Personal Philosophy Essays (Examples)

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Personal Philosophy

Personal Philosophy - Tourism
Which philosophical school of thought (Idealism, Realism, Pragmatism, Naturalism, Existentialism, Humanism) best presents your own set of beliefs at this time of your professional preparation and why?

I consider myself to be predominantly a humanist. I am interested in helping people use their personal agency for the best overall outcomes. My knowledge of history is limited but it does include some exposure to the major religions in the world. I am mostly discouraged by what I have learned. Empowered by their religious beliefs, people engage in horrific acts against one another and assert that they are compelled and even sanctified by their religions to behave in those ways. Humanism is based on reason, ethics, and justice that do not originate from religious doctrine. But it seems to me that as the various religions were formed, that faith was developed from logical human reasoning as much as from supernatural….

Personal Philosophy
What is nursing to me?

Nursing is all about caring for and knowing how to take care of patients in illness to help them heal and take care of patients in birth and death. This is just a brief introduction of nursing where we further illustrate that nursing is much more than only caring for patients. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, nursing was attributed with values like benevolence, self-sacrifice, obedience, serious-mindedness, faithfulness, compassion, patriotism and love for humanity. However this was further modified by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (1995) as being a blend of the following personal characteristics; aesthetics which is attributable to the personal characteristics generating deep satisfaction like sensitivity, creativity and imagination; altruism which is an active effort for other people's benefit embodied by characteristics like caring, compassion and generosity; equality which is all about nurse's nondiscriminatory treatment of patients combined with characteristics….

Personal Philosophy
Society tells us what is right and what is wrong. In America, there are laws that make things legal or illegal. In addition to this, there are social regulations which determine what, though not illegal, is immoral and thus equally inappropriate behavior. Besides these two factors, there are the peer pressures of our individual dialogue groups which have influence on society as well. For example, religious groups determine what is appropriate for their followers. As teachers, it is important to understand the events and experiences which have shaped our own personalities and thus try to ensure that our students have the most positive experiences possible. Equally important is for a teacher to know the traumas we have faced and how they have affected us, thus allowing us to understand that similar traumas may have affected out students.

I was raised in a neighborhood where we were the only family of….

Drucker (1999) states that organizations should also learn to treat knowledge workers as assets rather than costs, as those workers who are knowledge workers will want to work at the organization "in preference to all other opportunities" (p. 84). In addition to employees, knowledge can also be useful in many other variables that constitute organizations. Knowledge can allow for positive change in development, in customer relations, and in organizational processes. When applied correctly, knowledge's purpose can be fulfilled in any of these areas, as the process of creating knowledge allows for adaptation and growth. For instance, when camera companies learned about technology that would allow for digital photography, as well as customer demands for such technology, they changed the products that they manufactured, allowing themselves to succeed as manufacturers. If an office aid is given receives new knowledge about a device that will increase typing time, he or she….

Personal Philosophy:

The Benefits in Life and in Education

It is necessity for an educator to possess a clear understanding of their personal visions, ethics, and ways in which they wish to conduct the environment of their classroom. Without this strength, the teacher will morph to the limitless quantity of critiques they may receive from employers, peers, students, and parents. Though critique could be in good taste or with the aim to be helpful, it is when a teacher follows their own personal philosophies that they will thrive as an educator.

Two Philosophies that Shape the Way

Personal philosophy reflects a person to the exterior world, demonstrating for others one's opinions on ethics, knowledge, and other controversial topics. As a part of my personal philosophy, knowledge is an instrument that lacks boundaries and may be utilized to enhance oneself. On a daily basis, I use tools, such as books, school, the internet, and other….

For Watson, treating a patient as a nurse was not just about giving out medication, it was about caring for a patient. Caring became a phenomenon for Watson as opposed to just thinking about ways in which to make a person feel better. The aspect of caring is critical to treating patients and Watson was the one who found ways to assess and influence the issue of caring in the nursing field. The main problem with caring was how it was measured. Caring, as it is such an abstract notion, is quite difficult to measure as it can mean something different to every individual.

Talking about "caring" is difficult. How does a person measure caring? How does a person talk about or measure the caring elements of nurses in the field? Caring is invisible, for the most part. One can talk about caring; one can show caring; but, how does one….

