Job Descriptions There Are A Number Of Term Paper

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Job Descriptions There are a number of elements to a good job description. In order to create the job description, the interview will need to find out as much about these elements as possible. The Small Business Association (2013) produces a guide to help entrepreneurs understand the elements of effective job descriptions. The first is to simply define the job in terms of its title and level. Then the broad function and scope of the position need to be understood. Then there needs to be a list of the key duties and tasks that are performed, both ones that have been officially understood and those that are perhaps unofficial. (So a dishwasher would have an official task of cleaning the dishes but unofficially is also the person who takes the trash out most of the time). The job description should have an understanding then of the skills, experience, abilities, education and other traits that are necessary for success in the position. This is a critical part of the job description, and should encompass both formal training and informal skills as well. Lastly, the SBA advises that job descriptions should not be inflexible. Job descriptions should also cover special issues with the position, such as longer than normal hours, dangerous working conditions, travel requirements, physical requirements and other issues that a potential hiring manager or prospective employee would want to know about (Verma, 2013). Further, the reporting relationships of the position must also be described.

The checklists that derive from this are as follows. They should have the following categories: Basic overview, tasks and responsibilities, key requirements, reporting relationships, special issues.


Job Title

Job Level




There is also a section at the beginning just to provide basic information about the position, such as the job title. The key duties section seeks to…

Sources Used in Documents:

References (2013). Writing effective job descriptions. Small Business Association. Retrieved December 13, 2013 from

Verma, A. (2013). Job descriptions: an employer's handbook. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada Retrieved December 13, 2013 from

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