Personality Type Essays (Examples)

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All participants will be clinically diagnosed with an addiction problem to alcohol and/or another controlled substance. Those that are addicted to prescription medicine alone will be excluded from the study as they are suspected to represent a different underlying order. Subjects will be chosen for addiction to alcohol, meth, crack, opiates and other controlled substances, other than prescription drugs. Participants may have single or multiple substances of addiction.

In order to eliminate as many potential confounding variables as possible the subjects will be males between the ages of 25-40. They will be from a number of socioeconomic backgrounds and will not be eliminated for race or other cultural attributes. However, these attributes will be considered in the final analysis to eliminate potential sources of sample bias. Participation in this study will be voluntary and all participants will be asked to sign a consent form. Participants meeting the criteria will be randomly….

The qualities tested by the Myes-Biggs ae also those that often cause clashes between employees, such extovesion vs. intovesion, thinking vs. feeling, judging vs. peceiving, and the tendency to expeiencing the wold though sensing vs. intuition. Taking the test helps someone who is quiet and feels fulfilled woking behind a compute undestand why he o she might see the wold diffeently than someone who is a 'people peson.'
It should be stessed that while pesonality types may be elatively constant thoughout an individual's life, all types must still espond to vaious extenal stessos at times: an intovet will still likely shout 'fie' and sping to action when needed in an emegency, despite a pefeence fo being etiing and eflective. An extovet can lock the doo to study a long and detailed epot on which he o she must make a pesentation. But the question is pefeence: an indicato of "you….

The objective of this paper is to present a reflection on my personality type that will suit my career plan. After taking a survey test at 16 Personality website, the results reveal that I am "THE EXECUTIVE" (ESTJ-A) showing that I am extraverted (54%) than introverted (46%). More assertive (57%) than turbulent (43%). Having the ability to judging (77%) than prospecting (33%). Moreover, I am more observer (84%) than intuitive (16%). I also have more ability to thinking (62%) than 38% (feeling).
My Job Type

An ability to choose a right job depends on the personality type, thus, the result shows that I have the quality of becoming a successful executive manager in my career choice. Executives are top management in an organization using their skills to embrace values of dedication, using a clear guidance and advice to lead their subordinates through the difficult paths. Typically, less than 11% of the American….

They make good leaders, because they can make impartial decisions, and will not back down after they have made a decision. They are more concerned with external forces, and so, they are attracted to products, goods, and services, rather than the internal motivations for these items. In other words, they are consumers and they like material goods.
ESTJ's like to bring things to closure quickly and effectively, and they may even overlook some information or input if it seems as if it might impede closure in some way. They engage in primary thinking, which helps create their desire for regimen and discipline. They like being in charge and directing others, as well. They are down to earth, and do not like to be phony. They make friends easily, and usually have many friends in their lives.

Some famous ESTJ's include Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, George W. Bush, Carrie Nation,….

Meanwhile, the Personality Page indicates that I have a "...deeply driven desire to promote security and peaceful living," and that may be a bit of an exaggeration of my lifestyle, but I do cherish a peaceful atmosphere at home, school, when I work, and with my friends. So I am living a balanced life, the best I can, to try to listen (as always), hear what is being said and watch what is being done, and continue to improve my own attitudes and energy outputs.

Is this world (school, work, home) a place where, according to Kroeger and Thuesen everything is manipulated; information is manipulated to make it sound like the person in charge wants it to sound; excuses are manipulated in order for the person to justify what actions he is seen doing. In the political world, it's called "spin" - saying what the politician wants the voter to believe….

Marcus Leseberg:

Marcus's Myers-Briggs score indicates that he is an ENTP personality type, meaning that he is more inclined toward extraversion, iNtuition, thinking, and perception. Marcus's positive qualities include being innovative, versatile, and entrepreneurial, but he needs major improvement in his listening skills, writing, and verbal communications. Marcus's skill set includes Excel spreadsheets, mathematics, research, and global awareness.

Marcus will be able to assist the group optimally by collaborating directly with Kevin in the areas of strategic and operational planning. His greatest challenge will be in improving his listening skills in the process of helping Kevin develop his one-on-one communication skills. Purely for his own development and long-term benefit, Marcus should also take the opportunity to practice documenting his contributions in writing, although it is not advisable for the group to rely on him alone in this regard. Mandy should probably provide her writing talents to assist Marcus as well as to….

