Temperature Essays (Examples)

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This condition slows down the heating process and also because of convection currents. Land and water have different capacities for absorbing and liberating heat. It is good to note that the specific heat of water is higher than that of land. Hence, water requires more heat than land does to increase its temperature at the same number of degrees. ater, having a higher specific heat, warms up more slowly than land. On the other hand, water also cools off more slowly than land because it retains its heat longer.
The unequal heating of water and land is also due to some of the insolation falling on water that is used in the evaporation process. Obviously, that heat does not warm the water. There is no effect on land, because there is less evaporation of water takes place from land surfaces.

The sun's heat is being trapped by the atmosphere. This process….

' That set point can shift, depending upon environmental influences. For example, if someone is infected, a fever can actually help his or her body survive the disease, as certain kinds of bacteria grow less vigorously at high temperatures. Cytokines attacking the intruders send signals to the hypothalamus to release prostaglandins to 'give' the person a fever. Even if the person moves to a cold room, the fever will persist, and the body will work harder to maintain its high temperature (Kalat, 2008, p.294).
Newborn animals such as rabbits will often instinctively move to a warmer place if infected, as their bodies are too immature to demonstrate the involuntary response of a fever. Temperature modification is based upon involuntary biological mechanisms but also instinctual behavioral changes that have other evolutionary sources. Some of our involuntary and voluntary human mechanisms include shivering, huddling together with other warm creatures, moving towards the warm….

The Temperature in my Hometown: Data

For example, Clifton Heights, Pennsylvania, showed a great variety in temperature over the course of August 2005. The actual high temperature in degrees Fahrenheit was 97, and the low 63. The normal highs and lows in the month of August in Clifton heights are 88 and 66. This fluctuation means that on very hot days, stores would find it difficult to cool their interiors in a cost-efficient fashion, yet consumers werespending more to cool their homes, and thus had less disposable income to spend during August. Also, hot days, psychologically, consumers may be less apt to shop for the traditional August bread and butter retail goods of school clothes and supplies, as it still seems like it is summer. A bad hurricane season and the high price of oil further cuts into consumer's ability to buy during a month with high utlity bills. Stores that….

Heat, Temperature, And Kinetic Theory
The summer sun can make it seem easy to understand the concepts of heat and temperature, at least in a visceral sense, but understanding what these concepts mean and how they interact in the more objective and codified world of physics is another matter entirely. For this, it is necessary first to begin to be far more careful when using the two terms, which are far from interchangeable when used in their strictest sense, as well as to develop an understanding of some of the basic and fundamental features of the physical world as it exists and as it is experienced. The following pages present a brief description and discussion of heat and temperature, and the physical/scientific contexts in which they can be properly understood. Armed with this understanding, one can talk about the temperature with much greater authority and with much greater interest than a….

Heat and Temperature
Although there is a difference between heat and temperature, the correlation which exists between them is very significant (Campbell, 2009). Temperature is the degree of vibration of particles in a system. High temperature therefore implies a high degree of vibration of particles. Heat is a type of energy which is usually changed into kinetic energy. As long as an object is heated, its temperature will increase. While heat is a form of energy, temperature is the effect of heat (Campbell, 2009). Intrinsically, the relationship between heat and the temperature is associated with change in the state, from solid to liquid and then gas.

Convection and conduction

Convection as a process involves the transfer of heat is from one region to another by actual motion of matter (Convection, 2013). Therefore, convection is only possible in fluids. In convection, temperature differences in the fluids drive currents. When fluids are heated, they….

Geography Temperature

temperature and answer questions about this force.
Temperature and heat are two different issues. Temperature is how cold or hot air, water or an object is. Heat is the energy which is produced when molecules and atoms are in motion.

The amount of energy an object may hold is determined by its shape and size.

The main difference between the Kelvin and Celsius scale is Kelvin is used mainly by scientists, while Celsius is more commonly used in everyday life. The areas the two scales have in common are both are measurements of temperatures, and the "Celsius scale is defined using Kelvin scale (mathforum.org/discuss/sci.math/m/183781/183783)."

