Personal Opinion Essays (Examples)

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Personal Opinion
Pages: 2 Words: 551

Dark Side of Media
In my opinion, the media affects people of all ages, both male and female, at all socioeconomic levels and all levels of intelligence, in both positive and negative ways. The media serves as a means of learning about things and keeping current on daily events. Yet it also portrays violent and morally challenging situations to a broad, vulnerable audience. It is important to develop a healthy relationship with the media, opening your mind to the world while keeping your own values and views.

The television, a major part of present society, influences the average individual tremendously through commercials, sitcoms, news reports and movies. It has opened the doors for the many branches of marketing, news and entertainment, and has become one of the most important tools in reaching mass society.

Through the television, people all around the world can receive groundbreaking news and events, as well as enjoy…...

Personal & Organizational Ethics Personal and Organizational
Pages: 9 Words: 2664

Personal and Organizational Ethics Values for, for-Profit and Non-Profit Organizations

Ethics is a requirement of the society to both individuals and organizations. Ethics are applied to business and personal behaviors, and are used to determine how companies and individuals abide to policies. To indicate the application of ethical principles in organizations, an analysis is carried out of For-Profit and Non-For-Profit organizations, in this case Bank of America and Boys Club of America. This is by analyzing an ethical dilemma they are experiencing, their approach to the problem, and the legal, political, and social outcomes emerging from this cause of action.

Part One

The Boys Clubs of America is a non-for-profit organization founded in 1860s in Harford, Connecticut Formed with the aim of giving boys who roamed the streets a positive alternative. The club has undergone major changes beginning in 191 when several boys' clubs affiliated to form the federated boys…...



Anonymous. (2009, Dec 16). Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Lowe's Announces $1 Million

Bach, R. (2010, March). A Letter from our Chairman Emeritus: March 2010. Retrieved from Boys and Girls Club of America: 

Bank of America. (2013). Retrieved March 21, 2013, from Bank of America: 

BCOA. (2011). Boys of America. Retrieved from Boys of America: .

Personal Perspective on Changes That Occur Throughout
Pages: 3 Words: 1074

Personal Perspective on Changes That Occur Throughout Early, Middle, And Late Adulthood
One of the more interesting things about aging is just how differently people go about the process. In my experience, many people seem to grow older and change very little from their early to late adulthoods as a result, keeping the same interests, friends, spouse, home and job for years and years. For instance, I know one elderly widower, "Mark," who has conducted petroleum engineering seminars in several states nine months a year for more than 30 years. Besides some minor administrative work and continuing education, Mark has the rest of the year to himself and he participates in a number of leisure and recreational activities, some of which he takes seriously. For instance, Mark is still an accomplished ballroom dancer despite his somewhat advanced age (73 years), and he has played tournament bridge games in Las Vegas with…...

Personal Model of Leadership the Modern Business
Pages: 4 Words: 1260

Personal Model of Leadership
The modern business environment has significantly diversified, in order to adapt to the changes determined by globalization. Given the situation, the importance of the role of leaders has also increased. This determined theorists' and practitioners' interest in leadership studies that are able to provide some guidelines regarding the manner in which leaders should behave.

The challenge is represented by the fact that the leadership models presented by the literature in the field and by the business practice lead to the assumption that these leadership models are unable to respond to the changing business environment (Clawson, 2010). In other words, leaders must trust their instincts and knowledge when establishing the leadership model they should follow. Such leaders should also take into consideration successful leadership models, no matter the field the leaders in case addressed. This is because the values encouraged by a leader in politics can be successfully applied…...


Reference list:

1. Clawson, J. (2010). Level Three Leadership. Retrieved January 21, 2011 from

2. Dunaway, D. (2007). Eight Leader Behaviors that Increase Motivation, Morale, and Performance, and One that Won't. Retrieved January 22, 2011 from .

