Environmental Pressures Of The Military Research Paper

Environmental and Organizational Pressures Sample Create a table where at least three (3) organizational pressures and at least three (3) environmental pressures in the organization are illustrated and rank those pressures according to their influence.


Environmental Pressure

Organizational Pressure

Carbon emissions and overall sustainability

Ranking and promotion characteristics with the military.

Heavy bureaucracy

Dependency on natural resources and their overall depletion

The ability to attract, hire and retain talented individuals to serve in the military

Identifying and using alternative energy and packaging solutions

Cultural sensitivity and its meaning within the organization.

Describe in detail the environmental and organizational pressures that exist in the organization and how they have evolved over time.

In regards to organization pressures within the military, much has changed due to varying societal norms. What was once deemed unacceptable by society has now become acceptable for society overall. As such, these changes have manifested themselves in the military. One such aspect is cultural sensitivity in regards to the overall work environment. The emergency of globalization, and is subsequent welcoming by the developed work, has ushered in a new form of thinking. In many instances, varying cultures are now needed to help identify and understand very complex issues of national security. Many developed militaries have thus embraced the concept of globalization, by using culture as means of defending their respective nations. Aspects such as cultural intelligence, economic insights and overall cultural awareness are all particular important in the military. Therefore, the pressure to incorporate varying customs and cultures into the military has thus become very profound (Visser, 2007).

Another factor that contributes heavily to the overall organization pressures of the military is the ability to attract and retain competent individuals. In some instances, the military must contend with the negative stigma attached to war and battle. Many, very competent individuals elect not to join the military for fear of being moved to war torn areas such as the middle east. As such, the military as an organization, must address the overall appeal of the association, as it relates to society. The organization must do this in a manner that attracts varying cultures and background to help protect the nation. This task is very difficult, as marketing can only alter societal perceptions so much. Therefore, the organization is pressured in its ability to attract, train, and retain competent individuals.

The third and final factor pressuring military organizations is their antiquated manner of promotion and ranking. In many circumstances, talent individuals are not promoted quickly enough within the organization. This discourages individuals who would otherwise be great candidates for a particular promotion, but must wait as heavy bureaucracy inhibits growth. The bureaucratic nature of the military slows down decision making, and ultimately the performance of the entire organization. A large and convoluted layer of bureaucracy hinders swift and otherwise decisive action. This is particular prevalent as the information age now requires very timely and accurate use of information. Information, the time it is received are now critical functions of any military presence. Strikes can not only occur in the physical realm, but also over the internet. Cyber attacks are just as prevalent as those of physical means. Therefore, the overall promotional systems within the military should be enhanced in a manner that allows competent individuals to rise quickly within the organization. Currently, individuals must take long extensive tests and then wait in many instances, for years to receive work of promotion. This only hinders progress within the overall military. Therefore it pressures the organizations primary function of protecting its respective country (Armstrong, 1977).

In regards to environmental pressures, the military has much work to do. An aspect such the military's over reliance on oil and petroleum-based products is of particular importance. Petroleum is a finite resource; therefore overall reliance on it can result in consequences for military vehicles and personnel. In addition, the advancement of alternative energy sources provides the military with innovation pressures in regards to its overall operations. Armored vehicles, war ships, and artillery, may all be altered through the emergence of alternative energy solutions. Finally, the overall sustainability of current methods provides environmental pressures on the military. Using petroleum-based products over time will become unsustainable. As such, the military is pressured through the disruptive forces of innovation on the underlying operations of the organization. In addition, reliance on unsustainable and inefficient commodities can cause pressure on the organization. In many cases, these commodities are finite in nature and thus can not be used forever.

Explain how the identified environmental and organizational...


