Writing Skills Essays (Examples)

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Practice Applying Writing Skills 'Ve Learned Study
Pages: 2 Words: 451

practice applying writing skills 've learned study units developing
I remember the feeling of brimming excitement as my father and I left the hose that morning. I kept looking out the windows as the familiar streets of our home rapidly gave way to unfamiliar corners and a neighborhood I had never seen before. My father was typically taciturn during the 20 minute drive, but even he could not help breaking out into a smile as we pulled into the gravel parking lot behind the high, chain-link fence. It was career day at his workplace, R.E. Mifflin, and as such, I was allowed to finally accompany my father to his job and see him in action. I had always wanted to know just what exactly my father did with the lengthy light blue sheets of paper with the complex diagrams that he puzzled over at home on occasion, and he had…...

Mechanically Correct Writing Skills This Chamberlain's Ideas
Pages: 3 Words: 969

mechanically correct writing skills. This Chamberlain's ideas disseminated within his text "The Importance on Race" are as rigid and as austere as the purity of race he describes in benign terms. One of the more interesting points about this work is that in many ways, his ideas can be understood as both a response to the bureaucratization of life and as an example of such bureaucracy. These interpretations largely hinge upon the author's compartmentalizing of people (and even animals) according to their race, which he actually traces to different groups throughout history.
As an example of bureaucratization, the author's notion of a pure race functions as the ultimate form of compartmentalization. He posits the viewpoint that only those whose bloodlines are quintessential and undiluted can truly accomplish noble tasks. His value for such people, which inevitably is used to justify the Teutonic peoples in Germany as the ideal master race,…...


Works Cited

Ahmed, Zenab. "Mixed Blessings." The Guardian. 2006. Web.  http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2006/dec/16/immixedracewhocares 

Chamberlain, Houston. "The Importance of Race." The Foundations of the 19th Century. 1903. Web. http://www.hschamberlain.net/grundlagen/division2_chapter4.html#IMPORTANCE%20OF%20RACE

Improve My Writing Skills in
Pages: 5 Words: 1471

The anxiety is compounded based not only on choice, but also on taste and preference. Because of technology, we humans are capable of doing tremendous damage to the planet based on the decisions of what to eat. In fact, this is so serious, that Pollan notes that we now have the added dilemma of potentially devastating the ecology of some areas simply to provide a certain "taste" for x cuisine.
This is even more complex when we think about ethics and our treatment of animals. I had never realized just how unethical factory farming could be -- and how out of balance it is to raise thousands and thousands of chickens or turkeys in a hot barn that is so unhealthy for them that they have to be pumped full of antibiotics just to live; or the egg farms that pack chickens so tight their feet grow into the wires.…...

Improving the Writing Skills of Saudi Students
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Improving the Writing Skills of Saudi Students in English-Speaking Colleges
Learning a foreign language and using it to enhance a traveling experience is one thing, but using a second language for studies in higher education is truly difficult. Those who are able to accomplish their academic goals in a language that is not their first language achieve something quite remarkable. The purpose of this study is to explore the differences in Saudi students writing in Arabic and English, to research the perceptions of Saudi students regarding their experiences studying abroad and any effects on their writing in English that they attribute to living in an English-speaking country.

While there are many different aspects of English language that make reading, speaking, and writing difficult for students whose first language is not English, one of the most troublesome is cohesion. This paper will explore the concept of cohesion as it impacts the study and…...

Mapping and Writing Skills Remedial
Pages: 2 Words: 698

There may also be expectations as to how the map is drawn such as a fill in the black approach (Miller et al., 2009). Whereas the open ended process does not place any limitations on the shape of the map or the terms that may be used, however, a small selection of trigger terms may be provided to assist the student (Miller et al., 2009). This approach allows the student to create the map in a manner that is conducive to their understanding of the knowledge of a concept (Miller et al., 2009).
Traditionally, concept maps have been paper and pencil tools, however, increasingly computer software has become available as an alternative to concept mapping. This approach allows for more creativity on the part of the student to design their map in a manner that is conducive to their learning style and compartmentalization of information (Miller et al., 2009).

Concept mapping…...