Temperatures from 1925 and 2003 should not be compared due to urbanization's influence on readings, the greenhouse effect which has increased the earth's temperature and thermometers which are more sensitive and accurate.

A comparison of the New York's average temperatures for specific months is as follows: March 21st- 42; June….

S. In particular), and Kelvin (generally used by scientists and engineers).
Temperature is virtually the measure of the average thermal energy (heat) of the atoms and molecules in a body. The masses are often inclined to believe that there is no difference between heat and temperature. This is most probably because individuals have observed how heat can influence an object's temperature. When a substance is given more heat, it comes to have a higher temperature, thus concluding that more heat means more temperature.

Even though temperature is related to energy, it cannot be considered as being energy. Temperature is simply a number determined by the average kinetic energy of particles in a body.

Temperature is directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance, thus meaning that it is not energy. While temperature can be measured in Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit, heat can be measured in energy scales, such….

Therefore, for sportspersons who are involved in intense physical activity in the outdoors, all other forms of core body temperature measurements besides the rectal and gastrointestinal measurements are considered invalid and not recommendable. [Casa et.al, 2007]

As with any other drug or diagnostic tools, there are some contraindications for the 'Heat Pill' as well. The existence of gastrointestinal disorders, inflammatory bowel syndrome or a previous history of gastrointestinal surgery are cases where the use of the heat pill is not recommended. The Core temp Pill is also contraindicated in case of those who have implanted cardiac pacemakers or any other electro medical device in their body. Also, if the subject is going to have a MRI taken during the day then the Core Temp Pill should not be ingested, as it would interfere with the MRI results. Also in some extremely obese individuals, the patient's girth may effectively exceed the….

Tubes 1 through 4 were placed one at a time in water baths at varying temperatures -- 20, 45, 50, and 70 degrees Celsius. Beet samples were soaked in the water baths for a period of one minute, and were then returned to their test tubes that were then filled with 10mL of distilled water, in which they soaked for twenty minutes. All six beet samples were then examined for the depth of their color using a comparative scale. The absorbance of light of each sample after treatment was also measured and recorded.

The samples that had been exposed to the highest and the lowest temperatures showed the greatest depth of color and higher rates of absorbance, suggesting that cell membranes in these samples had ruptured and released the betacyanin that gives the common beet its distinctive red shade and helped make these samples more opaque. Samples 1 and 2,….

At functioning temperatures higher than 1000°C, the most imperative heat-transfer instrument becomes emission instead of conduction and convection, which are the more noteworthy heat-transfer devices at lower temperatures. The outsized pores in the cement IFB are wasteful at decreasing energy reassignment at the infrared wavelengths concerned, so this kind of IFB shows a superior thermal conductivity in comparison with the cast. On the other hand, the microporous arrangement of the cast IFB, with its minute (Southern California Gas Company, 2012) pore sizes, is a lot more efficient at altering with energy transfer at infrared wavelengths, so this category of IFB exhibits low thermal conductivity. This is why the microstructure of the cast IFB gives higher insulation in comparison to the cement IFB.

Improvements and Innovations in the New Kiln

Even though the new tunnel kiln has not been in service long, it is anticipated to considerably reduce Nautica Ceramics' general manufacturing costs.….

studied was whether it is better to measure temperature with an oral thermometer or with a tympanic one. It is possible to research the question because prior research has already found that there is a difference between the accuracy of the temperature taken with the two thermometers. The problem is significant because the researchers wanted to find out if the difference between the two methods would help patients out more.
The article in question discusses whether there is any significant difference between taking an oral or tympanic temperature for patients. The actual application was for surgical patients, but can be extrapolated to other patient types. The research question can be easily researched, and it is a needed topic of research. There are no ethical issues with the research question proposed.

The literature review was short, but it did include all of the elements that are necessary for a review. The article….

