analysis Russia

Words: 3930
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

his paper helped in identifying the differences and similarities between the two nations and their cultures. he paper also presented the fact that theories and studies hold true…

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3 Pages


The Cross Cultural Analysis of Gender

Words: 884
Length: 3 Pages

Men are made, not born" encapsulates the principle that gender is socially constructed. Therefore, women are also made and not born. Gendered rituals and rites of passage inculcate…

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25 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Global Business Cultural Analysis on New Zealand

Words: 7557
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Research Paper

business culture and expansion trends that exist for American companies within New Zealand. The paper focuses on answering the following questions: 1. What are the major elements and…

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16 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - African

Global Cultural Analysis Nigeria

Words: 5263
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Global Business Cultural Analysis Nigeria Nigerian History Synopsis of Nigerian government Nigerian monarchy to presidential system The evolution of Nigeria from British control to a civilian democratic government Nigerian major commodities Oil Food The major elements and dimensions…

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10 Pages


Cultural Distance How Is it Measured and How Does it Impact on Global Marketing Operations

Words: 3242
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Cultural Distance: How Is it Measured, And How it Impact on Global Marketing Operations The persistence of cultural distances is relevant for the global multinational marketing operations exposed to multiple…

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25 Pages
Research Paper

History - Asian

Global Business Cultural Analysis

Words: 8186
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Research Paper

business culture and expansion trends that exist for American companies in India. The paper focuses on answering the following questions: 1. What are the major elements and dimensions…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - College

Business in Japan Cultural Consideration

Words: 1620
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Cultural Analysis of Japan for Expansion of Postmates Before any business into a new market, it is essential the marketplace itself is considered. Postmates is looking to expand. This organisation…

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