Private School Essays (Examples)

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Private School Is a Much
Pages: 1 Words: 485

Private schools also do not have to give students testing like is required in public schools, so children may or may not be getting a better education -- there is no way to compare. Certain rules and regulations in private schools may make it difficult for kids to follow, and therefore they do not do as well in private schools but are more able to express themselves in the environment of a public school. Public schools also by law must be standardized in their provision of programs and services, and private schools are not.
Private and public schools both have their own benefits and problems. I still feel that when you take into account the fact that the price is reasonable, the education more focused and the teacher attention more individual, it is important that whenever possible, children be allowed to attend a private school.

No author listed: What Price Private…...


David Boaz and R. Morris Barrett. What Would a School Voucher Buy?

The Real Cost of Private Schools. March, 1996. Accessed online at 

Thorp, Victoria & James, Jessie. Private vs. Public Schools: What's the Difference? Great Schools. Accessed on the Internet at   -- t/ 

Public and Private Schools Co-Exist
Pages: 20 Words: 5461

Statement of the Problem

In the business world, when a small company manages to bring a superior product to market in a more cost-effective fashion than their larger counterparts, analysts sit up and take notice. Likewise, according to Wilensky (2002), "With the decline of K- 12 quality in most public schools in the United States since 1970, the average quality of parochial and public schools has converged" (p. 76). Because resources are by definition scarce, and the costs associated with the American public school system are truly enormous, it just makes good business sense to identify best practices and determine what works best under what conditions and private schools typically spend far less than their public school counterparts (Coleman). Nevertheless, the nation's schools are not factories and its pupils and students are not so many widgets to be churned out according to a standard cookbook approach to academic development. As Lavy…...



Berliner, D.C. & Biddle, B.J. (1995). The manufactured crisis: Myths, fraud, and the attack on America's public schools. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books.

Coleman, J.S. (1990). Equality and achievement in education. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Dronkers, J. & Robert, P. (2004, August). The effectiveness of public and private schools from a comparative perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Hilton San Francisco & Renaissance Parc 55 Hotel, San Francisco, CA, Online Retrieved 2008-04-07 at

Godwin, K., Ausbrooks, C. & Martinez, V. (2001). Teaching tolerance in public and private schools. Phi Delta Kappan, 82(7), 542.

Public v Private Schools the
Pages: 3 Words: 962

Since not all public schools have capital for helping kids with special needs, enrolling a child with a learning disability or other disorder may involve a more multifaceted procedure. Likewise, in school districts with school choice policies, the process for finding a public school may necessitate that parents enter a lottery in order to get admission for their child into their top choice. At the high school level, a lot of districts in bigger metropolitan areas offer individual schools with competitive enrollment based on students' GPAs or artistic portfolios (Private vs. public, 2011).
There are a lot of advantages of attending public schools. According to a major study from the National Center for Education Statistics, public school teachers are often more capable than their independent school counterparts in terms of education and experience. The report also shows that on average, public school teachers earn advanced salaries than those in private…...


Works Cited

Boland, Maureen. (2011). "Public vs. private: Which is right for your child?" viewed 29 March

2011, from < >

"Private vs. public." 2011, viewed 29 March 2011, from

Public Schools vs Private Schools
Pages: 17 Words: 4609

Inconsistent evaluation methods between public, private, and charter schools, as well as the ever-present problems with whether or not achievement is actually measured accurately by standardized test scores, are two issues that must be taken into account when evaluating the findings of this report.
Despite all of this negative press for charter schools, some studies do appear to show that these schools may be a positive learning atmosphere for students and that academic achievement may be comparable to public schools. Caroline M. Hoxby (2004), with Harvard University and the National Bureau of Economic esearch, compares the reading and mathematics proficiency of charter students vs. public school students. An important aspect of Hoxby's study is that ninety-nine percent of charter students are included in this study. This is especially important because less than two percent of all students are enrolled in charter schools, which means that not including any measurable portion…...


References (in Progress)

The Art and Science Group. (2004, July 21) Study Reveals That Boarding School is Springboard for Success; New Research Challenges Stereotypes, Shows Difference in Outcomes for Boarding, Public and Private Day Students. PR Newswire.

Bauer, a.M. (1997, May) a mother's education: Classical Academy seemed almost too good to be true. It was. MPLS-St. Paul Magazine, 25.5, 62(11).

Coleman, N. & Conner, K. (2005, March) Charter Schools: Facts & Figures. Economic Policy Institute Report. Retrieved April 24, 2005, at .

Coleman, N. & Harris, S. (2005, March 31) New study disputes claims that charter schools serve mostly disadvantaged students. Economic Policy Institute. Columbia Univserity Press Release.