Temperatures and tempers are soaring in Iraq, and every day the news flashes tell the stories of one, two, three, or more American soldiers who died in combat. hether it was justified or not, the actual war to seize power from Saddam Hussein came and went in a matter of weeks. On a high note, the United States public rallied behind the President and imagined throngs of joyous happy smiling Iraqi men, women, and children. The mews media has cooperated gracefully, and CNN, Fox, NBC, and every other major news network delivers exactly what the hite House wants us to hear: that Iraq is better off with the Americans in control. Granted, Saddam was a dictator. He and his minions grew fat off his nation's main natural resource: petroleum, while most Iraqi citizens lived without some basic human rights and freedoms. Hussein and his regime also systematically persecuted whole ethnic….

Biology Lab

Temperature on Enzyme Activity
Tube 2, #4: Place the tube in an incubator (or water bath) at 37 degree centigrade. After 15 minutes, what change do you now observe?

After 15 minutes the milk became partially solid.

Tube 3, #4: Add three drops of warmed rennin and return the tube to an incubator (or water bath) at 37 degree centigrade. After 15 minutes, what change do you now observe?

After 15 minutes, the milk remains liquid with no solidifying taking place.

Table 5.1 Rennin Experiment

Tube Results Explanation

Refrigerated rennin - (tube 2) 0 Enzyme not active at low temperature.

Warmed rennin - (tube 1) ++ Enzyme effective at 37c temperature.

Boiled rennin - (tube 3) 0 Enzyme not active at high temperature,

Enzyme denatured at high temperature.

Graph: Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity.

Laboratory Review

What happens at the active site of an enzyme?

The active site is the region of the enzyme where the substrate binds and where the chemical….

Maxton, F.J.C., Justin, L. & Gillies, D. (2004). Estimating core temperature in infants and children after cardiac surgery: a comparison of six methods. Journal of Advanced Nursing 45(2): 214-22.
What is the research question? If it is not explicitly written, but is implicit in the article, suggest null and alternative hypotheses.

Which temperature-taking site yields the most accurate readings in babies and young children following cardiac surgery? Temperature is usually measured using the pulmonary artery as a "gold standard." However, the authors hypothesize that because the pulmonary artery cannot be used in the majority of the patients in the target population, other methods can and should be used. In addition to pulmonary artery temperature, the temperatures can be taken at the rectal, bladder, nasopharyngeal, axillary, and tympanic sites.

List the variables used in the study and identify each of them as either independent or dependent variables. Also describe the level or scale of….

How does the study of heat relate to the kinetic theory of matter?

There is a close relationship between the study of heat and the kinetic theory of matter. It is significant therefore to first understand the principles behind the kinetic theory of matter. This theory seeks to explain the differences that exist between the three different states of matter. It indicates that, matter is made up of particles that are constantly moving known as the atoms or the molecules (Benjamin Crowell, 2009).

The temperature that the object is at will dictate the state that the matter will be at. According to the kinetic theory, solids have their particles tightly bound to each other that even though they can vibrate, they cannot move to another location. Here the particles have very low kinetic energy and the particles of that particular solid are held together by the existing intermolecular forces of attraction, and….

Looking for the best practices on endotracheal suctioning often involves determining whether open or closed suctioning is better.  Open suctioning requires disconnecting the patient from the ventilator, while closed suctioning allows the patient to remain connected to the ventilator.  While closed suctioning is generally preferred, it is not always the best practice, but the research investigated looked specifically at closed suctioning because of the research question presented.   

In 1999, Kinloch ran an observational study that compared oxygenation in patients that either had normal saline instilled at the start of endotracheal tube suctioning or did not have saline instilled.  Until....

Infection control specifically refers to stopping the spread of disease in healthcare settings and during health care procedures, such as surgeries.  It is a catchall phrase that refers to a wide variety of behaviors or practices that can result in the elimination or reduction of disease transmission in these settings.  We are happy to provide you with some suggested topics and titles for an essay about infection control.

Essay Topics

Best hygiene practices for pre-surgical prep of skin to prevent surgical-site infections

Does the routine use of masks in non-surgical medical examinations and routines reduce infectious disease transmission....

The greenhouse effect, the impact of greenhouse gases, and climate change are all extremely topical issues.  They are considered political, but the science strongly supports the idea that these gases are increasing the earth’s average temperature, creating global climate change, fostering superstorms, and rapidly making the earth less habitable to humans. 

