Logos Essays (Examples)

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The Aristotle Appeal of Logos
Pages: 2 Words: 757

Logos Appeal
In any scholastic argument, Aristotle's logos appeal would prove most advantageous and be the most sensible.

Arguments that base themselves on logos (known sometimes as logical appeals) entail proofs and assertions that confirm an individual's reasoning skills (Ethos, Pathos, and Logos ). Of Aristotle's three appeals, 'logos' appears to be the most scholastic; it forms a major part of all college-level writing assignments. In order to demonstrate that one has meticulously considered the topic under study, one should (Ethos, Pathos, and Logos ):

Carefully examine one's personal assumptions and find out if, under any conditions, those assumptions prove wrong. If this happens, one might have to consider not grounding one's claim on them.

Steer clear of flaws in logic.

Also, one must bear in mind not to presume that:

An event is the cause of another simply due to sequential ascension.

An individual's experience will be typical of the experiences of others (i.e., his experience…...



Comcast.net: Personal Web Pages. Arguments based on Facts and Reason-Logos. Retrieved October 19, 2015, from  http://home.comcast.net/~lukeythetruck/djole/SchoolPage/SPSCC/English%20102/ArgumentsFacts.htm 

Edlund, J., & Pomona, C. (n.d.). California State University, Los Angeles. Ethos, Logos, Pathos. Retrieved October 19, 2015, from  http://web.calstatela.edu/faculty/jgarret/3waypers.htm 

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos -

Mythos and Logos
Pages: 4 Words: 1115

mythos and logos?
The most direct linguistic renderings of 'mythos' and 'logos' into English would be that of 'myth' and 'logic.' In our current conceptualization of faith, there is often a distinction between these different ways of knowing. It is commonly expressed in the public discourse that faith and science are fundamentally bifurcated. Another way of conceptualizing the notion of 'mythos' and 'logos' is the difference between 'being' and 'thinking.' To be living in mythological time is to be living and being in the present. There is a unity of body and mind, rather than a division. Mythos is also seen as ritual time, in which the past is reenacted and made present. On a very literal level, logos means a 'laying out' of something, implying a certain degree of rational order that is inherent in the universe that can be observed provided the individual regards the world with enough…...

Business Speaking -- Pathos Logos
Pages: 2 Words: 601

2006; Hursthouse, 1999).
Pathos in Car ales

To employ the pathos approach to argument in a presentation in connection with car sales, the salesman would make arguments along the following lines: "This vehicle is the most environmentally friendly vehicle on the market and will require less gasoline that any other car. If you care about the environment, purchasing this vehicle is the most responsible decision you could make for the future health of this planet." This strategy is intended to convince the audience that the product being promoted will allow them to uphold values (like environmental responsibility) that they care about. The ultimate goal of this argument would be to generate product interest and sales by convincing people that the product is more consistent with their values and beliefs than other products are (Belch & Belch. 2006; Hursthouse, 1999).

Logos in Car ales

To employ the logos approach to argument in a presentation…...


Sources Consulted

Belch, G. And Belch, M. (2006) Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated

Marketing Communications Perspective. Irwin/McGraw-Hill: New York

Halbert, T. And Ingulli, E. (2008). Law & Ethics in the Business Environment.

Cincinnati: West Legal Studies.

Logo I Created a Fictional Company Named
Pages: 12 Words: 3530

logo I created a fictional company named: Plus Square (+2). This company a producer biodegradable disposable dishware, innovating advance product create inside materials seeds plants (trees, vegetables, flowers, ) order reforest generate oxygen nature? reintegration a short-term environment.
Plus to the Square

The modern day community faces countless challenges, including the growing threat of global warming, the forces of globalization which generate social, cultural, technological or other challenges, but also the continuous changes which impact the communities. Economic agents are faced with the pressures of better serving customers' needs and wants, operating under the legislations of several countries and international regulators, overcoming the fiercer competition, stimulating the performances of the staff members, operating in a more environmentally responsible manner and so on.