Public & Private Schools the
Pages: 2 Words: 606


Costs for private schools for elementary, middle school and high school students range from a few hundred dollars a month to over $1,000 per month per child in the more exclusive private schools. The U.S. Government, during the latter part of the 20th century, enacted voucher programs hoping to create a more equitable approach to gaining private education in those regions of cities where there was significant chasms between those who could and could not afford private school (Ward, Clark, 1991). Given the wide variation in costs between private schools and given the fact that public school is free leads nearly all monitories to choose the latter alternative for their children. The debate continues as to whether the high cost of private schools is a form of discrimination or not (Kemerer, Martinez, Godwin, 1996).


Comparing the benefits of public vs. private schools illustrates one fundamental fact, and that is the role…...



Kemerer, F., Martinez, V., Godwin, K., & North Texas Univ., D. (1996, January 1). Comparing Public and Private Schools: Teacher Survey Results. North Texas University Press.

Ward, T., & Clark, H. (1991, January 1). A Reexamination of Public- versus Private-School Achievement: The Case for Missing Data. Journal of Educational Research, 84(3), 153-63.

Attend Public or Private Schools
Pages: 2 Words: 589

Only one respondent had strong views regarding the difference between private and parochial school funding, stating that it was dangerous to fund schools with religious affiliations, because of the potential favoritism this could generate, and citing the need for a separation from church and state. Most of the respondents said that it did not matter whether parochial or secular private schools received funding, and they were more concerned about the justice of the funding than any religious issues at stake. egarding support for special needs children whose needs were not being met by the conventional school system, almost all of the respondents agreed that this was a necessary instance of public funding for private education except for one, who stated that too many students were being diagnosed with learning disabilities and he was not sure the money would be spent wisely.

Support for charter schools (which are not private schools, but…...



Charter schools: pro and con. (2011). National Convention of State Legislatures.

Retrieved August 28, 2011 at 

School vouchers debate. (2004). PBS. Retrieved August 28, 2011 at

Public Schools vs Private Schools - Culturally
Pages: 10 Words: 3395

Public Schools vs. Private Schools - Culturally appropriate education
eview of the literature

Education and culture

Teaching dispositions

Outmoded educational model

Would vo-tech be a better public school goal?

Developing the person instead of the mind

Opposition to change in public schools

Alternatives to public and private school

School reform has been a constant theme of public debate for much of the past two decades. Standardized testing, which was supposed to solve the problem of poorly prepared students graduating from high schools is not accepted as the panacea it was first supposed to be. In fact, it appears that a new model of education is needed, and some people have suggested home-schooling as a good substitute for public schools. However, not all parents are qualified to homeschool their children, nor are most able to afford private schools, which have a better reputation for properly preparing graduates for what lies ahead of them. There must be a solution, however, and…...



Badie, Rick. (1998) Private tutoring becomes trend in metro Atlanta. Atlanta Journal & Constitution. January 4. Retrieved May 24, 2004 from HighBeam Research database, .

Bruckerhoff, C. (1995). Democratic education, public policy and disavowing local culture. Education, 115(3), 387+. Retrieved May 23, 2004, from Questia database, .

Clinchy, E. (1994). Higher education: The albatross around the neck of our public schools. Phi Delta Kappan, 75(10), 745+. Retrieved May 23, 2004, from Questia database,

Parent Statement Private School Admission
Pages: 2 Words: 664

Former president, John F. Kennedy, one said 'ask not what society can do for you, but what you can do for society with the little you have'. Well, XXX is definitely not the only eleven-year-old looking to be considered for a place in your school, in fact there may be dozens of other applicants who are more academically sound, more brilliant, or even more outstanding performers -- but what sets XXX apart from them all is his determination to make things happen with whatever resources are available, and how he gains so much fulfillment from making an impact in other people's lives. He currently plays soccer in a private club team in striker position and it amazes me how he always dedicates his goals and trophies to his team members, and how he strongly believes that although he did most of the scoring, it was all possible because the rest…...

Pages: 6 Words: 1658

IDEA; it’s Constituent Elements and Related Legal Challenges Introduction
In order to provide an education program to the disabled, there is need to understand the policies, regulations and procedures for ensuring free appropriate public Education (FAPE) (Jones, 2011). This document presents a training guideline for staff in a private school.
Development of a Staff Training Document and Implementation of IDEA Elements
The law governing design and development of a school special education program require that consultation be undertaken with the appropriate representatives of the students with disabilities. The consultations need to be timely and meaningful and undertaken from the program’s initiation stage throughout to transition and termination stages. The consultations will entail, design, development and implementation of the special needs program (Jones, 2011)
The representatives to the children with disabilities will be engaged in the consultation on, procedure for students’ need identification, the beneficiary disabled students, the services to be offered, service delivery procedure, location…...



