Adult Learning Ranking Of Relevance Essay

The other factor that is especially relevant to me is that I truly need to feel like I have some control over the learning which is why I enjoy taking online courses which allow me to choose when to study and how to study. Lastly, I am much harder on myself as an adult learner than I was as an adolescent. When I was younger, I did not bother to even look at a teacher's painstaking commentary in my essays whereas now I cannot wait to obtain feedback and I feel an immense amount of passion toward pleasing the instructor, putting forth my best effort, and obtaining the best grade possible. 2. According to the Whole-Part-Whole learning theory, learners scaffold new learning to what they already know. The first part of the learning (the first "whole") refers to building the context and connecting the learner with the organizational framework or, in other words, referred to as building background or connecting to prior learning experiences. In the case of adult learners, the whole part may be accomplished by the teacher explaining and/or the student understanding what the goals are for the subject learning (the Whole-Part-Whole Theory).

In the second stage (the...


For example, this could be done by having learners state the outcome that they desire. In this part, the skills, techniques, and processes of the new learning are done (the Whole-Part-Whole Theory).
In the last stage (the last "whole"), a connection of the parts of the learning need to be made back to the whole (or the objective). Application might help the learner to do this. Additionally, the student's prior knowledge to the new learning should help the learner to construct new meaning of the content (the Whole-Part-Whole Theory).

The Whole-Part-Whole theory is helpful in planning adult learning because it tells us how to make learning such that it is actually acquired. With regard to lesson planning, the teacher must make sure that his or her students know and understand the particular learning objective and that the teacher facilitates a connection of the objective to the students' prior knowledge. Thereafter, the learning part may be done where the "parts" or the new information is provided. This is sometimes referred to as the direct input phase. In the final part, the teacher should

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