In terms of environmental responsibility, economic agents are generally asked to reduce the levels of pollution they generate and release within the society. But the demands of the consumers are increasing…...



Boehme-Nessle, V., 2010, Pictorial law: from law of words to law of pictures, Springer

Few, S., 2006, Visual communication, Visual Business Intelligence,   last accessed on November 29, 2010http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/Whitepapers/Visual_Communication.pdf 

Kops, G., 1998, Visual aids: graphs and charts, tables and illustrations reinforce your message, Self Growth,   last accessed on November 29, 2010http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/Visual_aids_Graphs_and_charts_tables_and_illustrations_reinforce_your_message.html 

Lester, P.M., 2006, Visual communication: images with messages, 4th edition, Cengage Learning

Why the Coke Logo Is'so Meaningful for Consumers
Pages: 2 Words: 669

Coca-Cola, in Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the hole Branding Team
Designing brand identity necessitates having a good logo. A logo must be memorable, distinctive, practical, appropriate, simple, graphic, and able to convey the right message. The more minimal it is, the better -- this keeps it simple. Complex logos do not sell themselves because they are trying to do too much. A logo should "stick" in the mind easily and be easily seen and interpreted for the sake of allowing the consumer to quickly identify the product. A complex logo has to be studied and scrutinized and this is not fun for the consumer. Color is also important as colors send messages to consumers (Mills). Coca-Cola's logo is white cursive text on red background: the white conveys a message of trust and authority and the red conveys a message of boldness and energy.

The text of the logo…...


Works Cited

Francesco, Lydia Di. "7 Criteria for a Great Brand Name." Prosar Inbound, 2013. Web.

7 Mar 2016.

Mills, Ian. "6 Key Logo Design Factors for Good Branding." Huffington Post, 2014.

Web. 7 Mar 2016.

Zentral Home Command the Logo
Pages: 3 Words: 911

The higher and more immediate the impact of the launch is with the target population of consumers, the more effective the product launch will be in establishing market dominance with a growing majority of the public (Burgelman et al. 2008; Kapp 2009).
The brand and product message will focus on the streamlining of life through the assistance of technology -- the emphasis on both the technological and luxury aspects of the product are essential to the launch and to attracting the attention and the support of the initial target market (Pride & Ferrell 2004). As the target population is by definition one already engaged with new technologies and has developed an acute appreciation for the sense of luxury and the image innovations provide, this message should be highly effective. This will also have an effect on the advertising media used; for the initial product launch and immediate advertising campaign, emerging…...



Audiovox. (2010). "Acoustic Research Accessories Announces Zentral Home Command Smartphone Remotes." Yahoo finance. Accessed 18 February 2010.  http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Acoustic-Research-Accessories-prnews-1001804261.html?x=0&.v=1 

Burgleman, R.; Christian, C. & Wheelwright, S. (2008). Strategic management of technology and innovation. New York: McGraw Hill.

Cooper, R. & Kleinschmidt, E. (2007). "Winning Businesses in Product Development: The Critical Success Factors." Research technology management 50(3), pp. 52-66.

Kapp, M. (2009). Product strategy. Accessed 18 February 2010. http://www.productstrategy.net/

Elf Earth Liberation Front Elf Elf Logo
Pages: 11 Words: 2984

Earth Liberation Front (ELF)

ELF Logo 2009 (Earth Liberation Front, N.d.)

Eco-Terrorism Overview

Examples of Eco-Terrorism Groups

The Earth Liberation Front

If a Tree Falls in the oods: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front (Documentary)

There are many people and/or groups who claim responsibility for the Earth Liberation Front's (ELF) development. The group is comprised of loosely affiliated or autonomous cells that are only bound by the idea that they can move beyond civil disobedience and accept more contentious tactics for the defense of their environmental causes. This group was one of the groups that helped coined the label of an "eco-terrorist" which later became mainstream label of such types of offenders. The ELF group was considered one of the first eco-terrorist groups and was at one time labeled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as the most dangerous domestic terror group in the United States.

