Mission Statement Essays (Examples)

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Mission Vision Mission and Vision Mission Statement
Pages: 1 Words: 405

Mission Vision
Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

To fulfill President Lincoln's promise "To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan" by serving and honoring the men and women who are America's Veterans.

Core Values

VA's five core values underscore the obligations inherent in VA's mission: Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence. The core values define "who we are," our culture, and how we care for Veterans and eligible beneficiaries. Our values are more than just words -- they affect outcomes in our daily interactions with Veterans and eligible beneficiaries and with each other.

The mission, vision, and values at the VA are represented throughout the organization. The VA is a service organization that composed of individuals that are caring and compassionate and who serve Americas veterans. The VA faces numerous challenges in effectively serving this population. There are limited resources available to service the needs of veterans.…...

Mission Statement for Dancing
Pages: 3 Words: 940

Dance Festival Mission Statement
Sebastien Lefrancois' choreography directly addresses the social, political, and cultural causes in this Festival Mission because it is largely predicated on hip hop dancing, and on hip hop itself. Hip hop has always been a medium that speaks directly to the people and which illustrates some of the social inequities in contemporary society. These social concerns are reflected in the type, tempo, and texture of the music that Lefrancois will deploy in his work at the festival, as well as in the upfront, non-compromising stance of the dance itself.

Keith Diorio's choreography will address the cultural themes of this festival by largely focusing as the counterpoint to Lefrancois. Instead of being overt, his choreography will reflect subdued tones and movement, emphasizing the need for social liberty and the sort of social equity that is largely bereft of today's society. It will provide the bondage that Lefrancois work liberates…...



Calixtha. (2011). Romeos et Juliettes 3, ballet, Suresnes cite danse. www.youtube.com Retrieved from  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eK-8joxxjQ 

DawnRaoul. (2010). Jessica King & Will Wingfield -contemporary routine. www.youtube.com Retrieved from  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7IAvlt16e4 

Zikakou, I. (2014). A hip-hop interpretation of Romeo and Juliet in Athens.   / Retrieved from http://greece.greekreporter.com 

Academic Mission Statement My Understanding of the
Pages: 4 Words: 1661

Academic Mission Statement
My understanding of the social work profession has developed over the course of my lifetime, as I was involved, as a client in social-worker/client interactions from a young age. Therefore, my understanding of the social work profession is, at the most basic level, that social workers' job is to help people dealing with circumstances that are considered outside of the norm of daily existence. To me, the core values of social work include service, social justice, recognition of the dignity and worth of every person, a focus on the importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. The idea of social justice is particularly important in the field of social work, though it can be very difficult to define. Social justice refers to the idea that every human being should be treated as though they have the potential to do good things and should be afforded the same opportunities.…...

Marketing Plan The Mission Statement of Cct
Pages: 15 Words: 5045

marketing plan.
The mission statement of CCT is to encourage and cultivate the human spirit: one individual, one cup, and one community at a time. There are total 213 cafes that are currently operating in all the major cities of India and are owned by Cafe Coffee Time. The cafe Coffee Time is the part of Coffee Time which is s. 200 crore ISO 9002 certified. CCT positions itself as a brand name for anybody who likes coffee. CCT's products mix makes up a large variety of items that appeal largely to standard coffee enthusiasts. Considering that CCT's existing customer profile is rather young, their rates are mainly low-cost, and at par with their rivals. Every CCT outlet is run by the owners themselves, and not franchised out to anybody.

Provide the company's mission statement and company introduction.

The mission statement of CCT is to encourage and cultivate the human spirit: one…...



Adamson, C. (1993) "Evolving complaint procedures" Managing Service Quality; 3(2), 439-444.

Altmann, M. (2007). Coffee Shop Industry - A Strategic Analysis. Scholarly Research Paper. Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance

Clark, G.L., Kaminski, P.F. & Rink, D.R. (1992) "Consumer Complaints: Advice on How Companies Should Respond Based on an Empirical Study," The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 9(3), 5-14.

