Psychology Creating A Workplace Psycho-Educational Term Paper

One needs to take care not to turn away potentially useful members nor to injure feelings in the process. It should never be made public who applied and who was not chosen. For this reason, an initial screening with a survey which all employees fill out using numbers instead of names would probably be the most useful initial recruitment tool. The surveys could be labeled confidential and distributed in such a way that the counselor would know who each one is, but nobody is ever told they can be identified by the counselor. They will probably assume they are totally anonymous. Questions on the survey should be designed to reveal attitudes concerning sexual assault, gender equality, human rights, and social responsibility. I would use the questionnaire to identify people who were...


Some key questions I might ask are: have you or anyone you know ever been in a situation where there was a danger of sexual assault? I would also ask questions about gender bias, even though most adult victims are female. I would ask if they thought such a group could be useful and if they had any interest in participating. Personnel records may also help me to identify potential group members. The final selection before issuing invitations to join would be to interview the possible participants.
The most difficult aspect of this selection process would be to turn anyone away who was interested. In order to avoid this situation if possible, I would send out thanks you responses to

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