Adulthood It Is A Fact Essay

Here and there was a person who seemed to be in his or her sixties, experiencing somewhat slow movement. These people were, however, in the minority. Most people within the middle age group wore glasses. I was unable to get close enough to see any hearing aids among the age group. This is in keeping with the finding that minor adjustments, such as reading glasses, would be enough to maintain a normal lifestyle. Hearing aids would seldom be necessary, since only high pitched sounds become inaudible to those in their later middle age. In terms of psychology, most people in the middle age group seemed to be accompanied by either a spouse or partner. Most of these people seemed to be in a romantic relationship with their companions. Most of the couples in this relationship seemed to enjoy each other's company. Here and there one partner in a couple would seem either bored or in a bad mood. These, however, were in the...


Others in the same age group seemed to be by themselves, without any companions, while a third group were part of a family, including a younger couple with children. Most people in this age group seemed happy and/or content, which correlates with the fact that psychologically, many in their middle age have found a stable life partner and/or work they find fulfilling and enjoyable.
My conclusion is that most people in their middle ages seem to enjoy a type of "golden mean" between relatively good physical health and a sense of psychological and emotional fulfilment. The majority of these people appear to enjoy their later working years or early retirement. Most appear to enjoy the companionship of family members and/or spouses. Even those who visited the mall without any companions appeared to be relatively satisfied. These are the impressions I gained when observing the middle age group at the mall.

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"Adulthood It Is A Fact", 01 March 2013, Accessed.4 May. 2024,

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