The careers best suited to an ISTJ personality type are those that are methodological and systematic, in a quiet, orderly work environment. From the list of suggested careers, I selected three that best reflected my personality as well as my interests and values. These were not necessarily the careers in the green sector, but they do have a bright outlook. The three that stood out include being an actuary, a forensic science technician, or an insurance underwriter. Of these three, actuaries have higher starting salaries and larger earnings potentials.
Actuaries need a strong background in statistics, because their job is to analyze statistical data related to public health, mortality rates, accident rates, and any other variable that might be related to insurance or public policy. Goals include risk forecasting, or projections of liability costs. However, being an actuary is more than crunching numbers. Actuaries are responsible for making clear judgments based….

They often need less sleep and are less affected by external conditions than their counterparts.
Conversely, Type B personalities are relatively laid back when compared with their Type A and even their Type counterparts. Type B personalities are relaxed, uncompetitive and take life 'as it comes.' They are able to wait relatively uncomplainingly, in comparison to Type As. When compared with Type A personalities, they have significantly lower rates of heart disease and other stress-related disorders (McLeod 2011). They are natural optimists and rather than viewing others as hostile and the world as a 'rat race' they see their fellow human beings in a positive light and expect the best.

Q3. Describe self-esteem and explain what role it plays in promoting and resolving stress.

Stress in life is inevitable. It is important to have the necessary psychological tools to deal with stress. Self-esteem is often said to be the best antidote….

Personality is the way that we engage with the world. It is a pattern of responses to how we engage with the world on a behavioral and emotional level. Every person has a different personality and this personality helps to frame that person's interactions with the world. When I took the test, I was INTJ, and that has implications for how I would behave in different situations.
It is important in organizations to understand what personality is, what types of personalities there are, and how these different personalities interact. Organizations are groups of people, and the characteristics of the people in these groups are a determinant of organizational success. We hear about things like "personality conflict" because at times, two different types of response patterns can be incongruent with each other. unning an organization requires an understanding of the different personality patterns and organizing the human resources of the organization in….

Personality and MBA Studies
There are various personalities that are displayed by different people in the society. That is what makes up a diverse society. The personality that I am considered to be is the innovative, individualistic, versatile and entrepreneurial personality. At times this is referred to as Jungian 16-Type Personality specifically the ENTP character. This is because I am resourceful, creative, and quick in the intellectual field. I also like to engage in debates and am excited over new ideas and always assertive as well as outspoken. I like having people around me and I have that ability to grasp concepts and apply logic to get amicable solutions (BSM Consulting Inc., 2011).

Apart from my character traits, there are those values that I hold dearly to and would like to see myself applying in life and getting from life as well. Values, according to National Defense University (2011) are those things….

Although interpersonal and group level communications reside at a lower level than organizational communication, they are major forms of communication in organizations and are prominently addressed in the organizational communication literature. Recently, as organizations became more communication-based, greater attention was directed at improving the interpersonal communication skills of all organizational members. Historically, informal communication was primarily seen as a potential block to effective organizational performance. This is no longer the case is modern times, as on-going, dynamic, and informal communication has become more important to ensuring the effective conduct of work
It is also widely accepted that top managers should communicate directly with immediate supervisors and that immediate supervisors should communicate with their direct reports. In regard to issues of importance, top managers should then follow-up by communicating with employees directly. The Communication Accommodation Theory supports this rationale. In terms of supervisor-employee communication, one researcher argues the difficulty of trusting….

The Jungian personality inventories are to some degree 'Westernized' one could argue, in the sense that they were originally developed by the psychoanalyst Carl Jung, around Western archetypes of personality. The MMPI also makes use of such tests in its more extensive survey, but more flexible use of the Jung system has yielded less dogmatic career recommendation and personality type instruments. After answering a series of questions, the tester receives a certain personality 'typing,' based upon whether he or she is primarily extroverted or introverted, sensing or intuitive, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving. The tester can use this typology as a guide, not a diagnosis set in stone, on his or her path to achieve clearer self-understanding.


Jungian psychological typology. (2009). Personality tests. etrieved October 20, 2009 at

Personality and Personalistic Leadership: An Assessment of Team Management for the 21st Century usiness Team Environment
Contemporary studies on emerging new principles on the nature of the culture of the business environment and team management within organizations led to the development of what is termed as "personalistic leadership." This new term and concept refers to the prevailing use of personal relations and strategies that aim to build stronger social bonds between leader and members, as well as among members of an organization. Personalistic leadership arises from the development of diversity among members of an organization; it is in this change in the business environment that made personal and social relationships important within business organizations (uhler, 2004). In this kind of leadership, it is also vital that leaders/managers must be able to adapt strategies and methods which reflect the flexibility or adaptability of the leader to changes within the business environment and….

