Behavior Management A Case Study Case Study

Behavior Management Lee Canter's theory on classroom discipline is designed to accomplish two primary objectives: 1) Increase teachers' efficiency when dealing with student disruption, and 2) to reduce incidences of unacceptable behavior by students by providing proactive instruction about expected student behavior (Burden, 2003). Canter recommends a three-step cycle of behavior management to increase the positive behavior of students and ensure a productive learning environment. The three-steps of the positive behavior management cycle are as follows: 1) Pre-teach the positive behaviors that students are to perform; 2) Use positive repetition to reinforce the incidence of desirable behaviors; and, 3) If undesirable behavior do occur, following implementation of steps 1) and 2) above, the negative consequences outline in students' Discipline Plan may be used. Underlying this three-step cycle is a belief that children learn to make good choices through clear follow-up with appropriate and understood positive and negative consequences (Arthur-Kelly et al., 2006).

First Grade Student -- Disruptive Behavior

Bernard is a new student in the first grade classroom in which Ms. Woods teaches. This is Ms. Woods...


Ms. Woods has referred him for special services assessment, but she is adamant that all children in her classroom can benefit from modeling and reinforcing positive behavior. For children who appear to need the most support to engage in desirable behaviors, Ms. Woods has learned that a specific plan individually geared to each child, is very helpful with expedient positive behavior change.
Bernard exhibits the following problem behaviors in the classroom: Difficulty staying in his seat for long, even when happily engaged in activities; social talking when in a group setting, highly distracted during transitions from setting to setting and during task shifts, and inattention when instructions are being given.

Bernard has a propensity to engage in the following positive behaviors: Sharing (information, physical play space, items of interest);…

Sources Used in Documents:


Burden, P.R. (2003). Classroom management: Creating a successful learning community (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.

Arthur-Kelly et al. (2006) "Classroom Management: Creating positive learning environments" (2nd ed.) Austin, TX: Thomson.

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