Miller, K.J., Koury, K.A., Fitzgerald, G.E., Hollingsead, C., Mitchem, K.J., Hui-Hsien T. & Park, M.K. (2009). Concept mapping as a research tool to evaluate conceptual change related to instructional methods. Teacher Education & Special Education, 32(4), 365-378.

Ruddell, R.B., & Boyle, O.F. (1989). A study of cognitive mapping as a means to improve comprehension of expository text. Reading Research and Instruction, 29(1), 12 -- 22.

Sturm, J.M. (2002). Effects of hand-drawn and computer-generated concept mapping on the expository writing of middle school students with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 17(2), 124-140.

Zipprich, M.A. (1995). Teaching web making as a guided planning tool to improve student narrative writing. Remedial and Special Education, 16(1), 3 -- 15.

Writing Skills and Students
Pages: 2 Words: 655

pressure of deadlines or scrutiny of the professor, writing can be stressful and nerve-wracking. However, with a few simple tools, any student can learn how to get over any form of "writer's block" and overcome any fear of self-expression. First, it is important to be as unconcerned as possible about lofty diction: that is, using big words. Big words from a young or inexperienced writer can sound artificial and pretentious. Clarity, not fancy language, is the hallmark of good college writing. Second, to improve their writing skills, college students should spend a few minutes organizing their thoughts before starting to actually write the words down. From formal outlines to simple scribbles on a piece of paper, organization can go a long way toward improving a writer's clarity. Finally, a student's writing skills will improve most through lots of practice: thankfully, four years of college offer just about all the…...


Works Cited

'Guide to Grammar and Writing." 2004. Capital Community College Foundation. Online at < http://webster.comment.edu/grammar/>.

"Purdue's Writing Lab." 2003. Purdue University. Online at <  http://owl.english.purdue.edu/ >.

Writing Skills and Reading
Pages: 1 Words: 331

dedication before being able to be successful in it. I challenged myself to take up writing seriously when I started reading different kinds of books, particularly series of books from my favorite authors. Aside from books, I started reading the newspapers and magazines everyday. As I took up this new hobby, I was able to get new ideas and words seem to 'pile up' in my head, allowing me to easily (and appropriately) assign words for a particular thought in my head. Indeed, reading is the first step to successful writing. This is because through reading, one is acquainted with different patterns of thoughts and ideas, and from that range of patterns of thought, I am able to discern which among them will be appropriate for me to use. Thus, I began to become fully interested in writing, allowing myself to express my thoughts in what I hoped to…...

Writing Skills and Students
Pages: 3 Words: 913

Semantics envisages language meaning and the term focuses on the interpretation of individual words and the denotations that arise from word combinations (Chapter 7, n.d.). The word 'song' can elucidate on this definition. The latter refers to a composition of words or a poem that individuals can sing. Additionally, the word 'song' can be used to show the element of possession, for example, ihanna's song. Semantics can be classified into two namely, receptive and expressive facets. eceptive dimension points to the understanding of language. On the other hand, expressive semantics denotes production of meaningful discourse (Chapter 7, n.d.). The classification of semantics engages the generality in objects, actions, and relations between objects.
Pragmatics alludes to the use of language. The term incorporates rules that dominate the engagement of language for social interaction (Chapter 7, n.d.). The rules of pragmatics are centered on influencing the actions and attitudes of the listener. As…...

Skills and Knowledge Area
Pages: 5 Words: 2089

Skills and Knowledge Area
The ability to research and interpret and then apply various local and federal and State laws as well as ordinances related to Community Programs is an extremely important and demanding skill. One example of the demonstration of this ability is that explained by Thomas R. Suozzi, the County Executive of Nassau, and Lorna B. Goodman, County Attorney of Nassau County, in their Annual Report on their County presented in December 2004. Herein, it is stated that with the support of the people of the county, they have managed to indeed accomplish a great many things, and they then proceed to list out the various activities and accomplishments. The first one is, according to the Report that of managing to bring 'in-house' the remaining part of the more than $10 million of specified legal work that had actually been given to the private bar earlier. The reason for…...

