Motivation Essays (Examples)

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Motivation Relatedness Using the Jigsaw Technique
Pages: 11 Words: 3138

Motivation: Relatedness Using the Jigsaw Technique
Motivation Relatedness using Jigsaw

Motivation: Relatedness using Jigsaw Technique

In this paper, we are going to discuss the motivational issue which is faced by schools and for an ideal school these issues are to be resolved. In this paper we will present an ideal school plan in which a perfect plan will be implemented. Reasons for the low motivation will also be discussed. Motivational plans will be explained for the teachers to student motivation, peer-to-peer motivation, and parent to student motivation. This paper will describe some technique for the increase of motivation in students. In this paper some techniques for the development of students' relatedness will also be discussed.


Inspiration or motivation is a theoretical build used to describe the start, route, intensity, determination, and excellence of actions, especially goal-directed behavior.

Motives are usually considered as relatively common needs or wishes that energize people to start filling with meaning…...



Alderman. (1999). Motivation for Achievement: Possibilities for Teaching and Learning. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Publishers.

Aronson, E. (2012, March 10). Jigsaw Classroom. (Social Psycology Network) Retrieved December 22, 2012, from Jigsaw.ORG: 

Blatt, S. b. (1996). relatedness and self-definition. hillsdale, NJ:erlbaum.


Motivation According to One of the Most
Pages: 3 Words: 1166

According to one of the most famous scholars on the subject of motivation, motivation comes from the desire to satisfy first the basic needs within a hierarchical system; then moving from physiological means to self-actualization. This motivation moves from the more basic to advanced psychological levels by adding onto basic needs more emotional, then intellectual needs that allow the human being to capture concepts that are far more detailed, less static, and to analyze problems that have open-ended answers. This view also says that there are a set of needs that must be met before moving on, and that being human is part of focusing on inner needs as well, once the basic physical needs are met (atkins & Leigh, 2010).

The idea of motivation is so very critical within organizations of all types, that scholars have been studying the topic for decades. However, given the importance of the 21st century…...


Works Cited

Boudreau, M., et al. (2001). Validation in IS Research: A State of the Art Assessment. MIS Quarterly, 25(1), 1-24.

Deci, E., et al., eds. (2002). Handbook of Self-Determination Research. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.

Golafshani, N. (2003). Understanding Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research. The Qualitative Report, 8(4), 597-607.

O'Neil, H., et al. (2011). Motivation: Theory and Research. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Motivation Using 2 Theories
Pages: 3 Words: 759

Organizational Behavior Analysis: Motivation

Organizational Behavior is a multi-disciplinary field that studies human behaviors in an organizational setting or how individuals interface with an organization or group of people. This field has many implications for business and human resources since in can help facilitate the achievement of organizational goals. Management can use insights gained through the study of this field to try to optimize different components of organizational behavior such as motivation. Motivation is one of the critical components that must be maximized in high achieving organizations.

There are many models of motivation that have been proposed in the field of organizational behavior. One of the reasons that some many models have been developed is that motivation is a complex concept that contains many facets of human behavior. Some of the earlier theories that tried to explain an individual's level of motivation include Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory and McGregor's theory of…...


Works Cited

Dunham, D. (2010, January 27). At Whole Foods Thinner Employees Get Fatter Discounts. Retrieved from That's Fit: 

Underwood, R. (2005, October 1). Whole Foods nurtures democracy, putting their health plan to a company-wide vote. The outcome: satisfied workers and ultimately happy customers. Retrieved from Fast Company:

Motivation and Performance the Role
Pages: 2 Words: 682

This is when these ideas will have a major impact upon an educational environment. ("Intrinsic Motivation," 2004) (Moore, 1991)
Having some kind of incentives, is when you are offering colleagues a reason to want to change. This is because most teachers will often believe that they have the experience and skills necessary to reach out to their students. However, the problem is that many individuals will often become set in their ways and will not change. This is when they could have difficulty in reaching out to the class. Once this takes place, it means that there will be a decrease in achievement scores. To deal with these kinds of issues, you must have some kind strategy of offering everyone a reason to change. Where, they will see: the value that it is providing to them over the long-term and the pain associated with continuing to embrace the status quo.…...



