Job Description: My Ideal Job Essay


And some may have more unconventional majors and backgrounds, although business education of some sort is required. Skills: Knowledge of computers is a must, as is a keen interest and familiarity with organizational psychology. Some knowledge of employee testing may be required, if these techniques are used at the company to profile and type positions. Additionally, the HR staff should be knowledgeable enough about organizational functions, including technology and finance, to have some idea of the suitability of potential employee's education and background for these positions. Communicating with peers, subordinates, and superiors in an effective manner through written, spoken, and online communication is a must so people can understand their benefits packages and sensitive aspects of discrimination policy. Some legal knowledge may be helpful, and depending upon the type of position, required. The ability to deal with different types of people from all aspects of the organization, from...


Work in diversity training, and fluency in the language of managerial psychology (such as the different Jungian 'types,' and Myers-Brigg analysis) would also be desirable. One of the advantages of applying for a job in HR is that there are few experiences which cannot be applied in some fashion to the work. Living abroad, for example, gives a candidate experience in interacting with people from different cultures. Formal training in facilitating training sessions, EEOC law, mediating harassment negotiations, and experience in 'stress management' to deal with the personal and multitasking dimensions of the job would all be beneficial.
Works Cited

Human resource manager. O*Net. Last revised 2008. September 14, 2009.

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Works Cited

Human resource manager. O*Net. Last revised 2008. September 14, 2009.

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