Personal Philosophy

Personal Nursing Philosophy
Introduction believe that nursing practice is a chance for me to provide patients with my best effort to help them achieve their highest level of health. I feel that through my skills and care, I am best able to meet people's health needs, and help them cope with their own level of health. When forming my personal philosophy of nursing, I examined the metaparadigm of nursing to formulate my ideas on what nursing is really about.

Metaparadigm "represents the worldview of a discipline (the most global perspective that subsumes more specific views and approaches to the central concepts with which it is concerned). There is considerable agreement that nursing's metaparadigm consists of the central concepts of humans, environment, health, and nursing." (Powers & Knapp, 1990, p. 87).

According to enner (1984), a human is "a self-interpreting being, that is, the person does not come into the world predefined but….

Personal Philosophy
My life is no doubt different from 99.9% of the rest of the American nation, and I'm not talking about the "occupy" movement. The occupy people are saying that only 1% of the population has the money and the power and the rest of us -- 99% of America -- are left with the crumbs. They have their point but my philosophy isn't directed against all Street per se. My theme embraces the big picture; that is America consists of millions of pathetic little powerless worker bees banging against superficial goals that they are attracted like so many summer moths being drawn to (and slamming into) a porch light on a steamy August night. This essay should be very clear as far as theme and purpose, because I am blunt spoken, honest in my statements, and never shy about letting others know how I feel about life, the….

personal philosophy learning a process continuous; learns things day. You knowledgeable a There are many different ways of learning and of teaching. In fact, there appears to be an intrinsic relationship between learning and teaching. Teachers, after all, must have learned something in order to successfully depart this knowledge to others. Due to the multitude of methods for teaching and learning, it is important to consider factors such as learning style, distance and conventional classroom education, and teaching styles in order to gain the maximum amount of efficacy from this process. After a careful consideration of these factors, it strongly appears that in the documents that this assignment is reflecting upon, the most preferred method of learning by the individual who wrote those documents is observation and participation.
Observation and participation are crucial factors of learning via direct experience. In many ways, learning via direct experience is superior to classroom….

These more problematic students should be watched closely and should receive extra attention to ensure no problems within class.
hat measures should a teacher take when students begin misbehaving?

If a warning is appropriate in this case, the teacher should inform the student that their actions may have a negative consequence and may remind the student what that consequence will be.

If a warning has been given or the teacher feels a warning will not be beneficial to the student (or in times where safety is an issue), the teacher must enforce the appropriate punishment.

If a student continues to misbehave even after receiving warnings and punishment, the teacher may refer the student to higher school authorities for disciplinary action, such as the school principal.

If all else fails, the teacher may meet with the student or the student's parent(s) privately to discuss the student's behavior. Sometimes gaining an insight into the student's personal….

Every school supervisor knows that improving teaching and learning is always the goal of every school, and finding the right applications for progress toward better outcomes should be a collaborative and constant strategy unique to each school environment.
In conclusion, collaboration is not a concept unique to the educational setting; indeed, any organization should embrace the idea of collaboration rather than strict hierarchal strategies. But when it comes to educational settings, an administrator working in collaboration with teachers to develop curricula, to solve problems, to create stronger formulas for learning, is a far better tactic than top-down leadership where demands and orders are the rule of the day.

orks Cited

McNair, D.E. (2011). Developing a Philosophy of Supervision: One Step Toward Self-

Authorship. New Directions for Student Services, no. 136, 27-34.

Silva, D.Y., and Dana, N.F. (2001). Collaborative Supervision in the Professional

Development School. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 16(4), 305-321.

Slick, G.A. (2000). Communication: The….

philosophy that best reflects my opinion of adult education. Google "philosophy of adult education" and you will find essentially personal essays and thoughts about the philosophy of how and why adult education exists.
My personal philosophy of adult education is a result of my personal awareness of the essential purpose of education. From my view, education should be an empowering tool, which enables adults to attain their full potential and realize their objectives throughout their lives. In this example, education should offer adults the opportunity to augment their employment skills so that they can pursue the career they really want to succeed in life. I believe it is the goal of adult education to be able to identify the candidates of adult learners who can benefit from adult education and realize their dreams.