Intrinsic Motivation. (20045). Shaw. Retrieved from: 

Moore, D. (1991). 7 Motivational Strategies. Find Articles. Retrieved from:

Motivation Difference Between Internal Needs
Pages: 3 Words: 972

Even Google's famous 'perks' such as free food and fitness classes are based more upon an internal motivation strategy rather than an external motivation strategy. The happier people are to be at work and the more free time they have to think about work vs. mundane details of life like commuting to lunch or fitting in the gym after work, the more productive people will be. Theory Y leaders believe that once the basic needs of the worker are met to obtain a certain basic standard of living, then workers must be motivated by more intrinsic factors. Even lower-level employees can be motivated by feeling that they have made a contribution to the organization.
The Theory X/Theory Y philosophy is based upon an older theory of motivation: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow conceptualized worker needs as existing on a hierarchy: first, an employee's most basic physiological needs must be fulfilled,…...



Bartle, P. (2013). Participatory management. Retrieved: 

Theory X and Theory Y (2013). Mind Tools. Retrieved:

Motivation in Sport
Pages: 70 Words: 19272

Motivation in Sport
Take a look at the animal world and you will find the proof that game is an inherent feature of the virtually evaluated species. This has an important part in literacy and evolution. We witness many a mock fights between kittens and pups so as to enhance their stamina, speed, tolerance and will. Through such hatred free games, they rub their hands for survival and satisfy their urge for challenge and ecstasy. The human species is not just a species of animals based on reason. There is an unquenchable thirst in the humans for wisdom, truth and joy. These spiritual features are the ones which differentiate human beings from animals. In the proceeding development of human civilization, sports and games have had a part in revealing the human ability.

At each and every phase of the evolutionary process, sport has had an important part in giving a hand to…...



Anshel, M.H. (1997). Sport Psychology: from Theory to Practice. (Third Edition). Scottsdale, Arizona: Gorsuch Scarisbrick

Bakker, F.C., De Koning, J.J., Van Ingen Schenau, G.J., & Gert, D.G. (1993).

Motivation of young elite speed skaters. International Journal of Sports Psychology, 24, 432-

Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84, 191-215.

Motivation Is Regarded as a Measure of
Pages: 2 Words: 728

Motivation is regarded as a measure of internal drive to achieve a goal. It is an essential human instinct, because without motivation people would lack the ability to progress. The amount of internal drive an individual has is influenced by a variety of factors such as personal gain, individual need, attitude and consequence of actions, to name a few. hile capturing and classifying all of the different types of motivation can be a daunting task, a few academic scholars have drawn connections between an individual's environment and personal attributes as influences on the types of motivation the individual has.
As explained in an article about motivation and study habits, N.J. Entwistle, Jennifer Thompson and J.D. ilson explain that the major classifications of motivation are intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is centered on the task at hand and is most often a measure of personal ability, the conquering of a fear, or…...


Works Cited

Cameron, J., & Pierce, W.D. (1994). Reinforcement, reward and intrinsic motivation: a meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research, 64(3), 363-367.

Eby, J.E. (1999, July 17). Employee motivation strategies. New Straits Times, pp. 4-EX.

Entwistle, N.J., Thompson, J., & Wilson, J.D. (1974). Motivation and study habits.

Higher Education, 3(4), 379-395.

Motivation the Concept of Motivation Has as
Pages: 3 Words: 1254

The concept of motivation has as many diverse meanings as there are its application and intended purpose for its application. Word Net (2011) gives a psychological angle of the motivation idea. It describes motivation as a psychological element that prompts an organism into deeds focused on a set target or goal. Motivation is said to be the reason driving the action, or that which attaches direction, control and behavior to behavior of an individual.

It is considered the as the aspect that prompts, directs and sustains or maintains the target/goal oriented behavior of human beings. In the study of motor response and receptors, motivation is summarized as what causes an organism to act, be it withdrawing your hand due to pain, or running after an ice cream vendor when craving ice-cream.

Motivation encapsulates the biological, social and the cognitive drives that initiate behavior. In our daily interaction, we describe what makes someone…...


References, (2011). What Is Motivation? Retrieved march 17, 2011 from 

Helium, (2008). Organizational Behavior and Motivation: Psychological and sociological insights. Retrieved march 17, 2011 from 

Huitt, W. (2001). Motivation to learn: An overview. Educational Psychology Interactive.

Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved march 17, 2011 from

Motivation Theory Intrinsic v Extrinsic
Pages: 4 Words: 1006

Motivation Theory: Intrinsic v Extrinsic
The objective of this study is to examine intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation. Toward this end this work will examine the literature in this area of study.

The work of McCullagh (2005) is reported to state that motivation "can be defined as the intensity and direction of effort." (Wilson, nd, p.1) Wilson reports that motivation is demonstrated in the evidence to promote "learning, performance, enjoyment, and persistent…" (nd, p.1)

The work of Covington and Mueller (2001) states that it has been believed that providing extrinsic rewards such as "praise, gold stars, and school grades -- inhibits the will of students to learn." (p.157) Covington and Mueller believe that this belief is upheld by "the widely held assumption that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are not just separate processes, but in compatible, if not antagonistic." (p.157)

Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand is stated to be that which is derived "from within…...



Bateman, TS and Crant, JM (nd) Revisiting Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation. Retrieved from: 

Covington, MV and Mueller, KJ (2001) Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation: An Approach/Avoidance Reformulation. Educational Psychology Review. Vol. 13, No.2 2001. Retrieved from: 

Deci, E.L. (1971). Effects of externally mediated rewards on intrinsic motivation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 18: 105-115 in: Bateman, TS and Crant, JM (nd) Revisiting Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation. Retrieved from:

Motivation and Problem Resolution
Pages: 5 Words: 1618

Motivation and Employee Engagement
Motivation and Employment Engagement

elationship between Motivation of Followers and Motivation Theories

McClelland's needs Based theory identifies three distinct needs and explains how these needs may be able to motivate employees to improved performance at the workplace. The three needs consist of the need for achievement, the need for power, and the need for affiliation. Employees possess each of these needs at varying levels depending on their personality and innate drives. Employees who have a high need for achievement are motivated by the opportunity to prove themselves to be better than their peers by meeting or surpassing performance standards. They are willing to assume personal responsibility for solving problems and making decisions. These employees can be motivated by specifying performance standards, delegating responsibility for the outcome to them, and by giving them ongoing feedback on their performance. Employees with a high need for power are motivated by opportunities that…...



Bassford, T.E., Offermann, L.R., & Wirtz, P.W. (2012). Considering the source: The impact of leadership level on follower motivation and intent to stay. Journal of leadership and organizational studies, 19(2), 202-214. doi: 10.1177/1548051811436279.

Chaudhry, A.Q., & Javed, H. (2012). Impact of transactional and laissez faire leadership style on motivation. International journal of business and social science, 3(7), 258-264. Retrieved from EBSCO Business Source Complete.

Cheng, P.L.K., & Robertson, R.W. (2006). Not for bread alone-Motivation among hospital employees in Singapore. Public Organization Review, 6(2), 155-166. doi: 10.1007/s11115-006-0004-1.

Robbins, S.P. (1996) Organizational Behavior. 7th edn. Prentice Hall International.

Pages: 4 Words: 1230

Problem with Extrinsic Motivation and How Maslow's Theory Can Help Introduction
Tesla has been identified as a company that struggles with employee motivation under CEO Elon Musk, who has attempted to push his employees to outperform in order to meet production targets (James, 2019). Rather than using intrinsic motivation to compel employees to self-actualize and reach their fullest and maximum levels of potential, Musk uses extrinsic motivation—which only takes one so far before the trade-off between excessive labor and long hours fails to seem worth it to employees (James, 2019). As Gerhart and Fang (2015) explain, pay, benefits and bonuses are extrinsic motivators that companies use to push employees to meet targets. However, at some point employees will conduct a cost-benefit analysis of their own and determine whether the additional labor and longer hours are worth the extra benefits or bonuses. The reliance by the company upon extrinsic motivators hits a wall.…...

Understanding Individual Motivation Behavior
Pages: 2 Words: 706

Motivation, for Better or WorseMotivation will impact a person's development trajectory. When a person is not motivated, they tend to flow with what is happening around them. However, a motivated individual will push harder and attempt to break away from the norm to attain their desire. Therefore, their trajectory of development will change based on what is motivating them at the moment. Students who are motivated to achieve good grades will change their development trajectory by focusing more on studies and less on parties or other activities separating them from their goal. The development will also motivate an individual's behavior by encouraging the person to change their behavior to mirror their development. As one grows or moves between careers and work, they will get levels of motivation, which will all work towards pushing them to achieve what they desire. It is possible to change the trajectory of development based on…...