Jones, N. (2011). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): Private Schools (Vol. (R41678)). USA: CRS Report for Congress.

Karanxha, Z., & Zirkel, P. A. (2014). Trends in Special Education Case Law: Frequency and Outcomes of Published Court Decisions 1998–2012. Journal of Special Education Leadership 27(2), 27(2).

Ministry of Education. (2009). Individual Education Planning for Students with Special Needs A Resource Guide for Teachers. Province of British Columbia: BC School Superintendents Association.

Scanlon, D. (2004). Student Journeys: The Special Education Route. Paper presented at the National Disability Authority Conference, Dublin

Private vs Public Schools Many Parents Find
Pages: 4 Words: 1373

Private vs. Public Schools
Many parents find themselves caught in a dilemma when trying to decide on which choice of education to take for their children. They ask themselves whether to take their children to private schools or public schools. For a parent to choose the ideal school for their children they always have to take into consideration all the available options. They consider things like the cost of the school, how much time they will invest as a parent, the social impact that the school have on their children based on the specific need of their children as well as the family.

Private schools offer the best option for the parent who is in need of better and quality education for their children. Private schools have a nearly perfect graduation rates which market them a great deal. Their performance is better as compared to the public schools. This is evident in…...



Mary Elizabeth, (2012). "Public Schools vs. Private Schools."Accessed May 10, 2012 from   -- private-schools.html .

Parents For Better Education America (2011). "What Every Parent Should Know About Private Schools vs. Public Schools," ASIN: B004R9QKL8. Binding: Kindle Edition. Accessed May 10, 2012 from 

The Council for American Private Education. (2010). Private School Facts. Accessed May 10, 2012 from 

The Council for American Private Education. (2003). Academic Performance 2003. Accessed May 10, 2012 from

Private Public School Similarities and Differences Risk
Pages: 4 Words: 1630

Private Public School Similarities and Differences
isk and Benefits in Public and Private Schools

Special Need Students

Teachers Credentials in Private and Public Schools

This research paper focuses on the similarities and differences of private and public school education. It deciphers several truths and realities associated with these two systems. isks and benefits along with teacher's credentials in private and public schools are discussed in detail. Another factor brought to light is the positive role played by ample resources in the betterment of private sector and the loss it has incurred to public sector education system.

Parents always face this query whether they should choose a private school or public schools. They want best for their children and it is a normal perception that private schools are way better than public schools in terms of quality and academic excellence. Although problems exist in both the sectors but due to ample resources in private system of…...



Anonymous. American Academy Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatry. March 2011. 29 January 2013.

-- . PISA. 2 November 2012. 29 January 2012.

Nan, Stein. "Bullying, Harassment and Violence among Students." Radical Teacher (2007): 43-55.

Reese, William J. America's Public Schools: From the Common School to "No Child Left Behind." New York: John Hopkins University Press, 2005.

School Choice Throughout the Nation the American
Pages: 5 Words: 1252

School Choice
Throughout the nation the American public has clamored for school change and reform. One of the alternatives that has moved to the forefront of the arena is the ability of parents to choose the public school that their children will attend without geographic boundaries and mandates.

Experts continue to debate whether or not school choice ability will force the hand of the public school system to make the desired changes. Some believe that parents having the ability to move their children to the school of their choice will force all schools to improve to compete, while others think it will harm the economically disadvantaged schools with little benefit to the then overcrowded wealthy schools. This paper presents a research proposal that addresses the question of school choice. This might include the choice to choose a different public school, choose to home school, and choose private school or another choice.

The paper…...



CHESTER E. FINN, JR. & REBECCA L. GAU, New ways of education. Vol. no130, The Public Interest, 01-15-1998.

Gail Russell Chaddock, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor, Public schools enter a new world of competition., The Christian Science Monitor, 03-30-1999, pp FEATURES,.

Author not available, As home schooling rises, districts fail to meet needs., USA Today, 08-21-2002, pp 09A.

Author not available, What's so liberal about keeping children in dreadful schools?., The Washington Post, 02-23-2003, pp B08.

School Crime Including the Characteristics
Pages: 7 Words: 2347

Several areas, if poorly designed, can lead to violent and criminal behavior, including parking lots, isolated spots on campus, locker rooms, and corridors. Often, violent behavior occurs in these areas when adults are not present (Astor, Meyer, and Behre, 1999, p. 3). Designing schools with more open areas, more planned classrooms, and a more defined perimeter can create a safer, less violent campus by creating a more functional and enjoyable educational experience. Thus, older, poorly designed schools often attract more violent behavior.
Location can also be a risk factor in certain schools, although that is not always the case. Another researcher notes, "Some urban schools are located [...] in slum neighborhoods where drug sellers routinely kill one another, as well as innocent bystanders, on the streets surrounding the school" (Toby, 1994, p.169). Children growing up in violence prone neighborhoods such as these may simply accept violence as a way of…...



