My Ideal Community Essays (Examples)

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Dream Community Unlike the Popular
Pages: 4 Words: 1330

Older people could receive tax incentives to act as teachers to students in areas of expertise, or simply to help out as coaches or staff. Ideally, private educational institutions would be few, to ensure a lack of a drain of community resources from the public schools, although private schools could supplement student education for students with special needs that could not be met by the public system.

Unless it was required for their daily work-related commute, residents would agree to drive fuel-efficient cars and receive tax credits if they drove hybrid or electric cars.


Community watch groups would supplement the police force. Both police and volunteer organizations would also engage in educational efforts with the school system regarding anti-drug, anti-bullying, and anti-violence campaigns. Fire safety would be ensured by a professionally trained core force, supplemented by a group of volunteers for less vigorous conflagrations.

aste collection

Collection would occur twice weekly for trash,…...


Works Cited

Best Foot Forward. (2004) "Ecological Foot printing." Retrieved 24 Mar 2005 at

CNN Money. (2005) "Best Places to Live in USA." Money Magazine Survey. Retrieved 24 Mar 2005 at 

Frantz, Douglas & Catherine Collins. (2000) Celebration, U.S.A.: Living in Disney's Brave New Town. New York: Owl Books.

Schmidt, Wayne. (24 Mar 2005) "Best Places to Live" This & That Website. Retrieved 24 Mar 2005 at

Community College and School
Pages: 6 Words: 966

ITT Technical Institute, Sylmar Campus, Computer and Electronics Engineering Technology (AAS), 15-MAR-04 / 05-MAR-06, Electronics and Communications Engineering Technology (BS) 13-MAR-06 / 02-DEC-07
Department of Education,

This letter will describe my experiences at ITT and why I believe I was misled by the school and the victim of fraudulence. As a result of these experiences and the facts that have come to light regarding ITT (enclosed in the Appendix), I am seeking full reimbursement of my tuition at ITT.

I was enrolled in ITT Technical Institute from 2004 to December 2007 in Sylmar, CA. My hope was to learn new skills and broaden my employment opportunities. Unfortunately, I was grossly misled about what ITT could do for me. The "tour" was where it all began: my recruiter asked me what my ideal school would be -- I was candid and replied that I thought I might start at a community college and transfer…...

Community Health Strategies the Leading
Pages: 4 Words: 1268

Watson's origin of human life is tied to notions that one's soul possesses a body that is not restricted by objective space and time. The lived world of the experiencing person is not well-known by external and internal notions of time and space, but shapes its own time and space. "Nursing is a human science of persons and human health-illness experiences that are mediated by professional, personal, scientific, esthetic, and ethical human care transactions. The process of nursing is human care" (Fawcett, 2002).
The main concept of Watson's theory is transpersonal human caring which is best understood within the concepts of three subsidiary concepts: life, illness and health.

Human life is defined as spiritual, mental and physical being which is continuous in time and space.

Illness is not automatically a disease. Illness is turmoil or disharmony with a person's inner self or soul at some level or disharmony within the spheres of…...



Fawcett, Jacqueline. (2002). Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring. Retrieved July 28, 2009,

from DeSales University Web site:

Obesity. (2009). Retrieved July 28, 2009, from Web site:

Community Health Scenario
Pages: 6 Words: 1574

Community Health Scenario
Death is an inevitable destiny of life. It is essential to be able to provide the best care that a patient may need during his last days, when all medical treatment fails. Frequently, the battle of life and death leads one to formulate a concept or an analogy of these two processes. This concept is bound to interfere with what one does in life. As a nurse, my idea of death and dying has an impact on the quality of care I provide to patients undergoing this process.

The ideal attitude of a nurse's care for terminally ill patients involves the criteria of flexibility in interpersonal relations, effective communication about critical issues, such as in Mrs. Thomas's case, and psychological stability and mindedness in relation to dying patients their families. (A oberta and A. olland. Nurses' attitudes about end-of-life referrals. 2009).

According to the Journal of Medicine and Biochemical Sciences,…...



Bottarf, JL. (1995). Comforting: exploring the work of cancer nurses. School Of Nursing. 22(6), 1077-84.

Dunn, K.S., Cecilia, O. & Stephans, E. (2005). Nursing experience and the care of dying patients. Oncology Nursing Forum. 32(1), 97-104.

Gloria, W. (2004). Basic geriatric nursing. Philadelphia: Library of Congress.

Matzo, M. And Witt Sherman, D. (2010). Palliative care nursing: quality care to the end of life. Springer Publishing Company: New York.

Ideal Society
Pages: 4 Words: 1264

Every person has thought, at least once in their life, that it would be nice if there were no disease, no crime, no poverty, and/or for some other improvement in the Human condition. Since everyone has dreamed of a better world, it is fair to say that Humanity has a common dream. While no two humans are exactly the same, we are all of one race, the human race, and we all share the experience of life in an essentially identical carbon-based life-form structure. We all work for continuing survival while in this structure, and hope for a happy, safe, and good life for ourselves and for our loved ones. Therefore, everyone has a common desire for the best life attainable."

