Human Behavior Theories Essay

Human Behavior Theories Application There are several factors that have been used to explain human behavior in the past and there have been accurate instances that these theories have proven to be applicable and true. The subject of this human behavior study application will be a close friend with whom we study in college. Vincent (not real name) has been a friend from the mid childhood years and we have been through high school together and now at the college. He is an engineering student who has all along proven to be very committed to the academics and been leading in position and performance in high school. Vincent is 19 years old and of the African-American race, his family resides in California and most of the extended family members value collective living and not living separately in different cities. He is not from a rich background and depends mostly on educational grants to go trough his studies. The family struggles with average jobs to ensure the family is provided for and they highly value collective efforts in helping one of them if there is some need that arises. The family does not only depend on average jobs that have little pay but also have some uncles who are into small scale businesses that help subsidies the incomes of their wives. Vincent studied in public schools throughout and was lucky to get scholarship due to his outstanding performance in academics and behavior that has been commendable throughout his school life. Being one who recognizes the difficulties that he has grown under and the state of their family, he has been engaging in vocational jobs that have been instrumental in enabling him to get finances for subsidiary use and in effect relieving the family of unnecessary burdens. I have known him to overstretch himself to the extent of ignoring his leisure and much needed peer company in order to get to work or to go study in most instances.

Vincent has been of sound health and physically healthy in most instances and his family has no history of any mental health issues. The diet is one that all the average families have in the U.S. And the nutrition is sufficient by all standards. One outstanding issue if that his father who was also an engineer died wile Vincent was 10 years old, leaving him with the mother who brought him up as a single mother, with the much love she could provide. He is the second among the three siblings.

Vincent is tall and has dark hair as the skin too. He is generally slow in reaction and always seems to gauge his reactions to anything that is said or he is subjected to. He talks less and apparently seems to open up more when he is with senior professional people like lawyers, engineers and doctors. He likes watching complex science fiction movies and playing complex games like chess. In his arguments or conversations, he does not like to refer to his family and whenever he doer, it is very brief and absolutely inevitable.

Theory of psychology applicable

In the study of the behavior of Vincent,...


The BPS approach combines three important factors that are considered to be key in influencing the behavior of individuals namely the Biological factors, for instance the inherent features that an individual has like height, race, color of the hair can effectively influence his behavior through how he reacts to others view of his inherent biological features. The psychological aspects are also known to influence human behavior for instance the emotional disposition that an individual goes through in his daily life, the thought process that he is inculcated into from the tender age can also influence the behavior later on as well as the behaviors of people and the individual can influence his personality. The social aspects are also known to influence personality and behavior since the socio-environment factors that the individual lives through daily and the socio-economic conditions and the cultural background can effectively shape the personality of an individual as he grows up, the things he will like and the direction he may want his life to take.
The BPS theory hence posits that these three spheres of life work together to influence the personality and the behavior or an individual and also determines the health or illness of the individual. There are variations in the biological influence that determine the mental health of individuals and may include the possible infections, genetics, nutrition of the individual, presence of toxins in the body, physical trauma or even hormones. The psychological aspect will be determined by the possible psychological causes of health problems like the emotional turmoil, lack of self-control in the environment and individual and negative thinking in the individual can determine the personality of that individual. The social and cultural aspects on the other hand are shaped by the stressful conditions the person might have undergone in his lifetime or on a given instance like the loss of a job or loved ones, these can significantly affect the behavior and personality that and individual may later display.

Theory application

From the BPS theory above, it is possible to better understand the behavior of an individual and know the reasons why he may be doing what he does on a frequent basis. These explanations of the BPS theory and the causatives have helped me understand Vincent more and the reasons behind the behaviors that he displays, things that I could have not well understood despite being a close friend for long. The biological factors; Vincent is from the African-American and there is an overwhelming need for him to prove that he is equally capable like the other races in the U.S. hence the habit of working extra hard and with determination, even to the extent of foregoing his leisure to make sure he delivers academically, just as well as other students since in their family education is highly valued and…

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