This analysis will provide a background on eco-terrorism followed…...


Works Cited

Earth Liberation Front. (N.d.). Earth Liberation Front. Retrieved from Earth Liberation Front: http://earth-liberation-front.com/

Federal Bureau of Investigation. (N.d.). Definitions of Terrorism in the U.S. Code. Retrieved from Federal Bureau of Investigation:  http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/terrorism/terrorism-definition 

Jarboe, J. (2002, February 12). Testimony Before the House Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health. Retrieved from Federal Bureau of Investigation:  http://www.fbi.gov/news/testimony/the-threat-of-eco-terrorism 

Libcom.org. (2012, January 12). If a tree falls: A story of the Earth Liberation Front (documentary). Retrieved from Libcom.org:  http://libcom.org/blog/if-tree-falls-story-earth-liberation-front-documentary-12012012

Advertisement IT's Halftime in America
Pages: 3 Words: 932

his is because of the fact that Chrysler is now getting back its success, as well as because of the fact that the company now is becoming more and more known worldwide. he utilization of Clint Eastwood was also a stroke of genius. His voice is not only well-known but also authoritative and emotional in a way that only adds credibility to the brand.
he ethos here is thus found on two fronts: the subject of the commercial as well as the way in which it is delivered by Eastwood. When he speaks about Detroit, Eastwood utilizes personal as well-known anecdotes that the country can recognize and that can rally it towards a common goal. In fact, the word 'rally' and the phrase 'acted as one' is utilized many times, as Eastwood stresses, time and again his faith in the strength of the country, as well as its ability to…...


The commercial, in my view, is quite successful. This is because it makes use of fantastic appeals processes, especially pathos and ethos. Eastwood's voice also contributes to this feeling, as it is the perfect voice to deliver a message of hope and of togetherness. One needs only watch this ad to feel truly that Chrysler can come back, and can make a difference in America. And one can also feel that the overall message of hope will truly be true, as America will get back on its feet and will truly overcome the current economic crisis.

The advertisement analyzed here can be found at the following link:


Media the Content Dominance of Reality TV
Pages: 3 Words: 788

The Content Dominance of Reality TV

Few forces have emerged with greater dominance or less artistic appeal than that of reality television, which has largely defined primetime content for the last decade. hat at one time appeared to be a fad, or a phenomenon at worst, ultimately reached a crescendo as the best path to high ratings, bid advertising dollars and household names. This is the pattern of media content which perhaps best reflects certain cultural qualities distinct to our time and place. Indeed, our collective embrace of this form of television, which allegedly depicts real individuals living real lives or facing real problems in front of national viewing audiences, suggests both a desire to see ourselves on the screen and, simultaneously, a desire to feel better about ourselves by observing the lurid, embarrassing and pathetic moments experienced by the 'stars' of reality television.

Selected Image:

This idea is directly reflected in the…...


Works Cited:

Elite Daily. (2012). The Detrimental Effect Of Reality TV On Our Society. Elitedaily.com

Fahner, M. (2012). The real effects of reality TV. USA Today College.

Miller, A. (2013). Hook, Line and Sinker: Reality TV and Its Impact In Our Culture. In the Mix.

Kudler Company Blog to Sell Products Online
Pages: 3 Words: 876

Kudler company blog to sell products online. Additionally, we will identify a market segment for healthy snacks and attach the blog to this target audience via a social media campaign. Based upon this, we will use findings to create a customer behavior profile. We will use the profile data to develop a message (slogan, catchphrase, or logo) and a unique selling point (USP) that could resonate with the target market. The essay will contain a brief introduction on market segmentation that leads to answers to the following questions:
How is segmentation effectively used to sell products online?

What characteristics of online sales encourage people to buy?

How may a company target a customer for online sales?

The author will explain the steps they took to create the customer profile and how the product message and USP was developed.