Dolinsky, A.L. (1994) "A Consumer Complaint Framework with Resulting Strategies: An Application to Higher Education." Journal of Services Marketing,8(3)

Company or Organization The Mission Statement Should
Pages: 3 Words: 960

company or organization. The mission statement should guide the actions of the organization, spell out its overall goal, provide a path, and guide decision-making. Such a statement provides the framework or context within which the company's strategies are formulated. It should incorporate socially meaningful and measurable criteria addressing concepts such as the moral/ethical position of the enterprise, public image, the target market, products/services, the geographic domain and expectations of growth and profitability. The intent of the mission statement should be the first consideration for any employee who is evaluating a strategic decision. The statement can range from a very simple to a very complex set of ideas. egardless of the industry, organizations should develop a mission statement, along with a vision statement. However, the mission statement must be tailored and reflective of the respective organizational arena, such as a nursing and education.
Nursing Organization's Mission Statement

The field of nursing seeks…...



Arizona State University. (n.d.). ASU mission. Retrieved from  http://president.asu.edu/about/asuvision 

St. Vincent Hospital. (n.d.). Mission statement. Retrieved from  http://www.stvincenthospital.com/About/mission-statement.aspx 

The American Nurses Association, Inc. (2012). About ANA. Retrieved from  http://www.nursingworld.org/FunctionalMenuCategories/AboutANA 

University of Phoenix, Inc. (2012). Mission and purpose. Retrieved from  http://www.phoenix.edu/about_us/about_university_of_phoenix/mission_and_purpose.html

Education -- Institutional Mission Statement the Mission
Pages: 1 Words: 395

Education -- Institutional Mission Statement
The mission of this institution comprises three essential goals: (1) to promote educational polices and practices that help every student identify his or her greatest areas of intellectual interests, strengths, and aptitudes; (2) to ensure that every student receives the necessary instruction and support to reach his or her full intellectual and vocational potential; and (3) to enable every student to contribute to the intellectual, social, and economic health of this nation.

The modern state has an obligation to define a focus of education that supports individual virtue and the preservation of the essential institutions of the state (Davidson, 179). President Barack Obama has echoed that principle and this institution is committed to providing an education that fulfills that responsibility as well as the simultaneous responsibility of ensuring that students become good citizens as argued by Locke (Deighton, 20; Yolton, 3), and, most importantly, that they learn…...



Aaron, R. (1971). John Locke. Oxford: The Oxford University Press

Cranston, M. (1969). John Locke (rev. ed. Green and Co., Ltd. London: Longmans,

Deighton, L.C. (Ed.) (1971). The encyclopedia of education, volume 6. New York: The Macmillan Company and the Free Press.

Hutchins, R.M. (Ed.) (1971). Great books of the western world: Volume 35 - Locke, Berkeley and Hume (rev. ed). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.

American Corporate Mission Statements the American Enterprise
Pages: 3 Words: 870

American Corporate Mission Statements
The American enterprise in general is the epitome of organization. From developing processes and systems that work within the organization, none of this is possible without a common goal in mind. With a shared objective and combined effort amongst colleagues, the anticipated results are often more successful than imagined.

A corporate mission is that common objective amongst colleagues that helps to create a focus on results for the organization. It is essential that this mission is communicated between all members of the company, from the top executive officer to the nightly janitor. When people become empowered with being a part of the path to success, their own personal contribution often increases in order to become recognized. As a result, the company as a whole benefits and becomes just that much closer to overall success in the mission.

Just as the individuals within an organization have different qualities, personal…...

Education Mission Statement United Way
Pages: 2 Words: 578

Elevate, invest and influence billions of dollars yearly in charitable donations in order to generate and maintain ground-breaking programs and approaches to make continued impact in local neighborhoods.

Hold themselves responsible to this cause by way of their unwavering commitment to constantly evaluate enhancements in learning, earnings and well-being (About United Way Worldwide, 2011).

5. After evaluating the nonprofit organization's mission statement that you have selected, what changes would you make to the mission statement?

