Common Sense And Values Essay

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¶ … pre-provided Kirst-Ashman text that focuses on values. There will be a brief two page review of the chapter and what was learned from the same. Alongside the summary of the topics of value and ethnic maters, there will be at least one example given what relates to the ethical or value-based problem presented for the agency that the author is familiar with and how it was solved. While ethics and values may seem to be common sense and easy to decipher to many, there are some layers and variations that must be accounted for and taken seriously. As noted at the very onset of the chapter in question, the very first chapter of the relevant text covered values and ethics. However, this chapter goes a bit deeper in that it explains how common sense can devolve into confusion if the proper factors and decision points are not taken into account. Also important to remember, per the chapter text, is that ethics and values are similar and related but they are not the same thing. Values come down to what is good and desirable for a given organization or situation. On the other hand, ethics come down to what is right and correct. Indeed, there could be an amount of discord between what is "correct" and what is "desirable" for the same situation. When these imperfections rise to the top, there are often situations that lead to solutions that are incomplete, less than perfect and be, in short, a mixed bag for everyone involved.

One example cited by the book and an example that is also known full well by the author of this report given the agency and employer experience in play is that absolutely no one that enters an organization is a "blank slate." They were born and raised based on the values, norms...


What is "desirable" to one person may be similar to the dominant and common group of an employer or there may be some or a lot of variation. Indeed, a Muslim in a group of mostly Christians is going to have a different mindset. At the very least, that outcome is at least somewhat likely. Similarly, a person that has been doing business in the United Kingdom is going to find that things are a little different if that same person comes to the United States. This does not mean that the people and parties involved cannot get alone and come to a resolution, quite the opposite. The point is that doing so will likely be more complex and hard to solve than if everyone is more homogenous and monolithic.
With that in mind, it can be useful to conduct a full and honest appraisal of personal a professional values. This is valuable from an introspective standpoint as well as an outward-facing and collective one. Beyond that, taking an ethical dilemma that is already complex and less than easy to solve can be made all the more worse when value and ethical conflicts come into play. Even with the prevailing culture is seemingly the same…

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