Generational Cohorts and Managerial Motivation
Pages: 20 Words: 6726

Managerial Motivation of Generational CohortsTable of ContentsLiterature Review 3The Strauss and Howe generational theory 3Motivational differences of different generational cohorts 4Workforce motivation theories 5Performance management strategies in the workplace 9Job characteristics for different generational cohorts 10Generational differences in work values 12Relationship between the topic (Managerial Motivation of Generational Cohorts) and literature theory 15References 16Bibliography 18Literature ReviewThe Strauss and Howe generational theoryCommended by Newt Gingrich, ex-house speaker, Al Gore, ex-Vice President of the United States, and an assortment of other national leaders, Howe and Strausss work titled Generations (1991) has received acclaim as a splendid, though slightly alarming, review of the direction the nation is headed towards. The authors suggest that the countrys history may be considered in the form of a string of generational profiles, commencing from the year 1584 and including every single era until the present-day children. The two boldly theorize that all generations may be regarded as…...

How personal motivations can impact life
Pages: 1 Words: 418

. What do you believe motivates you to tackle your own challenges--achievement, affiliation, power, money, fear, a leader's encouragement, duty, a higher calling? Choose two or more of these and give an example from your own experiences.a. Higher Calling According to the WBOC, the odds of being born are 1 and 400 Trillion, which equates to a miracle. Due to the sheer improbability of being born, it is important to recognize that the overall rarity associated with the event. Due to this statistic it is important to not squander the life that we are so fortunate of being given. I usually think of this statistic when I am depressed or feeling emotional down. This motivates me as the odds are so steep against my birth that it is my obligation to fulfil my calling.b. Duty A sense of duty is also an element that motivates me. I believe…...

Motivational Theories
Pages: 1 Words: 424

There are several motivational issues at work in Sanderson Soaps. Examining the company through the lens of Maslow’s hierarchy, the family members are secure and have little reason to work too hard, but the non-family members have zero reason to work hard because they know that their upward mobility is stifled. This creates a situation where a couple of people feel entitled to promotions and opportunity without really having to earn them, and any non-family member would either lack intrinsic motivation or see Sanderson as a stepping stone to success elsewhere. In either case, nobody is particularly motivated by higher order needs relating to personal fulfillment or actualization (McLeod, 2018). The two-factor theory reveals a similar problem. While everybody at Sanderson has their hygiene needs taken care of, there is little left to motivate people because one’s career path at Sanderson almost seems predetermined (MindTools, 2019). These theories are relevant because…...

What are the Stages in Mental Disorder?
Words: 123

The stages of mental disorder can vary, depending on the actual disorder itself. Many studies have suggested that problems in this area begin before birth. Problems during pregnancy and problems in fetal development can set up the first stages of a mental disorder. Early signs of mental disorders may include the person withdrawing from family and friends, showing less motivation and concentration, and becoming very moody. From that point, it can progress to changes in sleeping and eating patterns, along with odd behaviors that had not taken place before. Rambling and talking about nonsensical things, or talking about \"scary\" things....

How can I relate the Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare to liberty and freedom rather than the normal themes of justice and mercy?
Words: 398

One of the cornerstones of the idea of liberty and freedom, especially when viewed from a religious perspective like Thomas Merton’s, is the idea of free will.  Whether human beings truly have free will is a surprisingly divisive philosophical question that, by design, must consider questions like natural versus nurture, motivation, the influence of society on people, and even the nature of good and evil (O’Connor).  However, the idea of free will is central to Christianity and also to Merton’s explorations of liberty and freedom in a Christian context.

Using the concept of free will to explore the....

Need ideas for analytical essay that applies to contemporary theories on low motivation in workplace?
Words: 347

One of the struggles facing anyone in a management situation is figuring out how to keep the workforce motivated.  In fact, working on developing management techniques requires concentrating on how to motivate people, whether it is directly focused on techniques that can increase motivation or simply focused on changing worker’s perceptions of leadership, which can either be motivating or demotivating, depending on the perception.  There are various different theories of motivation that are often used to describe what motivates workers, how to increase motivation, and how to avoid things that decrease employee motivation. 

Your analysis needs....

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