Economic Equality

Extreme gaps exist between the rich and the poor around the globe and, in particular, in the United States. Reports of the corporate earnings of executives and the…...


Given this, and without falling down the slippery slope of moral relativism, we must therefore recognize that one group's behaviors, and the meanings attached to those behaviors will always provoke a negative reaction among some other group.

Nevertheless, if we do not fall prey to moral relativism and therefore, do recognize that some behavior - at least according to our belief system - is wrong, we must treat cultural "deviants" as humanely and justly as possible. In an ideal society, we should also act pro-actively and engage in societal reform to reduce the extent of social deviance in the first instance.

Jon Will, "Utopian Philosophy." Utopia Now Studies. July 20, 2002. .

Community Health and Human Services Internship
Pages: 1 Words: 311

Major: Community Health and Human Services,Internship Details: Health Education Specialists/Teacher interning in the Wilkinson Wellness Lab, writing blogs twice a week.Goal 1: To educate people/communities about behaviors that promote wellness.Objective 1: Promote my wellness plan and blogs through social media.Tasks: 1) Identify ideal social media platforms for the present undertaking.2) Gather information for my wellness plan and blog posts.Objective 2: Become more knowledgeable about my subject matter related to my wellness plan and blog posts.Tasks: 1) Attend weekly meetings with my site supervisor.2) Ensure that the sources of information selected are relevant, factual, and reliable. For this reason, information will primarily be sourced from peer-reviewed sources/journals and government agency publications.Goal 2: To help improve peoples decision makingObjective 1: Help maintain and improve peoples health by ensuring that they are capable of making rational decisions relating to their wellbeing.Tasks: 1) Become more knowledgeable about mental and physical health and how they…...

Personal Statement My Intended Major
Pages: 3 Words: 963

Given my experiences at Chinatown Teen Post and Blue Phone Wireless, I am very excited about my future prospects in management. Academic skills are valuable for learning business operations, but real-world experience adds missing ingredients needed to fully understand success such as knowing how valuable personal happiness, social responsibility and customer satisfaction really are. I am eager to contribute my wisdom and leadership to the business community after receiving formal business training at the University of California.

I believe that the most important contribution I can bring to the University of California is my great respect for all individuals. Many people assume characteristics and create an image of a person they don't even know. As humans we tend to judge people very quickly based on their sex, race, ethnicity or social class. And, we love to judge people according to their image because it means so much in our society now-a-days.…...

President's Scholar Several of My Childhood Friends
Pages: 2 Words: 672

President's Scholar
Several of my childhood friends succumbed to the temptations of gang life, as we grew up in a low-income, predominantly Hispanic neighborhood in Hawaiian Gardens, California. I've witnessed many people my age and younger act out of desperation and hopelessness and a false sense of self-esteem. Once, I spoke to one of my closest childhood friends about his spending inordinate amounts of time with some known gang members. Confronting him made him noticeably uncomfortable. "Leave me alone," he said. "Maybe if you just got to know them better..." The lure of that life was sometimes hard to resist, as it served as a major social and political outlet for many people my age in the neighborhood. I struggled often with designing my own life path amid the hardships I witnessed around me.

Luckily, my parents were good role models. Both teachers, they taught me the value of a higher education…...

Wesley Kanne Clark an Ideal Leader Inspires
Pages: 5 Words: 1767

Wesley Kanne Clark
An ideal leader inspires you to believe in yourself and makes you accomplish things that you earlier thought were not possible. An ideal leader leads by example. He does not tell you what you have to be, rather he shows you by what you have to be, by being an exemplary figure for you. An ideal leader to me is like a father figure who inspires you, motivates you and leads you without wanting the credit for himself. His aim is that you do great things with your own name, and not his. And my interaction with General Wesley Kanne Clark made me believe that he was all this, and much more.

In March 1997, I was a young sergeant (E-5) assigned as General Clark's drivers aid in Panama. He was Commander in Chief of the United States Southern Command, Panama from June 1996 to July 1997. During this…...



(ACORE), American Council on Renewable Energy Copyright. General Wesley Clark (Retired). 4 Jan 2011. 30 Oct 2011 .

ACORE. General Wesley Clark Retd. 2 Feb 2008. 30 Oct 2011 .

ElectionTV. Biography - Wesley Clark. 1 Feb 2011. 30 Oct 2011 .

Source Watch., Wesley Kanne Clark. 09 Dec 2010. 30 Oct 2011 .

Race and the Community Suburb
Pages: 6 Words: 1727

The committee should investigate new curricular models that empower students and which especially promote inclusion. Transforming our public schools is an essential first step toward eliminating many of the social problems extant in Joliet and in the country as a whole.
Second I would help create more small business development opportunities in Joliet. An organization or collection of organizations that can help minorities and the poor receive funding would be a tremendous help for the community and individual residents. Not only would small business development create jobs, it would enrich and uplift Joliet by enhancing prosperity. Instead of attracting outside investors like big box corporate entities who offer nothing more than insecure low income jobs, small business development creates creative, self-sustaining, and empowering opportunities for local growth. I therefore believe that small business development is a key to easing race relations and eliminating social injustice. Small business ownership is empowering…...