After evaluating the mission statement of the United Way I would add what products or services that they will offer or utilize in order to carry out their goals. I would also add by what means the mission is to be measured so that it would be easier to determine if it is being met or not. It would also be nice to have a definition of the common good, which would also allow for one to measure…...



About United Way Worldwide. (2011). Retrieved January 9, 2011, from United Way Web site:


Mission and Goals. (2011). Retrieved January 9, 2011, from United Way Web site:


Organizational Philosophies and Mission Statements Organizational Philosophies
Pages: 2 Words: 586

Organizational Philosophies and Mission Statements
Organizational Philosophies

The Importance of Understanding Organizational Philosophies and Mission Statements

Mission, vision, value statements, objectives and philosophy act as a compass for an organization. When formulating these documents administrator's need to be careful to assure they reflect the true nature of the organization. Organizational objectives are the starting point of managerial actions. They determine the purpose and the desired end result. They help to define the organizations culture.


The statement of philosophy is defined as an explanation of the systems of beliefs that determine how a mission or a purpose is to be achieved. An organizational philosophy states the beliefs, concepts and principles of an organization.

Nurse Service Philosophy

The nursing service philosophy is a statement of beliefs that flows from and is congruent with the institution's philosophy. The belief system of the nursing philosophy should reflect the nursing division member's ideas and ideals for nursing and should be…...



"Mission and vision statements." (2012) Encyclopedia of business, 2nd ed. Retrieved May 22, 2012, from  http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements.html 

Nursing Management. (2010, October 1). Mission, vision, values, objectives and philopophy of an organization. Current Nursing. Retrieved May 22, 2012, from  http://currentnursing.com/nursing_management/mission_vision_values_of_organizations.html

Combat Commanders Revised Mission Statement
Pages: 9 Words: 2378

Their job is: to ensure that all regions are receiving the proper amount of support, to prevent opposition forces from taking advantage of the situation and to communicate with local government / military officials / NGOs / nonprofit organizations. This will streamline decision making and ensure that there is effective collaboration among personnel. Moreover, this individual has experience in working with disasters and other security operations. (Warning Order) ("Navy Warfare Development Command")
The lower levels of command will be subdivided among various battalions, companies / air wings and platoons / flights. These individuals will be responsible for achieving the different mission objectives that are provided by the theater of operations commander. This will ensure that there are reduced levels of bureaucracy and effective procedures for addressing any kind of potential challenges. (Warning Order) ("Navy Warfare Development Command")

As a result, there will be a combination of land, air, sea and Special…...



Air War College Distant Learning. War Fighting, 2011.

"China Perusing Steadily Military Buildup." Cyberwarzone, 2011. Web. 13 Aug. 2012

"Navy Warfare Development Command." Australian Air Force, 2005. Web. 13 Aug. 2012

"Russian Military Conceed Iran and North Korea Threat." Rian, 2012. Web. 13 Aug. 2012

Coach's Vision and Mission Statement the Intent
Pages: 2 Words: 553

Coach's Vision And Mission Statement
The intent of this analysis is to evaluate if luxury good and accessories provider Coach's vision and mission support or detract from their decision to launch the Poppy brand of product aimed at younger women. Secondly, the decision to sell shoes has been debated by financial analysts with the consensus that the complexity of selling such a unique item will challenge Coach's ability to mange the wide variety of demand inherent in that business (Timberlake, 2013).

Analysis Of Coach's Vision And Mission elative To The Poppy Brand

The persona, psychographics and income-based demographics of the most loyal Coach shopper are in many ways diametrically opposed to the comparable profiles of Poppy ideal customer. Those that have opposed the decision of Coach to launch and continually invest in the Poppy brand have cited the exceptional.ly high level of brand loyalty these more affluent buyers have for the brand (Lamiman,…...



Lamiman, K. (2012, 12). Coach, inc. Better Investing, 62, 22-24.