Skill Building the Course Work Has Immensely
Pages: 10 Words: 2752

Skill Building
The course work has immensely improved my reading, writing, and thinking skills. Prior to reading the course materials, there were established beliefs on certain issues and interest in me. For example, the issue of racism and health care was a matter that had always caught my attention, because of my Hispanic heritage. acism was a topic of concern and interest, but I was never a victim of any form of racism. Therefore, from the beginning, I was not in a position to fathom the ordeal and experiences minorities go through because of racism. It is through reading, writing and analytical thinking of articles that I appreciated this social dynamic. It has always been difficult for me to explain and imagine that I could be a victim of racism.

After this course, I am able to use my reading skills that have improved and increased my reading speed and comprehension.…...



Bond J. & Bond S. (1994). Sociology and Health Care. NY: Churchill Livingstone.

Parks, J.A. & Wike, V.S. (2010). Bioethics in a changing world. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Wilson, W.K. & Kass, L.R. ( 1998).The ethics ofHuman Cloning.New York: AEI Press.

Skills Are Important Why Are
Pages: 1 Words: 302

Good writing skill, as a form of business communication, is equally important with verbal communication because it makes the latter stronger during business activities.
Furthermore, good writing skill is important in the marketing activities of a business. It is from good writing skills where businesses can exercise marketing strategies for their products and services. For instance, in the advertising brochures distributed by a business to its clients and customers, a good writing skill applied to the development of the brochures can push the company's convincing power in promoting their products and services, thus providing them with a ticket to success.

Good writing skill is important in the business world because good communication enhances the possibility of success to every business endeavors. Good writing skill, being a form of communication, is therefore among the important elements to a…...

Skills Needed for Corrections Investigator
Pages: 3 Words: 775

Program ReflectionFollowing my graduation from college, I hope to pursue a career in criminal justice. Within the field of criminal justice, there are a number of different roles that I could potentially pursue. Like many students studying criminal justice, I am unsure of which specific role I hope to pursue. However, I am certain that I want to work within the federal corrections system. This system is in need of reform, and I hope to be a part of the change. In addition, I believe that my experience as a corrections officer will be valuable in this role.In five years, I do have some hope to be working as a federal corrections investigator. This position would allow me to use my skills to help improve the conditions within the federal corrections system. In ten years, I believe I could build on that experience and be working as a federal correctional…...

Evaluating Research and Scholarly Writing Skills whilst Aging
Pages: 3 Words: 1004

Aging: Evaluating Skill elated To esearch and Scholarly WritingBefore the completion of the doctoral program, conducting research is essential. It gives the student an understanding of core content and emphasizes the techniques utilized in research. The learnings could then be applied to practical life in relevant industries where the doctorate students would step in the future. This paper aims to evaluate my skills related to research and scholarly writing and identify a skill that needs to be improved.Potential Skill That I Would Like To Strengthen For esearchThe potential skill I want to strengthen is research, which is time management. Both primary and secondary research take their respective times to complete; however, primary research is more time-consuming. Since I have completed Week 1 tasks and Week 2 readings are used extensively, I have learned that selecting pertinent content online that should be related to the research question is undoubtedly a vital…...


ReferencesAeon, B., Faber, A. & Panaccio, A. (2021). Does time management work? A meta-analysis? PLoS ONE, 16(1).   J.D., Topp, R.V., Smith, C.E., Cohen, M.Z. & Fahrenwald, N. (2013). Time management strategies for research productivity. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 35(2), 155-176. Dudovskiy, J. (2013). The importance of time management. Business Research Methodology.  https://research-methodology.net/the-importance-of-time-management/ Snyder, H. (2019). Literature review as a research methodology: Overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 104, 333-339.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.07.039https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0245066 Chase,

Skill Assessment Matrix a Shows a Set
Pages: 2 Words: 469

Skill Assessment
Matrix A shows a set of skills and tri-part analysis of those skills for five individuals. The Matrix is based on: S = Strong, W = Weak, or T= In Training. The skill sets are: problem solving, written communications, oral communication, leadership, creativity, goal orientation, multi-tasking, time management, analysis, delegating, and strategic thinking. Analysis of the matrix shows the following:




In Training

Problem Solving


Written Communication

Oral Communication




Goal Orientation




Time Management



Strategic Thinking

Based on the matrix, areas of concern are, in order of ranking:

Oral Communication (3 weak)

Strategic Thinking (4 still in training)

Analytical Skills (3 still in training)

Written Communication (1 weak, 3 in training)

Time Management (1 weak)

If we assign points to each individual as 3 for Strong, 2 for In training, and 1 for weak, we find that the group itself is relatively homogeneous: Joshua, Thea and Michael at 29 points; obert and Melodie at 28 points. This would indicate that, in general, the group is…...



