Environment Ethics The Main Idea Essay


On the one hand, a Westerner such as myself could read Rose's essay regarding this perspective of the future and the land that is supposed to engender it and think is little more than a quaint tale, some outmoded way of dealing with life that has no practical application to the modern world. However, there seems to be a lot of sense in the approach that the Aborigines take regarding the world that birthed them, and which they in turn believe they must protect to create a future existence for others.

The part that I identify with the most is the aspect of living in harmony with the world, as opposed to trying to control it. In Western society, the age-old struggle has always been man attempting to assert his will over that of nature, which of course includes the world and pretty much everything else in it other than man. The Aboriginal viewpoint discussed...


The earth, I believe, is not something that should be tamed and taken advantage of, rather than something that should be protected and preserved. Therefore, from an ethical perspective I see a lot of validity in the perspective of the Aborigines.
In summary, there is a substantial amount of validity to adopting an Aboriginal viewpoint and working to preserve the world, as opposed to attempting to control it. These native people believe that by doing so they are actually shaping the future, and provisioning one for their progeny and the rest of the world. I am not certain is doing so is actually molding the future, but it certainly is taking control of the present and facilitating a symbiotic relationship between man and nature, which I believe is ideal.

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