3. Clark, D. (2010). Concepts of Leadership. Retrieved January 22, 2011 from .

4. Cunningham, C. (1966). Dimensions of Leader Behavior. Journal of Cooperative Extension. Retrieved January 22, 2011 from

Personal Portfolio Profile From an
Pages: 7 Words: 1828

Better leadership skills from the general manager will also mean employees who not only perform better, but are also more capable and more productive at work.
Job factors

There are several job factors that I usually take into consideration and this is also shown in my current job as general manager. First of all, in terms of the environmental context, I tend to appreciate those types of jobs with a high level of communication to those where the individual activity is more relevant than a collective approach. For me, communication means being able to work in a team, consulting with the other members and determining what the best solutions are, as well as how to implement these. As a general manager, I have the opportunity to be able to communicate quite a lot with other employees, both in terms of coordinating with them and in what passing on instructions is concerned.


Personal Belief and Experiences
Pages: 2 Words: 715

Personal elief and Experiences
Quizzes, tests, presentations, books reports, scantrons, number two pencils, stress, all-nighters, parents quizzing their children, tutors, among other things are all words that the general public associates with tests; but, to delve deeper into the dreaded word "assessment" there are pros and cons that help society realize the importance of assessments in school.

Assessments are imperative to curriculum teaching and are an essential component because students can gather strategies from the assessment taking and utilize those skills in the short- and long-term to achieve success. For instance, important strategies learned when taking an assessment include staying focused and relaxed, "expecting and accepting a little bit of stress," reading and following directions, pacing oneself, not rushing through the assessment, among other things (PS, 2005). These are important skills to foster through the schooling as these eventually are vital and highly applicable to the "real world" that students join after…...



Garrison, Catherine, & Ehringhaus, Michael. (2011). Formative and summative assessments in the classroom. Retrieved from 

PBS, (2005). It's my life.. Retrieved from

Personal Statement Describe the Communication
Pages: 3 Words: 933

The Japanese man may fail to make eye contact, mumble his responses, and stand far away from his negotiating opposite, while, in frustration with this apparent diffidence, the Lebanese man may raise his voice, lean across the table, nod vigorously, do anything to raise the energy level of the room, potentially intimidate his opponent, but simply look weak because of his force and high level of animation. The plethora of courses in cross cultural communications show there is a need for future original study and analysis in this area, but it is an area that has not been addressed, except in passing, or in brackets, as of yet.
Describe what you envision as your own contributions to knowledge in these areas.

The use of body language, I believe, must be studied more not only in terms of how it is deployed, but also the question of how mutable it is, once…...

Personal Local or National Issue IT's Unbelievable
Pages: 2 Words: 719

Personal, Local or National Issue
It's unbelievable!" Janice said to my mom. "My partner needs surgery; she can't afford to wait or her condition will worsen. Yet the company I have worked for almost twenty years won't include her in my medical plan because we're both female. It's ridiculous!"

My mom shook her head with disbelief and sympathy. "I know. As soon as it seems like this culture is progressing and becoming more enlightened, we see every day on the news people who oppose the most basic of human rights. We are supposed to be a country promoting 'liberty and justice for all!" chewed my food in silence, listening to every word of this conversation. The issue of same-sex marriages has been in the news a lot lately, especially since the state of Massachusetts recently became the first place where gay couples could legally wed. In other places, homosexual partners could only…...

Personal Digital Assistants in Healthcare
Pages: 12 Words: 3529

Personal Digital Assistants in Healthcare
Current Applications and Future Trends in the Use of Personal Digital Assistants in Healthcare

Today, healthcare practitioners enjoy a wide range of digital equipment that can help them provide more efficient healthcare services, including laptop computers, cellular telephones and personal digital assistants, or PDAs. These devices have been used in various ways by clinicians to improve their ability to deliver more timely and accurate diagnoses and treatments, and it is clear that the use of these devices will continue to increase in the future. The purpose of this study is to provide a current snapshot of how personal digital assistants are being used in various healthcare settings, including military and government tertiary facilities and the use of PDAs on the battlefield in times of war, but with a specific focus on how PDAs are being used in nongovernmental healthcare facilities today. To this end, a critical review…...



