Issues Of Social Importance Essay

Sociological Issues of Our Times Self compassion can actually play an integral role in stress management. Self compassion involves considering one's self and dealing with it in such a way that one is able to make allowances, and to treat one's self in an advantageous way. To that end self-compassion certainly decreases stress while bolstering physical health. People who take the time to treat themselves well are able to be compassionate and kind to themselves. Therefore, when things go awry or when they make mistakes, they do not indulge in lengthy negative feelings of guilt or melancholy that function as punishments. Instead, they are able to react in a way that is more positive, and which helps to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions. There is a definite correlation between such negative emotions and physical health. People who work or live in stressful environment typically incur physical manifestations of such stress in their physical health. In this respect, a greater sense of self-compassion helps to keep stress levels at a manageable basis, which in turn actually promotes physical health.

Personally, it seems as though college students cheat for a variety of reasons. Most of those reasons pertain to the fact that cheating essentially provides a means for such students to achieve their academic goals in a way that functions as the path of least resistance. It is oftentimes easier to cheat than to work hard, quicker to cheat than to study and ascertain a correct answer than oneself, and more academically beneficial to cheat than...


Thus, college students cheat because cheating represents the path of least resistance to purported academic success. Rational choice theory would explain cheating in college by emphasizing that students believe that they can get good grades with little effort by cheating. Therefore, such boons would make cheating a rational choice. This explanation is a good explanation for cheating, simply because it is aligned with the author's notion of the reality that cheating frequently presents the path of least resistance to academic success. There is one or more important factor that rational choice theory overlooks. These include ethics, morality, religious conviction, and spirituality. These factors are overlooked in rational choice theory because they do not expressly apply to logic and reason. An individual can rationalize a choice without involving spirituality or religious conviction. Some might even argue that these things, along with ethics and morality exist simply to guide such decisions and ensure that logic is not the final consideration when making choices.
The issue I chose to study was oil dependence. Oil dependence relates to dominant U.S. value in a very important way. The U.S. is one of the biggest consumers of oil and natural resources on the planet. Furthermore, there are numerous people in this country who are concerned with the price of oil and of gas, in particular. 3b. My own views on this subject are that oil dependence is a noxious occurrence, and one that readily requires…

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