Psychological Counseling Session For Wile Case Study

Likewise, it seems that the patient may also have sublimated repressed his anger at and maybe a perpetual rivalry with at his father by dedicating his entire life to achieving the one accomplishment that his neither his father nor any of his siblings ever achieved: catching a road runner. Furthermore, it would seem that the patient is mainly driven by ego-based issues; specifically, he has devoted his life to fulfilling the definitions established by his father and family of origin of personal worth. Consequently, he has over-valued the goal of catching the road runner far beyond its actual worth as a meal. The fact that much of the ridicule to which he was exposed during his psychosocial developmental stages occurred during the anal phase is consistent with his...


He has taken the trouble to print business cards that read "Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius" and has also adorned his caves with the same moniker on his front door (when his caves have a door, that is). To maintain that identity, the patient has also had to rely heavily on rationalization because the evidence that he is not particularly bright or foresighted and that there is no rational need to pursue the road runner should have been more obvious, even with limited canine intelligence.

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