Timberlake, C. (2013, June 13). Luxury brand coach moves to sell shoes. Retrieved from  http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-06-13/luxury-brand-coach-moves-to-sell-shoes

Target Store Mission Statement Social Responsibility Stakeholders
Pages: 4 Words: 1259

Target Store
Mission Statement

Social esponsibility


emote External Environment






Threat of Entry

Powerful Suppliers

Powerful Buyers

Substitute Products

Jockeying for Position





Mission Statement:

The mission statement of the business provides a sense of direction as well as the overall focus on achieving what is important for the corporation. Similarly Target also states its mission in terms of providing the valuable customers value for their purchases. The business further elaborates that its mission is to provide value to its customers through continuous innovation, and exceptional experience. Moreover the brand promises its customers to expect more from them and pay less as compared to its rivals. The mission statement is centered towards customer satisfaction and a commitment to exceed customer expectations (Target, 2013a).

B. Social esponsibility:

Target is also well-known for its initiatives concerning fulfillment of corporate social responsibility. The business is also responsible towards their communities. Target has also focused its corporate social responsibility towards education, environment, health and well-being, responsible sourcing,…...



Form 10-K. (2012). 2012 Annual Report. Retrieved from:  https://corporate.target.com/annual-reports/2012/10-k/10-K-Part-I/Item-1-Business 

Harvard Business School.Press, & Society for Human Resource Management (U.S.). (2006). The Essentials of Strategy. Harvard Business Press.

Kay, J. (2003). Foundations of corporate success: How business strategies add value. Oxford University Press.

Target, Corporation. (2013a). Mission & Values. Retrieved From:  https://corporate.target.com/corporate-responsibility

Destination Marketing Organizations Missions
Pages: 3 Words: 847

DMO Mission Statements
Destination marketing organizations (DMO) play a crucial in promoting tourism through marketing various destinations to potential visitors and tourists. Similar to Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB), DMOs are organizations that promote regions, countries, cities or towns to help increase the numbers of visitors or tourists. As a result, these organizations establish mission statements that guide their marketing or promotional initiatives and activities. The mission statements of destination marketing organizations differ depending on the specific organization and its vision. This paper examines the mission statements of various North American Destination Marketing Organizations to identify common themes and differences.

Common Themes in the Mission Statements

An analysis of the mission statements of various North American Destination Marketing Organizations demonstrated some common patterns or themes. One of the common themes from the analyzed DMO mission statements is a focus on marketing the respective destination to potential visitors or tourists. Each of these organizations…...



Pike, S. & Page, S.J. (2014, April). Destination Marketing Organizations and Destination Marketing: A Narrative Analysis of the Literature. Tourism Management, 41, 202-227.

Salazar, D. (2014, October 8). What is a Destination Marketing Organization? Retrieved September 20, 2017, from  



Mission Statements and Achievement
Pages: 7 Words: 589

Goals, Mission, and Vision
Goals, vision and mission constitute important elements of an organization's strategy. Nonetheless, there is often confusion in differentiating the three elements. Vision defines the desired future state an organization wants to achieve (Daye & van Auken, 2010). In the case of Madison Academy, for instance, the institution aspires to be the best high school in the U.S. in teaching science, mathematics and technology. Mission defines the primary reason for which an organization exists (Daye & van Auken, 2010). For Madison Academy, the mission is to offer a challenging learning environment focused on science, mathematics and technology. A goal defines the organization's long-term plan or aim (Hofstrand, 2016). By offering a curriculum focused on science, mathematics and technology, the academy aims to equip learners with critical thinking, problem solving, leadership and interpersonal skills; encourage a culture innovation; and foster collaborative learning.

Whereas the concepts of vision, mission and goal(s)…...



