BRFSS Prevalence And Trends Data Sources Of Epidemiologic Data Essay



Sources of Epidemiologic Data

In this write-up, I elected to focus on the BRFSS Prevalence and Trends Data. It is important to note that the BRFSS (which is the acronym for Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System) happens to be an instrumental health survey tool that largely concerns itself with various behavioral risk factors (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC, 2022). As the CDC (2022) further indicates, this particular tool makes use of telephone surveys to collect state data about U.S. residents regarding their health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventive services.

In the present context, the health issue I identified relates to depression as a chronic health indicator. I opted to focus on the state of New York. I was particularly interested in this particular mental health concern owing to the fact that various past studies have indicated that depression could be a potent risk factor in as far as the development of certain chronic illnesses is concerned. Indeed, in the words of Voinov, Richie, and Bailey (2013), the role of depression as a major independent risk factor and a negative prognostic indicator for many important chronic illnesses including heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes is now well documented (64). The data generated from my query indicates that approximately 15% of those polled have in the past been diagnosed with a form of depression. If we are to rein in the prevalence of chronic illnesses, there is need to address this particular mental health concern due to its potency as a risk factor.

Below is the graph generated from the system (BRFSS Prevalence & Trends Data: Explore by Location | DPH | CDC).


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC (2022). Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Voinov, B., Richie, W.D. & Bailey, R.K. (2013). Depression and Chronic Diseases: It Is Time for a Synergistic Mental Health and Primary Care Approach. Prim Care Companion, CNS Disord., 15(2), 63-71.

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"BRFSS Prevalence And Trends Data Sources Of Epidemiologic Data" (2022, May 18) Retrieved May 3, 2024, from

"BRFSS Prevalence And Trends Data Sources Of Epidemiologic Data" 18 May 2022. Web.3 May. 2024. <>

"BRFSS Prevalence And Trends Data Sources Of Epidemiologic Data", 18 May 2022, Accessed.3 May. 2024,

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