Astor, R.A. Meyer, H.A. And Behre, W.J. (1999). Unowned places and times: Maps and interviews about violence in high schools. American Educational Research Journal, Vol. 36, No. 1, 3-42.

Crowe, T.D. (1990). Designing safer schools. School Safety. 43-47.

Jenkins, P.H.(1997). School delinquency and the school social bond. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 34 No. 3, 337-367.

May, D.C. (September 1999). Scared kids, unattached kids, or peer pressure: Why do students carry firearms to school? Youth & Society, Vol. 31 No. 1, 100-127.

Private vs Public Schools parent Perspectives
Pages: 7 Words: 2082

METHODOLOGYParent Perspectives on Why They Send their Children to Private Schools, as Opposed to Public SchoolsMethodologyIntroductionThe relevance of quality education cannot be overstated. Towards this end, various stakeholders in the educational sector ought to be aware of the various factors that impact the delivery of quality education. This way, interventions and better policies can be formulated and implemented in an attempt to create effective and conducive learning environments. A significant amount of money is assigned each year by the government to the public education sector. The fact that parents opt to enroll their children in private schools is a clear indication that there are some issues and/or concerns that need to be addressed in the public education system for the same to appeal to parents. Stakeholders in the public education realm ought to be aware of the failings of the public education system so that they can be active participants…...


ReferencesCorbin, J. & Strauss, A. (2008). Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. Sage Publications. Creswell, J.W. (2003). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Sage Publications. Lichtman, M. (2006). Qualitative Research in Education: A User’s Guide. Sage Publications. Appendices

School Choice Debate The Writer
Pages: 14 Words: 3777

The case snowballed and grew until the nation viewed Zelmanv Simmons-Harris as the test case to try the legal boundary between church and state. It was also looked to for the purpose of redefining the meaning and scope of public education in America.

Enacted by the Ohio legislature in 1995, the Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program allows 4,000 low-income children to attend private religious and secular schools with up to $2,250 in public support (Vitteritti, 2002). Participating schools must cap their tuition at $2,500 a year; the state pays up to 90% of whatever the school charges, depending on family income (Vitteritti, 2002). Following a high-profile legal battle, the program was upheld by the Ohio Supreme Court in 1999, prompting opponents to take their case into federal court (Vitteritti, 2002). On the day before school was to open that year, federal district court judge Solomon Oliver struck down the program, ruling…...



Text of U.S. Supreme Court decision: Zelman, superintendent of Public Instruction of Ohio, et al. v. Simmons-Harris et al. (Features). Journal of Church and State | Date: June 22, 2002 | More results for: Zelman vs. Simmons-Harris No. 00-1751 536 U.S. -- (2002) Argued February 20, 2002 Decided June 27, 2002

Vouchers on trail: will the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Zelman end the voucher debate? (Feature).(Statistical Data Included) Education Next | Date: June 22, 2002 | Author: Viteritti, Joseph P. | More results for: Zelman vs. Simmons-Harris

Zelman: the court gets it right. (Opinion).(school voucher case)

First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life | Date: January 1, 2003 | Author: Uhlmann, Michael M. | More results for: Zelman vs. Simmons-Harris

why be a special education teacher?
Words: 402

There are many reasons to become a special education teacher. Here are some of the main reasons:

1. Make a difference: Special education teachers have the opportunity to positively impact the lives of children with disabilities. By providing individualized support and adapting classroom strategies, special education teachers help students achieve their full potential.

2. Fulfilling career: Working as a special education teacher can be incredibly rewarding. Seeing the progress and growth of students, as well as the relationships built with families and colleagues, can bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose to your career.

3. Variety of roles: Special education teachers have the....

I need some suggestions for persuasive essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 414

Persuasive Essay Topic Suggestions


The benefits of early childhood education outweigh the costs.
Standardized testing is an effective measure of student achievement.
The role of technology in education should be expanded.
Charter schools should receive equal funding to public schools.
School choice should be expanded to include private schools.


Universal healthcare would improve the health of Americans.
Mental health should be treated with the same urgency as physical health.
Vaccination mandates are necessary to protect public health.
The Affordable Care Act should be repealed.
The government should regulate the cost of prescription drugs.


Climate change is an urgent threat that....

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