Daye, D., & van Auken, B. (2010). Developing organizational mission, vision, & values. Retrieved 10 October 2016 from   vision-values.htmlhttp://www.brandingstrategyinsider.com/2010/11/developing-organization-mission -

Hofstrand, D. (2016). Vision and mission statements -- a roadmap of where you want to go and how to get there. Retrieved 10 October 2016 from  https://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/wholefarm/html/c5-09.html 

Van't Hull, J. (2015). The artful parent. Retrieved 10 October 2016 from  http://artfulparent.com/2014/12/make-vision-board-works-10-steps.html

Mission Statements and Sport
Pages: 3 Words: 980

Youth Development

The pimay independent vaiable o vaiables of the study ae intentional spot, nonintentional spot, and intentional leadeship. The pimay dependent vaiable(s) ae injuy, inceased anxiety, stess and bunout, alcohol and dug use. one elevant vaiable (RV) in the study was the lack of valid and eliable PYD outcome measues is also ecognized as a limitation within the spot psychology field. The pimay unit(s) of analysis ae youth spot pope stuctue; (c) suppotive elationships; (d) oppotunities to belong; (e) positive social noms. The pimay hypothesis showed that diffeences wee pesent acoss these thee contexts, wheeby intentionally stuctued pogams (spot and leadeship) scoed significantly highe on pogam quality fom both the eseaches' and youth's pespectives, as well as on PYD outcomes, than nonintentional stuctued spot pogams.

The pimay natue of the study is to examine the diffeences in pogam quality and positive developmental outcomes acoss 3 youth…...


references are not current but they are cited used in the text.


Structured programs scored higher on program quality and positive youth development out- comes than nonintentionally structured programs, with intentional sport scoring significantly higher on some measures of program quality and positive youth development than leadership programs.

need help writing up a business plan for a podcast?
Words: 557

Creating a business plan for a podcast is a great step towards structuring and professionalizing your project. Here's a guide to help you draft an effective business plan:

1. Executive Summary

  • Podcast Name: Choose a catchy and relevant name.
  • Mission Statement: What is the core purpose of your podcast?
  • Goals: Short-term and long-term goals for your podcast.

2. Description of the Podcast

  • Concept: Describe the theme, format, and style of your podcast.
  • Target Audience: Define who your listeners are.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What makes your podcast stand out?

3. Market Analysis

  • Industry Overview: Trends in the podcast industry.
  • Target Market:....

Can you explain the requirements for Operationalizing a new institution one by one with citations?
Words: 423

Here are the requirements for operationalizing a new institution:

1. Establish goals and objectives:
Before launching a new institution, it is important to clearly define the goals and objectives that the institution aims to achieve. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This will provide a clear direction for the institution and help in guiding decision-making processes. (Smith & Rasberry, 2018)

2. Develop a strategic plan:
A strategic plan outlines the actions that need to be taken to achieve the institution's goals and objectives. It includes elements such as a mission statement, a description of the institution’s core values,....

Can you explain the requirements for Operationalizing a new institution one by one with citations?
Words: 577

Requirements for Operationalizing a New Institution

Operationalizing a new institution requires meticulous planning, resource allocation, and compliance with regulatory frameworks. Here are the key requirements to consider:

1. Define Objectives and Vision:

Establish a clear mission statement and strategic plan outlining the institution's purpose, goals, and values. (Drennan et al., 2016)

2. Secure Funding and Resources:

Determine the sources of funding, including government grants, private donations, or student fees.
Manage and allocate resources efficiently to ensure operational sustainability. (Brewster, 2017)

3. Establish Governance Structure:

Create a board of directors or governing body responsible for oversight and decision-making.
Define roles, responsibilities, and legal compliance for....

what are the bossion mission and core value and give the reason for your revalidation?
Words: 414

Boston Mission Statement

Boston Consulting Group's (BCG) mission is to "partner with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities."

Boston Core Values

Client Focus: BCG is committed to providing exceptional service to its clients and helping them achieve their goals.
Intellectual Rigor: BCG values intellectual curiosity and analytical excellence, and strives to deliver insights that are insightful, actionable, and impactful.
Collaboration: BCG believes that teamwork and collaboration are essential for success, and fosters a culture of open communication and mutual respect.
Integrity: BCG upholds the highest ethical standards and conducts business with honesty,....

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