Market Segmentation -- an Introduction

A market segment is simply a classification of the potential private or…...



Allen, E., & Fjermestad, J. (2011). E-commerce marketing strategies: an integrated framework and case analysis. Logistics Information Management, 1(2), 14-23.

McDonald, M., & Dunbar, I. (2004). Market segmentation: how to do it, how to profit from it.

Burlington, MA: Elsevier Ltd.

Wright, D.K., & Hinson, M.D. (2009). Examining how public relations practitioners actually are using social media. Public Relations Journal, 3(3), 1-33.

Brand Expands by Naomi Klein
Pages: 4 Words: 1229

' The author argued, "[t]he effect, if not always the original intent, of advanced branding is to nudge the hosting culture into the background and make the brands the star. It is not to sponsor culture but to be the culture" (160).
The phenomenon of making of the logo as the culture of society can be traced back to the popularity of event sponsorships as a strategy for brand expansion. In an attempt to make people more aware and familiar with their brands and logos, promotional strategies have become more customized to specific demographics and cultures. As a way to reach out to as many people as possible, companies developed event sponsorships that are unique to a community or group, and, as Klein stated, make their brand and logo the "star" of the event rather than the people or event itself. However, once these cultures are 'penetrated' by the logo, they…...



Klein, N. (2000). "The Brand Expands." In No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies. Great Britain: Flamingo.

Consumer Internet Commerce a Rhetorical Approach
Pages: 15 Words: 4073

complexities of doing business in our virtual age, looking in particular at e-commerce but also asking how the presence of e-commerce on the market has affected traditional businesses as well. Once upon a time - that golden age - things were simple. You decided you wanted to grow up to be a bookstore owner. Or a hardware store manager. Or a florist. So you leased a store, bought some books, and lovingly hand-sold them to each customer who flocked to your door and then went home at night to count your money.
Of course, owning a bookstore or a hardware store or a flower shop was actually never that simple. But the picture now is even more complicated as virtual stores have entered the picture. Part of what makes engaging in e-commerce so difficult is that there are no paths that others have trod before one. And the costs of…...



VI.Appendix (ces)(please write around 2-3 pages)

Survey Questionnaire


1.To successful launch an e-commerce Web site, the question is not just about if we build it, will they come?" But also if we build it, will they come to purchase and repeat purchase?" A scenario closer to the truth is that many online companies experience disappointment in converting consumers' clicks into purchases. It means attracting a large number of shoppers to the site is not the only ultimate measure of success. The true measure of success should be included retaining customers and converting them into repeat buyers. Positive shopping experiences on the site can help online buyers make an effective decision. It means positive feeling is the optimal experience that consumers will desire to repeat buying online. Therefore, marketers need to create effective Web sites for winning consumer satisfaction. Since Web sites are often the main contact with consumer in the Internet market, a company's Web site elements may include some persuasive components that has imp!

Business Programs Smith School MBA
Pages: 4 Words: 1110

Color choice, however, is highly consistent across all marketing materials, creating at least some sense of cohesion. Positioning of the course is focused on the flexibility of the program's scheduling and course offerings as well as the diversity of the professional backgrounds that students in the program possess; the actual offerings of the course are described only in vague detail in most marketing materials, with encouragement for students to contact the school and preferably to attend regular information sessions. Marketing activities include multiple small ads placed in business-relevant media that present the school's name and logo, again with consistent color-coding, but that do not offer in-depth presentations of program offerings or extensive detail about the school.

The color coding and scant use of school name and logo appears to be consistent across programs, and most marketing efforts are not program specific but rather simply advertise the school itself, which leads…...

Makea Change Through Business A
Pages: 21 Words: 5675

In the first one to three years, Make a Change plans to step up its budget or marketing and advertising expenses as a way to drive up business and profits. After the first year, we also plan to bring in other charities on board to share in some of the donations we will be producing through our gross profits.
Production Goals


The main cornerstone of the business will rely upon t-shirt sales. On our site, we will offer a variety of different colors and styles, which vary in price to the customer. These shirts range in cost to us depending on the style chosen. Like all other products, 10% of our gross profits from t-shirt sales will go to our chosen charity. All tees are 100% cotton, with several sizes, fits, and colors available to the consumer.