This pressure is as difficult to enumerate as it is to quantify. For one, it is difficult to quantify inefficient behaviors or the lack of productivity from a disgruntled worker. However, the redundant nature of the many activities within the military, cause cautions. For example, the extensive rules, mundane job responsibilities, and lack of innovation are not conducive to today's rapidly changing environment. As such wasted time can cost the military a vast amount of money. Understandably, a bureaucracy is a model designed to perform complex tasks efficiently. Bureaucratic organizations are typically large organizations, and they are characterized by formalized rules and regulations, systematic record-keeping and archiving of past decisions. In addition many military organizations are characterized by formalized planning for the future, hierarchies of status, defined career paths, both within the organization and across the organization, a concern for organizational identity, and other features. However, these characteristics cost the military money. The planning process in particular is very extensive. In order for changes to be enacted, large amounts of personnel must be contacted, and all must agree. In many instances this takes away valuable time from individuals who can be doing more productive activities. Bureaucracy's least-appreciated features are its proneness to creating "paper trails" and piles of rules. Not only do these "paper trails" waste valuable time, they also waste material resources that can use elsewhere in the organization.
In addition, from a financial perspective environmental issues can actually help the military save resources and money at the same time. Alternative energy solutions in particular seem to be very promising. Unmanned airplanes powered by solar energy, and electric vehicles seem to provide a better means of achieving mission results without the added costs of fuel and other commodities.

Explain how the identified environmental and organizational pressures impact you personally and/or the other employees of the company.

The first pressure that impacts me personally is departmental squabbles within the organization. Each department has its own agenda; departments don't cooperate to help other departments get the job done. As such, many department works against one another as oppose to with one another. The head of a department feels responsible first for protecting the department, its people and its budget, even before helping to achieve the organization's mission. In addition, there is political in-fighting, with executives striving for personal advancement and power. As indicated earlier, the promotional system is very antiquated and results in very disgruntled employees. Culturally, the organization has the potential to become more efficient and innovative. I personally interact with varying backgrounds and thought processes. As such, the idea generation within the company is very compelling. However due to outdate process, these great ideas rarely come to fruition. In regards to the environmental pressures mentioned above, alternative energy solutions that save the company money are now entering the forefront. Technological innovations have reduced carbon emissions and waste. The use of paperless transactions, video conferencing, and email are just a few of the innovations occurring within my work environment.

Assess how the organization has reacted to the organizational and environmental pressures identified in Criterion 1.

The organization has reacted admirable in regards to cultural pressures. The organization has taken a proactive in regards to activity seeking diverse candidates with unique attributes. These hires have provided valuable insights into the manner in which the organization operates and conducts itself. In addition, the organization, to an extent has streamlines processes. Due primarily to the great recession, many convoluted job processes have been eliminated. In addition, many jobs have been eliminated or streamlined altogether. This has made decision making, much more rapid within the organization.

Propose at least one (1) strategy that could be utilized to reduce one (1) of the environmental pressures identified in Criterion 1 and at least one (1) strategy that could be utilized to reduce one (1) of the organizational pressures identified in Criterion 1.

Strategy to help improve innovation

I would first, focus on new offerings that re important in growing the innovation capacity of the entire organization. I would accomplish this by constantly improving the innovation processes the organization uses. I would want to move potential solutions from rough concepts to the point it is providing value, to both your internal and external customers. I would also want to energize and sustain a work context that supports constant learning, experimentation and improvement. These core concepts are often prerequisites of innovation. Finally my strategy would increase the ability of people to…

Sources Used in Documents:


1) Visser, Wayne, Dirk Matten, Manfred Pohl, and Nick Tolhurst (Editors) (2007). The A to Z. Of Corporate Social Responsibility. London, England; New York, NY: Wiley. ISBN 978-0-470-72395-1

2) Armstrong, Scott (1977). "Social Irresponsibility in Management." Journal of Business Research (Elsevier North-Holland Inc.) 15: 115 -- 203. http://marketing.wharton.upenn.edu/ideas/pdf/armstrong2/social.pdf.

3) Kalinda, B. (Ed.). Social Responsibility and Organizational Ethics. (2001). Encyclopedia of Business and Finance (2nd ed., Vol. 1). New York: Macmillan Reference

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