Penguins Essays (Examples)

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When in reality, everyone is a part of the larger ecosystem that is dependent upon supporting the primary objectives of other organisms. As they are destroyed, this will have negative impacts life. (Pojman, 2012)

Explain mercantilism in your own words. What would a mercantilist think of trade agreements like NAFTA?

Mercantilism is when one nation is seeking to gain an advantage over the others through controlling a large amount of natural resources and using them to become more competitive against others. The basic objectives are to use these areas, to produce a host of products and send them to trading partners in order to realize gains an over them. Mercantilists would think of free trade agreements as the natural extension of these policies. This is taking place by having a number of markets to flood with different goods / services, access to cheap labor and greater control of natural resources. (Hooper,….

A Peacock in the Land of Penguins: Book Report
Section 1: Summary

A Peacock in the Land of Penguins is a unique take on leadership in the workplace: it uses a fable to introduce the concept that there are two types of workers in general—peacocks and penguins. From there it goes on to offer advice, ideas, examples and resources for both types of workers in an organization. This book helps workers identify whether they are a “peacock”—i.e., someone who relishes being different, creative and unique at work (where conformity is typically expected)—or a “penguin” (someone who does not mind at all fitting in with an organization and being like others). The book offers tips for peacocks, such as “be realistic about the world of work” (Hateley 116), which means know that there are going to be places where penguins are in the majority but that you may be on the lookout for….

William F. Baxter argues in favor of a people-oriented perspective on environmentalism in his article "People or Penguins." According to Baxter, measures to protect or conserve natural resources are only meaningful if they benefit human beings. In fact, the author asserts that concerns like clean air and water should be the means, not the end. Human beings, Baxter feels, are the end. Penguins and pine trees matter insofar as they please human beings, but they do not matter for their own sake. To support his arguments, Baxter first outlines four philosophical criteria by which he bases his observations about environmentalism. First, Baxter urges that all persons should do as they will as long as they do not "interfere with the interests of other human beings," (604). Second, Baxter notes that human beings possess limited resources, not just natural products like coal or water but also human labor resources. Therefore, we….

Argue whether the poetry/text presents the author as pilgrim or as tourist on a wartime journey

The distinction between the tourist and the pilgrim is one that invariably arises when analyzing texts that address war. While it is common for the hero (or author) to discuss war as a theme, a distinction must be made with regard to the way in which the author relates to the war and to the soldiers. In poems where the hero embarks on a journey, his journey can take the shape of either a pilgrimage or a simple tourist trip. Drawing from Donnelly's categorization involving the tourist vs. The pilgrim, this paper analyzes a series of war poems and texts that assume the form of either a pilgrimage or a tourist journey. The pilgrimage refers to an internal journey that is invested in the pilgrimage of war. The hero is profoundly affected by the pilgrimage,….

The plan would be the result of the scientific method, through which the impacts and causes of the current environmental problems would be addressed. Additionally, the scientific method would sit at the basis of the future actions to be taken. These would traditionally include:

The search for alternative sources of energy

The search for renewable sources of energy

The creation of an infrastructure which allowed the propagation and populous use of alternative energies

The education of the population to reduce their levels of consumerism to life necessities

The implementation of stricter regulations which punish economic agents who pollute waters or cut the forests in an unsustainable manner

eplant forests, clean waters and support the sustainable life of the endangered species.

At a smaller size and specific level, the alternative and immediate action to be taken is that of reducing the harvesting of krill by commercial fishermen. This would be achieved through legislative means which forbade the harvesting….

Noam Chomsky underlines the above point in a discussion entitled the New War on Terror. Chomsky alerts us to the fact that are many more forms of terror than bombing or direct violence that are often extremely devastating and morally indefensible. This in fact constitutes a form of terrorism in the moral sense of the terms. He notes for example that,

..there are 7 to 8 million people in Afghanistan on the verge of starvation. That was true actually before September 11th. They were surviving on international aid. On September 16th, the Times reported, I'm quoting it, that the United States demanded from Pakistan the elimination of truck convoys that provide much of the food and other supplies to Afghanistan's civilian population.


Chomsky refers to this as a form of "silent genocide." The existence of state-sponsored economic and other forms of terror is referred to by a number of modern political theorists.….

The 11th Hour (film):

Global warning/climate change impacts all of humanity, and therefore it is not a local but a global concern that requires multidisciplinary intervention (general point made throughout film).

Weather and climate issues have been in the mainstream media, and events are happening more frequently (beginning of film).

Climate change can be framed as a matter of national security, and there may be "environmental refugees," (middle of film).

The rate of decline and tragedy is accelerating at a rapid pace, making immediate intervention necessary (throughout the film).

