Gambling - A Victimless Crime Term Paper


These subcultures discourage respect for property, encourage violence and revenge, and depress the economy of the areas in which they operate (Consensual pp). Federal and state laws prohibit the placing of bets on professional and college sporting events in every state except Nevada, yet, illegal sports wagering continues to prosper (Saum pp). The main reason for the increase in illegal sport wagering is that society accepts gambling and believes there are no victims (Saum pp). In fact, gambling is becoming an accepted activity in areas of the country that never before had access, virtually everyone can buy a lottery ticket, bet on a horse, or drive to a riverboat casino just a short trip away (Saum pp).

Due to its growing popularity, people are becoming less sensitive to the dangers of gambling and more and more are viewing sports wagering as a socially acceptable way to enjoy sporting events with no victims (Saum pp). However, according to Michael Franzese, son of a former under-boss for the Columbo crime family, the profits from illegal sports wagering help finance other activities, such as drug sales and loan-sharking (Saum pp).

Law enforcement must ensure that compliance with Federal and state laws is a high priority,...


Illegal sports gambling will continue to grow unless there is a strong effort to enforce state and Federal laws prohibiting such activity (Saum pp).
Even legal gambling of any kind divides many communities because some individuals often perceive it as socially destructive and morally wrong (Peck pp).

Works Cited

Consensual crime."

Peck, Donald L. "When Casino Gambling Comes to Your Hometown: The Biloxi Experience.(law enforcement management strategies)"

The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. 1/1/2001. Retrieved July 13, 2005 from HighBeam Research Library Web site.

Saum, William S. "Sports Gambling in College: Cracking Down on Illegal

Betting." USA Today. 7/1/1999. Retrieved July 12, 2005 from HighBeam Research Library Web site

Victimless Crime." Dictionary.LaborLaw.Com

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Consensual crime."

Peck, Donald L. "When Casino Gambling Comes to Your Hometown: The Biloxi Experience.(law enforcement management strategies)"

The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. 1/1/2001. Retrieved July 13, 2005 from HighBeam Research Library Web site.

Saum, William S. "Sports Gambling in College: Cracking Down on Illegal

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