One of the main purposes of adult education is to enable adult learners to make the most of….

Currently, there are approximately five to six special interest group lobbyists working on behalf of the private health insurance industry for every single publicly elected representative in Washington, D.C. (eid, 2009). The breakdown of political support for legislation and policies that benefit the industry reveals a remarkably close association between political contributions from that industry and the voting and statement records of political representatives (Kennedy, 2006; Tong, 2007). It is no surprise that the major source of opposition to some of the most potentially beneficial elements of healthcare reform at issue today comes from the representatives who have received the largest campaign contributions from the private health insurance industry and representatives from states where the largest corporate parents of private sector health insurance companies (eid, 2009).

Preventative Medicine and eimbursement Based on Beneficial esults

Sufficient information already exists from other nations that very strongly suggests that any efficient, affordable, and socially beneficial….

Personal philosophy of education statement
Although the settings that are used to deliver educational services today differ markedly from those used a century ago, the fundament purpose of education has remained essentially the same: to provide young learners with the academic background and experiences they need to become contributing citizens to American society (Stone, 2014). The introduction of numerous technological innovations in recent years, though, has also resulted in growing numbers of educators questioning the efficacy of conventional pedagogy that ignores the ability of students to locate information instantaneously online about the 50 state capitals, the names of all the presidents, how far it is to Jupiter, or any of the other countless facts that were once widely regarded as indicators of learning. As Trybus (2013) emphasizes, “The future of education may seem daunting and challenging if educators lack a vision of what matters most for students to be prepared for….

Otherwise, it would be completely impossible to hold anybody morally or criminally responsible for anything, even the most horrific crimes. The basis of all modern legal and ethical systems is precisely that we are all capable of making conscious choices and, therefore, we are all responsible for our choices and our behavior. I believe that since we are all capable of making conscious choices, we are, therefore, also completely responsible for our choices and our behavior.
What do you consider to be beautiful and why?

In my opinion, aesthetic beauty is very subjective and almost completely in the eye of the beholder. Personal perspective often suggests beauty where individuals with a different perspective see none at all and vice versa.

Philosophically, I believe that beauty is also capable of being found in other areas outside of the realm of aesthetics. For example, the commitment to the health, welfare, and happiness of others….

1. "Defining Success: Unveiling the Personal Philosophy behind Achievement"
2. "The True Measure of Success: Reflecting on Personal Philosophy"
3. "Crafting Your Path to Success: Unveiling Your Personal Philosophy"
4. "Success Redefined: Embracing a Personal Philosophy for Achievement"
5. "Shaping Success: The Role of Personal Philosophy in Defining Triumph"
6. "From Theory to Practice: Applying Personal Philosophy to Achieve Success"
7. "The Power of Thought: How Personal Philosophy Shapes Success"
8. "Unlocking Success: The Importance of Establishing a Personal Philosophy"
9. "Rewriting the Definition of Success: A Journey into Personal Philosophy"
10. "Success, Rewired: The Influence of Personal Philosophy on Achievement"

Please note that the spacing and format will depend....

Defining Success: A Personal and Multifaceted Pursuit
Success is a subjective and multifaceted concept that varies greatly depending on individual values, aspirations, and life circumstances. For some, it may be measured by financial wealth or professional achievements; for others, it may be rooted in personal fulfillment, meaningful relationships, or a sense of purpose. While there is no single, definitive definition of success, exploring different perspectives can help us gain a deeper understanding of this complex and elusive aspiration.
Financial Abundance and Material Possessions
For many, success is synonymous with financial stability and material abundance. In a capitalistic society, achieving wealth and acquiring material....

1. Exploring the Foundations of My Personal Philosophy of Counselling
2. The Importance of Empathy and Active Listening in Counselling: A Personal Perspective
3. Understanding the Power of Collaboration and Partnership in the Counselling Relationship
4. Integrating Holistic Approaches into My Personal Philosophy of Counselling
5. Respecting Diversity and Cultivating Cultural Sensitivity in Counselling Practice
6. Nurturing Ethical Frameworks and Professional Boundaries in Counselling
7. Embracing the Strengths-Based Perspective in Counselling: An Essential Component of My Philosophy
8. Adopting a Person-Centered Approach in Counselling: My Personal Commitment
9. The Healing Effects of Self-Awareness and Self-Reflection in Counselling Practice
10. Embracing Continuous Learning and Professional Development in My Philosophy of....