Make a Change Brand. Blank cotton tees total to $1.75 a piece, with women's baby…...

Advertisement -- Image Analysis the
Pages: 2 Words: 575

It's in Tiger; is it in you?"

This too is another appeal to logos that also incorporates a more explicit version of ethos by the obvious suggestion that there is something intangible that makes a winner. As is the case with celebrity endorsements in general, the strategy is to motivate the consumer to associate the success (or other admirable qualities or attributes) of the individual with the product. By doing so, it is hoped that consumers will want to be as much as possible like the celebrity who they admire, even when the only similarity is their use of the same energy drink product.

That phrase also emphasizes the words it's and it in conjunction with a play on words inherent in the dual interpretation that it invites. The implication is that winners like Tiger Woods have something (i.e. it) that separates winners from losers and that those who are similar to…...

Need essay titles for a rhetorical analysis of Roosevelt\'s “declaration for war” speech?
Words: 321

"Analyzing the Rhetorical Strategies in Roosevelt's 'Declaration for War' Address"
"Persuasion and Power: Roosevelt's Rhetorical Mastery in the 'Declaration for War' Speech"
"A Rhetorical Examination of Roosevelt's Call to Arms: The 'Declaration for War' Speech"
"The Art of Persuasion: Roosevelt's Rhetorical Devices in the 'Declaration for War'"
"Examining Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Roosevelt's 'Declaration for War' Address"
"The Power of Words: Roosevelt's Rhetorical Techniques in the 'Declaration for War'"
"Deconstructing Roosevelt's Speech: A Rhetorical Analysis of the 'Declaration for War'"
"The Language of Leadership: Roosevelt's Rhetorical Strategies in the 'Declaration for War'"
"Rhetorical Flourishes and Strategic Appeals: Analyzing Roosevelt's....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Rhetorical Analysis?
Words: 330

1. Analyze a persuasive speech given by a political leader and evaluate the effectiveness of their rhetoric.
2. Examine an advertisement or commercial and analyze the rhetorical strategies used to sell a product or service.
3. Compare and contrast the rhetorical techniques used in two different speeches on a similar topic.
4. Analyze a controversial public figure's use of rhetoric and how it influences public perception.
5. Investigate how social media influencers use rhetoric to persuade their audience.
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of rhetorical techniques used in a famous courtroom speech or closing argument.
7. Analyze the use of rhetorical devices in a piece of literature....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Rhetorical Analysis?
Words: 370

1. Rhetorical Strategies in Political Speeches

Analyze the rhetorical strategies employed by a specific political figure in a major speech, examining how they evoke emotions, build credibility, and persuade the audience.

2. The Power of Symbolism in Advertising

Examine how a particular advertisement uses symbolism to convey its message, analyzing the cultural associations, emotional appeals, and persuasive effects of the chosen symbols.

3. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Literary Texts

Analyze how an author in a literary work uses ethos (credibility), pathos (emotion), and logos (logic) to persuade or inform the reader, exploring the effectiveness and interplay of these rhetorical appeals.

4. Rhetorical Analysis of Social....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on english?
Words: 490

Literary Analysis and Criticism

The Power of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter: Explore the significance of the scarlet letter as a potent symbol of sin, shame, and redemption. Analyze how Hawthorne uses it to develop the characters' struggles and the novel's themes.
The Complexity of Hamlet's Character: Delve into the enigmatic character of Hamlet, examining his introspective nature, indecisiveness, and tragic flaw. Discuss his motivations and actions in light of Shakespeare's play.
The Feminist Critique of Jane Eyre: Examine the novel through a feminist lens, analyzing the portrayal of gender roles, female empowerment, and domesticity. Discuss the significance of Jane's....

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