20th Century U.S. The Development Term Paper


20th Century U.S.

The development of capitalism in the U.S.A. At the second half of the nineteenth century made country of the most dynamically developing industrial states. The expansion to the West, success in Mexican war and abolition of slavery contributed to transformation of the U.S.A. into regional leader in the Western Hemisphere. In late 1890's American companies started their expansion on Latin American markets so that by the first decade of the twentieth century such companies as "United Fruit Company" and others controlled nearly all agricultural exports of Latin America, paving way for penetration of other corporations on Latin American market. Such strategy of economical expansion, supported by official American government allowed the U.S.A. not only to become the richest and the most influential country in the Western hemisphere, but it also gave it the potential to influence world politics in future. Growth of mutual economic and trade ties with major European countries: Great Britain, Germany and France, still did not give the U.S.A. A chance to be treated as equal. Such relationship to the U.S.A. was much resulted by its geographical and political isolation from geopolitical processes in the Old World. Even the success in the Spanish American war of 1898, which turned the U.S.A. into a "young empire" as it received such possessions as Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines and unlimited control over "independent" Cuba didn't make the U.S.A. A world power, as the world politics until 1918 took place mainly in the Old World.

High economical potential, which the U.S.A. acquired, by the beginning of the World War allowed it to turn into one of the most influential economies at the first half of the twentieth century. In a quite a short period of time from the debtor of European super powers it turned into their main creditor and became one of the most influential participants in the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, which defined the future of the after war world. The U.S.A. proved the Old world that it was not only a reliable and responsible ally, but also a financial supporter and a wise diplomat in the most delicate issues of world politics.

20th Century U.S.

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