Information Systems Have Changed The Essay

Looking back into the way the printing press functioned at the inception is an environment characterized by intensive labor and collaboration of efforts to bring to birth probably one of the most significant sources of information existing in the present age (Eisenstein, 2007, p 102). The printing press actually created a platform that advocated for literacy even to the uninterested and in the end, transforming a number of people into believers of the saying knowledge is power. Like all subjects of evolution, the printing press is no exemption considering that it has transitioned from the days of clay tablets through to oil and paper and many more that form the transition tree (Eisenstein, 2007, p 102). According to Isaac & Mckay, the presence of the writing press has accountably complimented the nature in which writing looks and feels considering prior its invention, writing consisted of words scribbled by hands with minimal or no respect to authenticity or grammar (Isaac & Mckay, 2008, p 216). It was bad enough that what existed prior the invention of the printing press consisted of unpunctuated and illegible hence the call for a change in motif and invention. The printing press has acted as a source of social intellect and finesse to most if not everybody has interest in keeping up with current information (Isaac & Mckay, 2008, p 216). A complementary factor that has greatly enhanced the accounted for the relevance of the printing press probably is the consistency to which the industry has managed to keep not forgetting the presence of factors such as the internet that have created great doubt in its survival (Isaac & Mckay, 2008, p 216). One of the greatest competitors of the printing press, the internet, has greatly diminished the authenticity of the decor previously bestowed to the printing press (Isaac & Mckay, 2008, p 216).

Even though the internet apparently is as a subsidiary of the printing press, comprehensively associating the context of the internet to be prerequisites of the printing press may be to most people thought of as an abuse of legitimacy and collaboration of efforts (Isaac & Mckay, 2008, p 216). Firstly, most of the publications found on the internet are of a commercial thesis with little or no effort put to actual investigation and accountability. Secondly, information found on the internet comprises of data mostly collected or conceptualized by a single individual and is in most cases not factual but focused on a target audience (Isaac & Mckay, 2008, p 216).

Most of the relevance associated to the press originates from the fact it operates on a rule of conduct characterized by use of legitimate language that has in turn promoted readers understanding and interpret information (Isaac & Mckay, 2008, p 216). According to Isaac & Mckay, consistency in the printing press content has also generated the urge of readers to embark on reading hence improving individual reading experience. Due to the rules contained in printing press, the reader interpretation focuses on the context of an article and deduces the information from a pragmatic analysis hence conceptualizing information as intended by the writer without evading from their intent (Isaac & Mckay, 2008, p 216).

The printing press has generally played an essential role to the way people work by being a reference to evolution and providing motivation by being consistent. The printing press has undergone numerous transitions over the year but has surprisingly managed to keep the most essential part of its relevance intact vis-a-vis information (Martin, & Copeland, 2009, p 346). Information systems play subject to the demands of society and economics and in the end loose the essentiality that placed them in the pedestal of relevance. According to Martin, & Copeland, society has depended on printing press for information five hundred years ago until now not necessarily from the application of technology, but from the ability to access information that they trust. This is since readers realize that the context...


The printing press has strengthened the urge of people to want to learn of their misconceptions and gain perspective of the facts from a source that they can believe comprehensively (Martin, & Copeland, 2009, p 346).
According to Martin and Copeland, the printing press has superseded the simple expectation of information provider to actual usage in a number of compromising situations. Examples of the use of the printing press include its use in the European civilization by being a medium of communication with fast and reliable information (Martin, & Copeland, 2009, p 346). Through the printing press, books of secular nature became available opposing the stereotype of only gospel books being in print form. The European civilization pays great tribute to the presence of the different forms of printing press mostly by endorsing a great number of people and transforming them into active readers (Martin, & Copeland, 2009, p 346). Through the printing press, aspects such as the control of the church to all royalties of written information quickly became invalid. Imperatively the invention of the printing press is arguably the basis to which factors such as contemporary writing and the computer itself came to existence (Martin, & Copeland, 2009, p 346).


Undoubtedly, the presence of the printing press remains among the most significant aspects of the modern world. Before gadgets such as the television or the radio came to existence, the printing press carried out the responsibility of disseminating knowledge and giving the public a candid opinion of matters at hand at the most competent level. Considering the controversy surrounding the freedom of press, Martin & Copeland suggests that it is safe to say that the printing press is a not a force to reckon with and that its applicability and relevance to the public is a phenomenon that will exist for the long haul.


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BABUS-KA, R., & GROEN, F.C.A. (2010). Interactive collaborative information systems. Berlin, Springer-Verlag.

EISENSTEIN, E.L. (2007). The printing press as an agent of change: communications and cultural transformations in early-modern Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

FEBVRE, L., & MARTIN, H.-J. (2007). The coming of the book: the impact of printing 1450-1800. London [u.a.], Verso.

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KEGAN, R. (2001). How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work Seven Languages for Transformation. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.^u.

KING, J.L., & LYYTINEN, K. (2006). Information systems: the state of the field. Hoboken,

NJ, J. Wiley & Sons.

LOWRY, G.R. (2007). Information systems and technology education: from the university to the workplace. Hershey, Pa, Information Science Reference.

MARTIN, S.E., & COPELAND, D.A. (2009). The function of newspapers in society: a global perspective. Westport, Conn. [u.a.], Praeger.

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Sources Used in Documents:


AXELROD, R.H. (2002). Terms of engagement: changing the way we change organizations. San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler.

BABUS-KA, R., & GROEN, F.C.A. (2010). Interactive collaborative information systems. Berlin, Springer-Verlag.

EISENSTEIN, E.L. (2007). The printing press as an agent of change: communications and cultural transformations in early-modern Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

FEBVRE, L., & MARTIN, H.-J. (2007). The coming of the book: the impact of printing 1450-1800. London [u.a.], Verso.
KEGAN, R. (2001). How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work Seven Languages for Transformation. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.^u.
O'DELL, C.S., & HUBERT, C. (2011). The new edge in knowledge how knowledge management is changing the way we do business. Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley & Sons.

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