Blow, F.C., Barry, K.L., Walton, M.A. et al. (2006). The efficacy of two brief intervention strategies among injured, at-risk drinkers in the emergency department: Impact of tailored messaging and brief advice. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 67(4), 568.

Cieslak, D.M., & Van Winkle, M. (2004). Carry your office in the palm of your hand; a pocket-size device is your computer when you're on the road. Journal of Accountancy, 198(2), 52.

Corbett, M.L. (1996, January). Choosing the perfect PDA: Personal digital assistants help busy professionals. Black Enterprise, 26(6), 34.

Greisler, D.S., & Jackson, J.R. (2000). The changing nature of physician power: Understanding physician power and its future. Journal of Power and Ethics, 1(4), 260.

Personal Social Media Audit Reflective Observation Abstract
Pages: 6 Words: 1844

Personal Social Media Audit
Reflective observation

Abstract conceptualization

Most used websites

Device used

Time of the day using a specific website

Active experimentation

The usage of social media depends on the personal interests and priorities. There are various websites, blogs, content communities, and gaming zones categorized as internet-based social media. The users of social media often do not realize their patterns and number of hours spent in using social media. In order to understand the usage information a seven days diary was maintained. The analysis of diary entries provided an in-depth understanding of the situation. The reflection of observations, assessment of the findings and active experimentation is presented below.

Reflective observation:

Social media comprises of electronic tools, applications, websites, and various community-based blogs that attract the users. The users also utilize their email and contact numbers to share their profile information with contacts. It is also a medium that has increased social reach of its users and as a…...



Kaplan, AM&Haenlein, M2010, Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media, Business horizons, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 59-68.

Personal Philosophy of Supervision What
Pages: 4 Words: 1532

Every school supervisor knows that improving teaching and learning is always the goal of every school, and finding the right applications for progress toward better outcomes should be a collaborative and constant strategy unique to each school environment.
In conclusion, collaboration is not a concept unique to the educational setting; indeed, any organization should embrace the idea of collaboration rather than strict hierarchal strategies. But when it comes to educational settings, an administrator working in collaboration with teachers to develop curricula, to solve problems, to create stronger formulas for learning, is a far better tactic than top-down leadership where demands and orders are the rule of the day.

orks Cited

McNair, D.E. (2011). Developing a Philosophy of Supervision: One Step Toward Self-

Authorship. New Directions for Student Services, no. 136, 27-34.

Silva, D.Y., and Dana, N.F. (2001). Collaborative Supervision in the Professional

Development School. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 16(4), 305-321.

Slick, G.A. (2000). Communication: The…...


Works Cited

McNair, D.E. (2011). Developing a Philosophy of Supervision: One Step Toward Self-

Authorship. New Directions for Student Services, no. 136, 27-34.

Silva, D.Y., and Dana, N.F. (2001). Collaborative Supervision in the Professional

Development School. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 16(4), 305-321.

Personal Views on Religion in
Pages: 2 Words: 645

While thee may be ational and ethical objections to killing a nealy fully developed fetus, thee ae none that petain logically to teminating a pegnancy that is only hous old, much less fo peventing a pegnancy that has not even occued. Religious beliefs and values may be pefect justifications fo such decisions on a pesonal level; howeve, they cannot eve be allowed to impose those values on othes who may not shae those paticula eligious beliefs.
The United States was founded lagely on the concept of eligious feedom by those who ejected the notion that the govenment should be able to dictate pesonal eligious beliefs. The agument that eligious feedom is meant only in the naowest sense as petains to the actual assignment of eligion by the state is weak. If eligious feedom meant only that the state could not equie a specific eligion, that would still allow the state…...


references to any "God" because that violates the religious freedom of atheists. Similarly, there is no reason that atheists should not be able to purchase alcohol on Sunday just because that happens to be the religious Sabbath of Christians any more than Christians should have to be limited in their freedoms on Saturdays just because other religious faiths happen to celebrate their Sabbath on Saturday. Religious freedom should protect the right to practice any religion and to practice no religion and it should never allow any religious beliefs to be imposed in any way on others.