Problem Solving and Analytical Skills. (2009). University of Kent. Retrieved from:  http://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/sk/problem-solving-skills.htm 

Six Types of Oral Communication Activities. (2011). Speaking the Disciplines. Retrieved from:  http://www.speaking.pitt.edu/about/oral-comm.html 

Mind Tools. (2012). Time Management Games and Tools. Mindtools.com. Retrieved from:  http://www.mindtools.com/pages/main/newMN_HTE.htm 

Rein, S. (2012). Three Keys to Improving Your Strategic Thinking. Forbes.com. Retrieved from:  http://www.forbes.com/2010/11/09/strategic-thinking-innovation-creativity-leadership-managing-rein.html

Skills Needed to Successfully Complete
Pages: 3 Words: 929

In that survey, employers in the field of "Health Care and Pharmaceutical" were queried as to the "Top Five Skills That Are Attractive in MBA Graduates." Since my concentration is Healthcare Management, this portion of the survey is of keen interest. Those top five skills, which I believe I possess, include: 1) "ability to think analytically"; 2) "ability to think strategically"; 3) "leadership skills"; 4) "oral communication skills"; 5) and "interpersonal skills."

Moreover, among the Healthcare/Pharmaceutical skills that employers in this survey believe should "be strengthened" through MBA programs, are: "ability to make decisions with imperfect information"; "ability to think strategically"; and "written communication skills."

In conclusion, I wish to address another question which was posed for this essay, "What are your concerns about your ability to be successful in an MBA program?" My concerns are related to how high I can go in my MBA program scholastic achievement -- to what…...



Graduate Management Admission Council (2004). Employer Assessment of MBA

Students. Retrieved December 26, 2004, from  http://www.gmac.com .

Inside Yahoo Education (2004). MBA Skills: What do you need to succeed? Retrieved

December 24, 2004, from  http://education.yahoo.com/college/essentials/articles/biz/mba_skills.html .

How do I write a reflective letter about my growth as a writer after participating in a college composition course?
Words: 355

A reflective letter should accomplish several tasks at once.  Because it is reflective, it should describe something personal to you.  Usually, those are going to be your thoughts on the subject, though it may also include some of your experiences.  For example, in an essay about your growth as a writer after participating in a particular course, you could give examples of experiences you had during the course. Because it is a letter, it should be structured differently than a reflective essay.  You want to include the traditional parts of a letter, including....

What role do teachers play in literacy for all students in all subjects?
Words: 508

Teachers play a crucial and multi-faceted role in promoting literacy across all subjects, not just in language arts. This role extends beyond traditional reading and writing skills to encompass a wide range of literacy types, including digital, informational, and subject-specific literacies. Here’s an overview of the key roles teachers play in literacy for all students in all subjects:

Facilitators of Skill Development: Teachers are responsible for developing students' basic literacy skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This is essential across all subjects, as these skills are the foundation for understanding and engaging with content in any area.

Integrators of Subject-Specific Literacy:....

why is literacy important in all subjects?
Words: 294

Literacy is important in all subjects because it plays a crucial role in fostering effective communication and comprehension. It enables students to understand and interpret information, allowing them to engage with various subjects effectively. Here's the answer with proper spacing and format:

1. Improved Communication: Literacy skills provide students with the ability to read, write, speak, and listen effectively. These skills enhance communication, enabling students to articulate their thoughts, ideas, and opinions clearly in any subject.

2. Comprehension and Critical Thinking: Literacy equips students with the ability to understand and interpret various texts, whether they are related to mathematics, science, humanities, or....

how to write an essay?
Words: 435

Writing an essay involves several key steps that can help structure your thoughts and arguments in a coherent and logical manner. Here is a general guideline on how to write an essay:

1. Choose a topic: Select a topic that interests you and is relevant to the assignment or prompt given by your instructor.

2. Research: Conduct in-depth research on your chosen topic to gather evidence and information to support your arguments.

3. Thesis statement: Develop a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main argument or purpose of your essay.

4. Outline: Create an outline that includes an introduction, body paragraphs with....

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