Existing and emerging technologies provide the solution (toward the end of the film)

Essence of Permaculture

Permaculture is an extension of "systems thinking" (3)

Permaculture is not just about land use but about a whole method of living and sustaining human communities that goes beyond food and energy and toward lifestyle (3)

The Permaculture Design Course " has been the prime vehicle for permaculture inspiration and training worldwide," (4).

Impediments to….

However, when Achilles touches Priam as token that he should have no fear; both gods and mortals are said to be asleep. There is a sense of will in Achilles' gentleness towards the man, and his willingness to touch Priam's sleeve that night. In other words, human and divine reconciliation and pity is not simply a law, humans must accept the will of the gods, but they are also capable of choosing to add or subtract the misery of the world by showing pity to their fellow humans. Odysseus' cleverness, although aided by the gods, is also partly drawn from his own resourcefulness and character, as well as merely because Athena helps him.
Achilles makes what is said to be the greatest gift to Priam, that of Hector's body. In Greek custom, gifts were customary to give to visitors. ith such a gift, Achilles gives up his determination to mourn….

China Why Did the Cultural

The following quotation provides an indication of the changes that an emerging China represents. "We are now witnessing an historic change, which though still relatively in its infancy, is destined to transform the word. The developed rapidly being overhauled in economic size by the developing world. (Jacques, 2009, p. 2) This view is also supported by other predications such as the projections by Goldman Sachs that "…the three largest economies in the world by 2050 will be China, followed by a closely matched America and India some way behind…" (Jacques, 2009, p. 3)

In the final analysis, an ideological impetus and the struggle for power were the main reasons for the inception of the Cultural evolution. This revolution brought about many dramatic changes in the society that had mainly negative social and economic consequences. However, it is also possible that the excesses and failures of the Cultural evolution have taught….

The Widow and Miss Watson see nothing wrong with slavery in modern society, while Huck actually takes actions to end slavery by leading Jim to freedom and treating Jim like a human being.
6. "To be or not to be, that is the bare bodkin."

Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Signet, 2002, p. 143.

The Shakespearean 'actors' Jim and Huck befriend are really charlatans, despite their pretence of learning. They cannot even quote William Shakespeare's Hamlet in his "To be or not to be" soliloquy correctly.

7. "He says anyone who doesn't understand the theorems of Euclid is an idiot."

McCourt, Frank. Angela's Ashes. New York: Scribner, 1999, p.151.

The references to Euclid show the disparity between what is taught in Frank's school by an ambitious teacher and the poverty and ignorance of the rest of the boy's life. It also shows the narrow-mindedness of the principal, who is horrified that young boys….

He shows her as generous, but acts as if that is a negative quality, and about the only good thing he has to say about her is that she handled herself well in exile and that she was extremely pious. He is unemotional and detached when he writes about her death, yet he worked with her husband closely and admired him a great deal. He does not even discuss the Emperor's reaction to her death, which indicates how little he thought of the woman. He writes of Zoe's death, "So the gold was squandered with all the uncontrolled profusion of a flood, and Zoe, after a short and painful illness, but little change in her outward appearance, departed this life at the age of seventy-two."
It seems that even in death, he cannot bring himself to say something positive about anything but her appearance, which may show his bias toward….

In 46 B.C., once again Sallust was given an opportunity to shine or fail, as he was made a practor and sailed to Circina where he proved himself by stealing the enemies' stores. In return, Caesar rewarded Sallust with the title of proconsular governor of all of the province of Numidia and Africa. Others with a much stronger background were expecting this position, but it may have just been that Sallust showed a greater skill at organization. Sallust, however, takes advantage of this situation and when returning to ome was cited for extortion. [footnoteef:16] Caesar quickly acquitted Sallust, but that was the end of his political career. It appears that Caesar may have made a deal with Sallust that if he quietly disappears, he would not be tried. [16: Ibid.]

At this point in Sallust's life, he says he made the decision to give up his political career. Or, as noted,….

" Fears of French-Catholic influence amongst the settlers combined with the growing dislike of the Indians on the part of the English further inflamed tensions between the two groups.
This is why the title the "French and Indian ar" is the name commonly applied to the "Seven Years ar" when conflict actually began in 1754 because of the great influence of the native alliances in fighting the war, the last hurrah of Native American might. The strength of their allied tribes was used as a political bargaining chip and a military mark of terror by both sides. In particular, although fewer tribes were aligned with their sides, the English colonies exaggerated the Iroquois military predominance over other tribes to defend and establish British control over the region. Yet even many Englishmen privately criticized these same Indians as being disobedient, and unreliable, as well as predominantly known for their skill in war….