Personal Statement Social Work Has Been and
Pages: 3 Words: 1025

Personal Statement
Social work has been and will always remain the most viable career choice for me because of my genuine concern for both social justice and human dignity. Further, I also possess a deep desire to impact positively on the lives of others. Social work provides me with a viable platform to accomplish this. In my case, I regard playing an active role in the restoration of the social functioning capacity of groups or individual persons a personal calling. That is what gives me the greatest feeling of self-fulfillment. It can be noted that some individuals are called to serve their countries as doctors, police officers, teachers etc. In their own special way, they impact positively on the lives of others be it in the enhancement of security, knowledge or even the health and well being of others. I believe my calling is to serve the community and by extension…...

Personal Observations Class Size vs Quality Instruction
Pages: 2 Words: 602

Personal Observations: Class Size vs. Quality Instruction
I am not able to neatly separate my preparation and reading in the area of educational quality from my personal experience. The two sources of knowledge dovetail and flow back and forth in a highly influential manner. I certainly agree that class size is a factor in student success, and a variable that can enable or hinder the ease with which a teacher provides quality educational opportunities for her students. My teacher preparation coursework and my reading on education policy lead me to believe that them most important variables -- next to the influences of home and community -- are those under the aegis of teachers.

Teacher qualifications are a critical variable for student success. Naturally, the amount of resources available to a school, district, region, or state impact the level of quality that is provided to students through educational systems. One has only to…...

Personal Statement L Jones if You Laid
Pages: 4 Words: 1305

Personal Statement
L. Jones

If you laid all of the lawyers in the world, end to end, on the equator - It would be a good idea to just leave them there. -Unknown

Ah yes, the lawyer -- the bane of civilized society as we know it -- the definition of self serving duplicity, concerned with the almighty dollar far more than facilitating the wheels of justice in their ever-toiling task. Indeed, the lawyer has come to represent all that is wrong in American society, from dishonesty to abject greed.

Even for my mother, kind hearted and trusting as she is, a visit to an attorney, or worse, a visit from an attorney, was cause for significant distress, distrust, and outright fear -- after all, she hardly had good experiences with the her attorney.

Again and again, as parents will often do, my mother would tell my sister and I the story how her lawyer…...

Share your best advice on writing a compelling anxiety and depression thesis statement!?
Words: 643

Crafting a Compelling Thesis Statement for an Anxiety and Depression Research Paper

Anxiety and depression are prevalent mental health concerns affecting a significant portion of the global population. Research in this area aims to explore the complexities of these conditions, understand their underlying mechanisms, and develop effective interventions for prevention, treatment, and management. Writing a compelling thesis statement for an anxiety and depression research paper is crucial for guiding your research and setting the stage for a successful project.

 1. Choose a Focused and Manageable Topic:

- Select a specific aspect of anxiety or depression that genuinely interests you and aligns with your....

Unsure if my revenge is not justified thesis statement is focused enough. Would you give feedback?
Words: 319

Original Thesis Statement:

Unsure if my revenge is not justified


The original thesis statement is too vague and unfocused. It does not provide a clear direction for the essay and leaves the reader unsure of what the author's main argument will be.

Improved Thesis Statement:

The Justification for Revenge: A Complex and Controversial Issue

This improved thesis statement is more specific and focused. It clearly states that the essay will explore the issue of whether or not revenge is ever justified.

Body Paragraphs:

The body paragraphs of the essay should explore the different arguments for and against revenge. The author should consider the following questions:

What are....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about book?
Words: 357

Book Essay Outline

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with an engaging anecdote or quotation related to the book.
B. Thesis statement: Clearly state the main argument or interpretation of the book.
C. Brief overview of the essay structure.

II. Background and Context
A. Provide information about the author and their background.
B. Discuss the historical or cultural context in which the book was written.
C. Explain the genre and style of the book.

III. Plot and Character Analysis
A. Summarize the main plot points, focusing on key events and conflicts.
B. Analyze the primary characters, exploring their motivations, relationships, and development.
C. Discuss....

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