Her wellness did not allow participation in the second that took place in 1977; however Isabel Myers took pleasure in the other 2 extensively, though sometimes she would be dismayed at the different ways that the analysts treated her information. She understood that the intuitive 'kind' or personality indexes will need to alter the MBTI [instrument] as that is in their nature but she hoped that prior to the time when they altered it, they will initially attempt to comprehend exactly what had been done as the foundation of the theory because her reasons for choosing a certain structure were logical and justified. In 1975, publication of the Indicator was presumed by CPP, Inc. For the first time, the MBTI [instrument] was readily available as an instrument prepared for use in assisting individuals (Kirby and Myers, 2000).
In the last months of her life, when she invested much time sleeping….

Personality Type Explained According to the Jung Typology Test I am an INFP—but really just barely. I am only 3% introvert, 9% intuitive, 3% feeling and 9% perceiving. I am right in the middle on most questions. However, the career choices that fall under the INFP category are actually all choices that I have considered in the past, so the test does seem to work. The recommended career choices for the INFP are:  “Social workers, psychologists, life coaches, addiction rehab counselors, mental and community care staff, children education, teaching, and also creative script writing” (INFP Career Choices, 2018).
The INFP Learning Style also describes me to a “t”—a enjoy learning but usually only when it relates in some way to human behavior. I can study manuals and information that is purely mechanical—such as how to change oil in a car—but I do find it to be tedious and more like a chore….

11 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Personality Type as a Predictor

Words: 3103
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

All participants will be clinically diagnosed with an addiction problem to alcohol and/or another controlled substance. Those that are addicted to prescription medicine alone will be excluded from the…

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2 Pages


Managing Teams and Personality Types

Words: 647
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The qualities tested by the Myes-Biggs ae also those that often cause clashes between employees, such extovesion vs. intovesion, thinking vs. feeling, judging vs. peceiving, and the tendency…

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2 Pages


Self reflection based on Personality type on job Application

Words: 614
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The objective of this paper is to present a reflection on my personality type that will suit my career plan. After taking a survey test at 16 Personality website,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

ESTJ Personality Type Including a

Words: 930
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

They make good leaders, because they can make impartial decisions, and will not back down after they have made a decision. They are more concerned with external forces,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


ISTJ Personality Type Introverted Sensing

Words: 1631
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Meanwhile, the Personality Page indicates that I have a "...deeply driven desire to promote security and peaceful living," and that may be a bit of an exaggeration of my…

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3 Pages


Collaborating With Different Personality Types

Words: 768
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Marcus Leseberg: Marcus's Myers-Briggs score indicates that he is an ENTP personality type, meaning that he is more inclined toward extraversion, iNtuition, thinking, and perception. Marcus's positive qualities include being…

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2 Pages


assessments of personality types and careers

Words: 461
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The careers best suited to an ISTJ personality type are those that are methodological and systematic, in a quiet, orderly work environment. From the list of suggested careers, I…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


What Personality Types Are Prone to Stress

Words: 920
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

They often need less sleep and are less affected by external conditions than their counterparts. Conversely, Type B personalities are relatively laid back when compared with their Type A…

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2 Pages


Personality Is the Way That We Engage

Words: 654
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Personality is the way that we engage with the world. It is a pattern of responses to how we engage with the world on a behavioral and emotional level.…

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3 Pages


Personality and MBA Studies There Are Various

Words: 1073
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Personality and MBA Studies There are various personalities that are displayed by different people in the society. That is what makes up a diverse society. The personality that I am…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Personality & Communication Affect on Supervision

Words: 5219
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although interpersonal and group level communications reside at a lower level than organizational communication, they are major forms of communication in organizations and are prominently addressed in the…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal


Personality Tests Can Pose Problematic

Words: 349
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The Jungian personality inventories are to some degree 'Westernized' one could argue, in the sense that they were originally developed by the psychoanalyst Carl Jung, around Western archetypes of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Personality and Personalistic Leadership An Assessment of

Words: 1144
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personality and Personalistic Leadership: An Assessment of Team Management for the 21st Century usiness Team Environment Contemporary studies on emerging new principles on the nature of the culture of the…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Personality Theorist Isabel Briggs Myers

Words: 2424
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Her wellness did not allow participation in the second that took place in 1977; however Isabel Myers took pleasure in the other 2 extensively, though sometimes she would…

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4 Pages


Personality and the Jung Test

Words: 1068
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Personality Type Explained According to the Jung Typology Test I am an INFP—but really just barely. I am only 3% introvert, 9% intuitive, 3% feeling and 9% perceiving. I am…

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