1. Exploring the Foundations of My Personal Philosophy of Counselling: A Reflective Essay
2. The Journey of Self-Discovery: Unveiling My Personal Philosophy of Counselling
3. An Introspective Reflection: My Personal Philosophy of Counselling and its Development
4. The Intersection of My Values and Beliefs: A Personal Philosophy of Counselling
5. The Helping Profession: My Desire to Make a Difference through Counselling
6. Challenging Assumptions in Counselling: The Evolution of My Personal Philosophy
7. Cultivating Empathy and Compassion: The Core of My Counselling Philosophy
8. Integrating Theory and Practice: The Framework of My Personal Philosophy of Counselling
9. Creating a Safe Space: The Importance of Relationship Building in Counselling

4 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Personal Philosophy

Words: 1164
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Philosophy - Tourism Which philosophical school of thought (Idealism, Realism, Pragmatism, Naturalism, Existentialism, Humanism) best presents your own set of beliefs at this time of your professional preparation and…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Personal Philosophy What Is Nursing to Me

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Philosophy What is nursing to me? Nursing is all about caring for and knowing how to take care of patients in illness to help them heal and take care of…

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4 Pages


Personal Philosophy Society Tells Us What Is

Words: 1468
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Philosophy Society tells us what is right and what is wrong. In America, there are laws that make things legal or illegal. In addition to this, there are social…

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9 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Management

Personal Philosophy of Knowledge if

Words: 2601
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Drucker (1999) states that organizations should also learn to treat knowledge workers as assets rather than costs, as those workers who are knowledge workers will want to work…

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3 Pages


Philosophy Personal Philosophy The Benefits in Life

Words: 788
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Philosophy Personal Philosophy: The Benefits in Life and in Education It is necessity for an educator to possess a clear understanding of their personal visions, ethics, and ways in which they wish…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Personal Philosophy Nursing Watson's Philosophy

Words: 948
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For Watson, treating a patient as a nurse was not just about giving out medication, it was about caring for a patient. Caring became a phenomenon for Watson as…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Personal Philosophy

Words: 1041
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personal Nursing Philosophy Introduction believe that nursing practice is a chance for me to provide patients with my best effort to help them achieve their highest level of health.…

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3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Personal Philosophy My Life Is No Doubt

Words: 1105
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Philosophy My life is no doubt different from 99.9% of the rest of the American nation, and I'm not talking about the "occupy" movement. The occupy people are…

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3 Pages


Personal Philosophy Learning a Process Continuous Learns

Words: 1001
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

personal philosophy learning a process continuous; learns things day. You knowledgeable a There are many different ways of learning and of teaching. In fact, there appears to be…

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3 Pages


Personal Philosophy of Classroom Management

Words: 1021
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

These more problematic students should be watched closely and should receive extra attention to ensure no problems within class. hat measures should a teacher take when students begin misbehaving? If…

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4 Pages


Personal Philosophy of Supervision What

Words: 1532
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Every school supervisor knows that improving teaching and learning is always the goal of every school, and finding the right applications for progress toward better outcomes should be…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Philosophy of Adult Education

Words: 456
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

philosophy that best reflects my opinion of adult education. Google "philosophy of adult education" and you will find essentially personal essays and thoughts about the philosophy of how…

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5 Pages


Personal Philosophy of Life Applied

Words: 1484
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Currently, there are approximately five to six special interest group lobbyists working on behalf of the private health insurance industry for every single publicly elected representative in Washington, D.C.…

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Personal Philosophy of Education and Mission Statement for an Inclusive School District Essay

Words: 2290
Length: Pages

Personal philosophy of education statement Although the settings that are used to deliver educational services today differ markedly from those used a century ago, the fundament purpose of education has…

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5 Pages

Family and Marriage

Personal Philosophy of Life What

Words: 1497
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Otherwise, it would be completely impossible to hold anybody morally or criminally responsible for anything, even the most horrific crimes. The basis of all modern legal and ethical…

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