Leadership Encounters Research Paper


Framing realistic goals for change is a critical component of success for all educational leaders. Dynamic assertives often act as change leaders but they are most effective when their vision of change is securely grounded and articulated in a specific way. Dynamic assertives can motivate people to exceed preconceived limitations but this does not mean they can bulldoze change through. They must be able to understand the perspectives and the concerns of those whom they are trying to encourage to actualize their potential. Leadership is always about dialogue and communication. No matter how positive the traits of a dynamic assertive, he or she still needs to sell those ideas to listeners. The risk of a dynamic assertive is to assume because he or she sees the change as necessary, everyone else does. Thus, I think...


Also, there is a problem that these types of leaders can be so instinctual that deadlines and policies are not adhered to in a rigorous fashion. However, I do think that a creative assertive leader would be willing to listen to your ideas and one of the advantages of such a leaders is that he or she would be more likely to judge people based upon the merits of high-quality ideas than by the positions of…

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