Clearly, the disadvantages of conducting interviews to interpret history is that often, memories become cloudy and/or lost, and people, as they age, remember things differently. Therefore, some of these memories could be faulty, or at least flawed, and yet, there is no mention of that in the book. There are also quotes in the interviews, and it is hard to imagine that anyone could remember exact words after even 10, 15, or 20 years after the incidents occurred. That means that some of these interviews, although they certainly mean well, could be inconsistent, and that takes away some of the historic notability of this book.

In conclusion, this is a very emotional and personal look into the Civil ights Movement and how it began, grew, and helped obtain equal rights for Black Americans. The author interviewed some of the most influential people in the Civil ights Movement, and their memories are….

The history of modern human civilization reflects the gradual evolution of thoughts, ideas, political reform, and technological progress. At various times, specific periods of change were important enough to have been recorded as revolutions. Some of the most significant of these revolutions contributed to human history and societal development individually as well as in conjunction with other simultaneous or nearly simultaneous changes.

The Scientific evolution was responsible for fundamental changes in the understanding of the physical world, chemistry, biology, and of human anatomy and physiology. The French evolution represented the recognition of the fundamental rights of citizens to fairness and humane consideration on the part of their respective monarchical governments. The Industrial evolution increased the availability of information and provided new modes of transportation and mechanical processes that radically changed the lives of large numbers of people throughout Europe and the North American continent.

The Scientific evolution

The Scientific evolution was part….

2 Pages


Baxter-People or Penguins Baxter Argues

Words: 612
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Questionnaire

When in reality, everyone is a part of the larger ecosystem that is dependent upon supporting the primary objectives of other organisms. As they are destroyed, this will…

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3 Pages
Book Report


Penguins and Peacocks Lessons on Leadership

Words: 966
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Report

A Peacock in the Land of Penguins: Book Report Section 1: Summary A Peacock in the Land of Penguins is a unique take on leadership in the workplace: it uses a…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Environment William F Baxter Argues in Favor

Words: 932
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Environment William F. Baxter argues in favor of a people-oriented perspective on environmentalism in his article "People or Penguins." According to Baxter, measures to protect or conserve natural resources are…

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4 Pages

Drama - World

Illiad Argue Whether the Poetry Text Presents the

Words: 1334
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Illiad Argue whether the poetry/text presents the author as pilgrim or as tourist on a wartime journey The distinction between the tourist and the pilgrim is one that invariably arises when…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Humans Have Affected the Antarctic

Words: 900
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The plan would be the result of the scientific method, through which the impacts and causes of the current environmental problems would be addressed. Additionally, the scientific method would…

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7 Pages


Morally There Is No Difference

Words: 2106
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Noam Chomsky underlines the above point in a discussion entitled the New War on Terror. Chomsky alerts us to the fact that are many more forms of terror than…

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1 Pages
Research Paper


Environment the 11th Hour Film Global Warning Climate

Words: 392
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Environment The 11th Hour (film): Global warning/climate change impacts all of humanity, and therefore it is not a local but a global concern that requires multidisciplinary intervention (general point made throughout…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Homeric Epics -- a Comparison

Words: 2127
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, when Achilles touches Priam as token that he should have no fear; both gods and mortals are said to be asleep. There is a sense of will…

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5 Pages

History - Asian

China Why Did the Cultural

Words: 1572
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The following quotation provides an indication of the changes that an emerging China represents. "We are now witnessing an historic change, which though still relatively in its infancy, is…

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2 Pages


Anne Hutchinson as the Foundress

Words: 712
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The Widow and Miss Watson see nothing wrong with slavery in modern society, while Huck actually takes actions to end slavery by leading Jim to freedom and treating…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal

Sports - Women

Fourteen Byzantine Rulers by Michael

Words: 1586
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

He shows her as generous, but acts as if that is a negative quality, and about the only good thing he has to say about her is that…

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15 Pages


Sallust in His Historical Writings

Words: 4545
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Thesis

] In 46 B.C., once again Sallust was given an opportunity to shine or fail, as he was made a practor and sailed to Circina where he proved himself by…

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2 Pages

Native Americans

Motivations of the French and

Words: 690
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

" Fears of French-Catholic influence amongst the settlers combined with the growing dislike of the Indians on the part of the English further inflamed tensions between the two groups. This…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Black Studies

Soul Is Rested Movement Days

Words: 1545
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Clearly, the disadvantages of conducting interviews to interpret history is that often, memories become cloudy and/or lost, and people, as they age, remember things differently. Therefore, some of these…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Revolutions the History of Modern Human Civilization

Words: 925
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

evolutions The history of modern human civilization reflects the gradual evolution of thoughts, ideas, political reform, and technological progress. At various times, specific periods of change were important enough…

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