Geneaology Having Never Asked My
Pages: 2 Words: 680

I see the effects of the past on the present in both my personal life and in the life of my community. For example, the discovery of oil in my country has completely changed the demographics and lifestyle. Those who were lucky enough to reap rewards from the lucrative industry can live lavish lifestyles, travel abroad, and even move, live, and work in estern countries while maintaining a home in Kuwait. The most significant thing I have learned is that while we are masters of our destiny, the past still molds and shapes who we are. The American Dream tells us that we can become whatever we want, as long as we are willing to work for it. However, I do not believe that. e can come whatever we want to a certain extent. The past shapes our beliefs, values, goals, and ideals.

hen I asked my parents about their belief…...


Work Cited

Platt, Lyman D. "The Importance of Oral Histories." Retrieved online:

Race and Community Your Community the Community
Pages: 6 Words: 1792

ace and Community
Your Community

The community in which I have lived for the past several years of my life is Sioux Falls, South Dakota, a relatively agricultural community that combines some major metropolitan features with a distinctive suburban flair. Traditionally, this community has not been noted for its racial diversity, as the vast majority of its residents are Caucasian. According to the United States Census Bureau's information as of 2009, 87.9% of all Sioux Falls residents were Caucasian, while the next highest population group, the population of American Indian and Alaskan Native persons, merely constitutes 8.5% of the city's residents (State and County, 2009). The percentages of populations are comparatively non-existent following the aforementioned group, as 2.9% of the city's inhabitants are Hispanic or Latino in origin, 1.2% of people reported their ethnicity as being Black, .9% of residents are Asian and .1% of the city's inhabitants are native Hawaiian or…...



State and County Quick Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved May 15, 2011) from U.S. Census Bureau website,

Diversity (2010). Retrieved May 15, 2011 from Harvard, School of Public Health website,

Lift SD Families and Children Out of Poverty. (2009). Retrieved from 

Leonardson, G.R. & Loudenburg, R. (2005, June 24). Assessment of Disproportionate Minority Contact in South Dakota. Retrieved from

Security Issues of Online Communities
Pages: 60 Words: 15576

This researcher rejects the existence of online communities because computer mediated group discussions cannot possibly meet this definition. Weinreich's view is that anyone with even a basic knowledge of sociology understands that information exchange in no way constitutes a community.
For a cyber-place with an associated computer mediated group to be labeled as a virtual settlement it is necessary for it to meet a minimum set of conditions. These are: (1) a minimum level of interactivity; (2) a variety of communicators; (3) a minimum level of sustained membership; and (4) a virtual common-public-space where a significant portion of interactive computer mediated groups occur (Weinreich, 1997). The notion of interactivity will be shown to be central to virtual settlements. Further, it will be shown that virtual settlements can be defined as a cyber-place that is symbolically delineated by topic of interest and within which a significant proportion of interrelated interactive computer…...



Al-Saggaf, Y. & Williamson, K. Online Communities in Saudi Arabia: Evaluating the Impact on Culture Through Online Semi-Structured Interviews. Volume 5,

No. 3, Art. 24 - September 2004

AnchorDesk Staff. (2000). Sign of Trouble: The Problem with E-Signatures.

Retrieved April 9, 2005, from ZDNet AnchorDesk Web site:

SOP as My Undergraduate Studies Reach Their
Pages: 3 Words: 903

As my undergraduate studies reach their finish, I am ready to embark upon the next phase of my academic career. The Bradford University's reputable MSc program in Finance, Accounting, and Management offers the depth and breadth I am currently seeking. As an international student who has lived in the UK for the past four years, I also believe I have much to offer to Bradford and its student body. I have the ability and desire to work with my fellow graduate students on projects that will expand our knowledge about the rapidly changing world of business and finance. The gamut of group projects I have participated in throughout my undergraduate career shows that an international perspective, especially an Asian one, can greatly enhance the power and potential of any given project. During my graduate studies, I hope to deepen my understanding of finance and management in particular. Currently, my strengths…...

Dual Enrolment Implications for Community College Leadership
Pages: 10 Words: 3247

Dual enrolment has become a popular phenomenon in the education realm in the last one decade. Community colleges are increasingly collaborating with high schools to enable high school students undertake college-level courses while still in high school. This prepares high school students for the realities of college education and socialises them into the norms, attitudes, behaviours, and expectations of college life, in addition to reducing the time and cost of college education. However, challenges such as difficulties in credit transfer, little or no confidence in dual credit courses on the part of colleges and faculty members, lack of a strong policy framework, and ensuring equitable participation abound. These are concerns that college administrators must handle if dual enrolment is to be more successful. It is particularly important for the leaders of community colleges to adjust structures, processes, and practices at their institutions if the fairly new collaboration between secondary and…...

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