Here are some titles that would be appropriate for a range of essays about greenhouses gases and the greenhouse effect:

  1. Greenhouses Gases: Great for Plants, Not so Great for Humans
  2. How Manmade Climate Change Differs from Natural Climate Change
  3. Jurassic World: Are Greenhouse Gases Returning....

Global climate change is a very interesting topic for an essay.  While the scientific evidence for climate change is extremely strong, there has been a push by many to deny or minimize the science.  This is not a science-driven approach, but an economic one.  There are negative short-term economic consequences that come with attempting to mitigate climate change. However, this position is short-sighted, as the long-term negative economic impact of climate change could be devastating.

In fact, because most climate change essays focus on the science, the economy is a great topic for....

6 Pages
Term Paper


Temperature and Heat Affects the

Words: 2081
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This condition slows down the heating process and also because of convection currents. Land and water have different capacities for absorbing and liberating heat. It is good to…

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2 Pages


Temperature Regulation Biological Psychology Temperature

Words: 615
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

' That set point can shift, depending upon environmental influences. For example, if someone is infected, a fever can actually help his or her body survive the disease, as…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Temperature in My Hometown Business

Words: 1136
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Temperature in my Hometown: Data For example, Clifton Heights, Pennsylvania, showed a great variety in temperature over the course of August 2005. The actual high temperature in degrees Fahrenheit…

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4 Pages


Heat Temperature and Kinetic Theory the Summer

Words: 1262
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Heat, Temperature, And Kinetic Theory The summer sun can make it seem easy to understand the concepts of heat and temperature, at least in a visceral sense, but understanding what…

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3 Pages

Not Specified

Heat and Temperature Although There Is a

Words: 1007
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Heat and Temperature Although there is a difference between heat and temperature, the correlation which exists between them is very significant (Campbell, 2009). Temperature is the degree of vibration…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Geography Temperature

Words: 444
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

temperature and answer questions about this force. Temperature and heat are two different issues. Temperature is how cold or hot air, water or an object is. Heat is the…

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3 Pages


Heat and Temperature the Kinetic

Words: 845
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

S. In particular), and Kelvin (generally used by scientists and engineers). Temperature is virtually the measure of the average thermal energy (heat) of the atoms and molecules in a body.…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Heat Pill Body Temperature Monitoring

Words: 2115
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Therefore, for sportspersons who are involved in intense physical activity in the outdoors, all other forms of core body temperature measurements besides the rectal and gastrointestinal measurements are…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Temp Effects of Temperature Stress

Words: 832
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Tubes 1 through 4 were placed one at a time in water baths at varying temperatures -- 20, 45, 50, and 70 degrees Celsius. Beet samples were soaked…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal


Innovative Kind of High Temperature

Words: 2079
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

At functioning temperatures higher than 1000°C, the most imperative heat-transfer instrument becomes emission instead of conduction and convection, which are the more noteworthy heat-transfer devices at lower temperatures. The…

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2 Pages
Article Critique

Health - Nursing

Comparison of Oral and Tympanic Temperatures

Words: 635
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Critique

studied was whether it is better to measure temperature with an oral thermometer or with a tympanic one. It is possible to research the question because prior research…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


United States in Iraq Stay or Go

Words: 2685
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Temperatures and tempers are soaring in Iraq, and every day the news flashes tell the stories of one, two, three, or more American soldiers who died in combat. hether…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Biology Lab

Words: 387
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Temperature on Enzyme Activity Tube 2, #4: Place the tube in an incubator (or water bath) at 37 degree centigrade. After 15 minutes, what change do you now observe? After…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Maxton F J C Justin L & Gillies D

Words: 742
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Maxton, F.J.C., Justin, L. & Gillies, D. (2004). Estimating core temperature in infants and children after cardiac surgery: a comparison of six methods. Journal of Advanced Nursing 45(2): 214-22. What…

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4 Pages


Heat How Does the Study of Heat

Words: 1272
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Heat How does the study of heat relate to the kinetic theory of matter? There is a close relationship between the study of heat and the kinetic theory of matter. It…

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